ForumsSupport Forum[Fixed] Session expires too soon

117 23814
6 posts

Have today very strange session problems:
0. Usually I loggined once(long time ago, few month maybe), and play games using this session. No re-login everyday/week/month etc, that was good.
Today I opened AG(at work) - unlogged. Loggined, played sometime. Closed tab. Reopened AG in few hour - again unlogged. The same was at home in the evening(now). Different ISPs, no I assume that is not IP-routing. At home I have semi-static IP(ISP assigns me public IP, no NAT, I have the same IP whole year).
Add to this broken wand functionality(password saving) since DDoS attack last year(posted it somewhere here, admin promised to fix it, but nothing changed).
Add to this requirement of often browser restart in some games(MMOs. so slow and laggy, so it is absolutely necessary to quick reqload few times per hour, including fight scenes, where away-from-keyboard/offline mode equals to fails), this is big deal for me.

And yes, confirmed. Other players(in MMO I play) also have same issue(different countries).

Please fix it ASAP.

  • 117 Replies
2 posts

It's getting even worst!!
Now i can't even log in!! the log in tab at the top of the screen next to the armor game logo in the black place is GONE, i only logged in when i was here to post (divine recomfort) what shall i do?

2 posts

thanks heaven it was just about i kept my adblock... in fact i feal better as i cleared it for that site... sushi cat will get food

2 posts

Having same problem as original post above. Started after the 24th, Wednesday's 8pm pst maintenance session. Also having a few other issues. Can't email Armor through their contact page. Always get an email in return saying delivery failure along with my account is disabled. And, occasionally when I'm relogging on multiple times during the day, sometimes get a completely white screen with only this message, "USERID=2253360 -- OK".

1 posts

So Armorgames has resorted to ransomware tactics, walling users out and apparently disabling / throttling games.

I disabled Adblock to see what the fuss is about and upon a refresh, my earphones get assaulted by and EXTRA LOUD looping Mario jump SFX from a pre-loading ad. I would support AG if they didn't get into bed with every STD-riddled ad *****.

10 posts

I don't want to discuss about whether Adblockers were a reason or a consequence of overflowing ads here, that would lead too far.
And i also think it wasn't intended because AG would somehow have announced that if they did.
All i want to do here is to answer Ferret and deliver reasons for the problems a lot of their users experience.

Since i already started with a personal note on my first thread though, here's a second:
I am aware that AG is a business that wants to pay its bills, that's why i support the mostly free to play games by clicking ads once in a while. But for reasons i already explained on my first post, i won't play those games with turned on Ads. And since there's not any real advantage for buying addfree gaming (even if it would only be the possibility to create a personal chatroom like on a competitors plattform), i don't see any reasons to do that either.
As i said, AG is a business, so i'll only buy their products when they're in any way worth it to me.
But as i already stated, this leads too far for this thread and was just a quick reply to FishPreferred

21 posts

Another downside of this I noticed playing Kano MMO games - today is the bonus boost...tried to get it, but since the page re-directs the player to the game opening it in a new window...guess what, I need to log in into that window and once I do, I don´t get the bonus option anymore.

3 posts

And this all still without any official comment from Armorgames after 5 days or am I looking at the wrong place?

3,171 posts

FishPreferred For some users the overload of ads (especially flash-based ones) requier to much pc resources, so the game itself becomes extremly laggy.
Which is why pretentious trivial complaints from adblock users hold no sway with those who actually care enough about the site's wellbeing to put up with the ads.

So Armorgames has resorted to ransomware tactics, walling users out and apparently disabling / throttling games.
Because adblockers are an integral part of your computer's firmware, without which it cannot function?

I would support AG if they didn't get into bed with every STD-riddled ad *****.
You can. That's literally the whole and entire point of AFG+ membership. People pay AG directly so they don't have to fill every available inch with ads just to stay afloat.

And since there's not any real advantage for buying addfree gaming (even if it would only be the possibility to create a personal chatroom like on a competitors plattform), i don't see any reasons to do that either.
As i said, AG is a business, so i'll only buy their products when they're in any way worth it to me.
In other words, you are willing to "support" AG just as long as it's immediately gratifying and coming out of someone else's pocket.
4 posts

I don't think, there's a relation between login problem and adblocker. I also use an adblocker with Firefox but not with Chrome and I have the login problem in both browsers.

However, I am a bit disappointed that there is not even a little reaction from Armorgames. It is now the 4th day with these problems.

574 posts
Grand Duke

If I remember this problem existed ever since the maintenance that was recently done. Figured there could be some issues and expected it to be sorted out with in a day or so. So whatever is different from that maintenance either removed or added is the cause of this.

10 posts

Just one little correction to FishPreferred since there seems to be no use of discussing with you: I was referring to a competitor of AG that offers something similar like their Ad-Free gaming, but also offer some other advantages with that. I payed for that on the competitor's site, but the offer of AG is not worth that money to me. Just a product i don't want to buy.

Now back to topic.
From what liriel wrote, i installed Chrome to test that, so no Adblocker there for me too.
It wasn't exactly a long time test, but at least i could login normally as well as open games in new tabs and i was still logged in.
Then i installed Adblock on Chrome too and it didn't change much other than blocking Ads. I was still logged in after opening games in new tabs (tried it with Dawn of the Dragons and Arc of Templar which offers online save with AG account).
So for me the Firefox and Adblock Plus combination is the problem.

432 posts

@FishPreferred These problems are in no way pretentious trivial. How should you be able to play and enjoy a game with these lag problems. Sometimes there's a delay of up to 1 second from when you actually click the mouse to when the game recognizes the click. Many many games are unplayable that way. So what's your solution to this problem if you can't or don't want to pay money?

1 posts

ok, to add to this specification of the problem. Chrome without any ad-blocker (I never used them, I always watched all the commercials) is not working for me. Login mask all the time...

574 posts
Grand Duke

This issue is unrelated to ad-block. I assume these people have had that for awhile and suddenly for it to cause issue means there is another cause of it.

Going off topic here won't help get this fixed . Make another one about ad-block if needed. This is for log in/out problems.

10 posts

This issue is unrelated to ad-block. I assume these people have had that for awhile and suddenly for it to cause issue means there is another cause of it.

Well, for me it is related to adblock, at least on Firefox. As soon as i deactivate it for AG, everything works fine. When i turn it on again, i get logged out as soon as i reload the game page or the forum.
But i agree that there must be other problems since login doesn't work for some people on Chrome, while it works for me on Chrome, but not on Firefox.

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