ForumsSupport Forum[Answered] Armorgames doesn\'t have the log in button

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3 posts

I can't see the log in button anywhere on my screen. Can you help? Also, the comments are not showing.

  • 4 Replies
12,319 posts

You're not the first to have a problem like that, so I'll quote @Ferret from the Session expires too soon thread:

- Ad Blockers have gone rogue, and put Armor Games on a "list" that now makes some of our site functions appear non-functional. If you have an ad blocker doing that, we suggest you disable it. Actually, I'd suggest you remove it - as clearly that ad blocker is not ethical. That last bit is purely the opinion of Ferret, and not Armor Games.
513 posts

Hi there @Jin37

As @Patrick2011 mentioned, this is something that was reported to us and is currently being reviewed. At this moment we have identified an issue with ad-blocking software (which is not supported on our site). It's blocking features on the site, for example the user account area, Disqus, and live chat to name a few. For examples of what this would look like you can see the cropped images that were shared here.

So far most folks that have contacted me have reported that disabling the ad-block/pop-up blockers and will you to see the log in, chat, etc. I have a few pending that have yet to follow up.


1 posts

I just disabled my adblocker, refreshed the page and the login information reappeared.

774 posts

As Ferret said, those who control the adblocker "lists" of bad websites have added a special rule that breaks various parts of the website. You can quickly test this by trying to search for a game in the search box at the top left of the website. If it says "an error has occured", then your adblocker is affected.

This rule blocks AJAX requests on all of Armor Games. AJAX requests are commonly used on pretty much any webpage these days. They allow a developer to reach out and grab data, so you don't have to refresh the page you are on. So the login bar at the top is all fetched in the background, as is the search box, and lots of other parts of the site. Your saved games may even be affected.

If you want to help get rid of this ridiculous rule, open up your adblocker and look for bug reporting or contact information, and let them know that the rule applied for the Armor Games website is hurting your experience more than any ad would.


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