I´m having problems to access these games - King of Towers, LCN, Viking clan, Pirate clan and Zobie slayer. When I try to access these pages, I get the Server error 500 message. I think someone has commented about the same problem with a different game just a while ago, so I guess it´s not just me.
Same boat; DotD, so I tried to load the "Forge of Gods" game on the home screen while I waited... no joy.
Cleared cookies and internal DB,tried Microsoft Edge (God help me), same thing. Doesn't look client-side related. Probably an issue with whatever server they use to stream data back-and-forth to MMO providers.
I was able to load *some* single player games from the main-page, though (Bloons TD5 failed, but I think it's because that game is actually hosted on NinjaKiwi; not AG).
So this might be linked to the site maintenance (http:/community/thread/12566080/website-maintenance-february-10th-8-pm-pst-11-february-4-am-utc/page/1#post-12566463)
But that´s supposed to be over by now, or am I wrong?