ForumsGame WalkthroughsHow to get the Binging Bear Quest for Bullet Heaven 2

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Hello and thanks for reading. In this post, I will give you as many tips as I can for doing the Binging Bear quest for Bullet Heaven 2. I really tried doing this quest and after grinding, rage and determination I finally did it, so I thought making it easier for some people would be nice. First of all, let’s begin with the preparations.

I would recommend you choose the third boss (level 3-5) in the normal difficulty setting to do the quest, since it throws many bullets in a relatively easy way to graze them. You don’t even have to put a higher difficulty (unless you feel you can’t do it otherwise.) Let’s continue:

Things you should get:

The first thing you should buy is the Red Wings costume for Natalia (and Natalia if you haven’t already bought her) as it increases your graze radius, making bullet grazing easier for you. Purchasing the following cheats would also be very helpful:

- Extra Heart 1

- Extra Heart 2

- Foes Drop Hearts

- More Items

Now you’re all set, but before we move in the battle, I will mention on which waves you should Stay or Skip. For example, you could skip a wave where there are not enough bullets to graze or a wave they’re hard to dodge. (Note: By staying, I mean to graze as many bullets you can WITHOUT killing the boss and by skipping the exact opposite, killing the boss without paying attetnion to grazing.)


Wave 1: No boss yet, just kill the enemies and move on.

Wave 2: It can give you a lot of grazed bullets, but it’s pretty risky, so Stay or Skip.

Wave 3: Not many bullets and they are very slow on grazing. Skip.

Wave 4: Decent amount of bullets, but a bit risky because of the yellow ones that keep targeting you. Stay or Skip.

Wave 5: Not a good one, Skip.

Wave 6: Pretty easy to dodge and many bullets can be grazed when the boss stops for a while on the left and right sides. Stay.

Wave 7: This wave is probably the one where you will graze the most bullets. Stay. Just be careful when the bullet stream suddenly changes direction.

Wave 8: Kind of risky and not very helpful. Skip

Wave 9: This one looks like the previous one, but it has a pattern, making bullets easier to graze. Its disadvantage though is that it has not many bullets. So, Stay or Skip.

Wave 10: This one is very good too, with tons of bullets to graze and very easy way to dodge. Stay.

Wave 11 (Bonus 1): In this wave, bullets start surrounding you and finally go almost right next to you. The bad thing is that they disappear before you get the chance to graze them, so Skip.

Wave 12 (Bonus 2): In this wave the bullets form some sort of maze, making them very easy to graze. Just watch out for the boss’s minions as they will shoot you. Still, Stay.

Wave 13 (Bonus 3), Final Wave: In this last wave, the boss will make big bullets suddenly appear in the room. They’re easy to dodge, but they’re not many in numbers, so Stay or Skip.

This concludes this guide. I hope you found it useful and it helped you get the quest.

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