Forums → Game Walkthroughs → Tinysasters 2 (4500 points - time attack mode) guide
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Considering that Excellence is one of the rarest quests on the site , I find this walkthrough/guide necessary! So let's get started:
Table of contents:
1. Before getting started
2. Terrain configuration
3. Economy (buildings , resources)
4. Skills & Disasters & Nexus
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Intro ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Note: There are many useful tips in Tinysasters 2 quest chat thread regarding the game in general, but I will try to focus only on how to score 4500 points on the time attack mode!
Brief description with math involved:
-You have 10 minutes to score 4500 points!
-Each second will grant you 1 point!
-Your age (town level , max level 4) + sum of Nexus levels is your multiplier!
Now let's do some math:
- Giving the all conditions above, you have 600 seconds to score 4500 points!
If you divide 4500 with 600 you will get 7,5 !
Basically this means that you need a multiplier of 8 (since it can be only an integer) right on start!
That's impossible right on start, but it's giving a clear vision of what you have to do! Your necessary multiplier is basically determined by your ability to score multiplier of 8 plus the time lost in order to get it!
Example: If you have 1200 points scored , and 5 minutes left (300 seconds) , you can calculate your necessary multiplier by simple math:
(4500-1200) / 300 = 11
At this point you would be needing multiplier of 11 to score 4500 points!
I found this info very useful , because calculating the necessary multiplier can give you a clear vision in long run , and eventually save up your time if you consider the necessary multiplier unreachable! It is also useful in order for you to plan , and "rotect" it ! (will get back on this later)
New let's move to practical part , considering that you already know the basics of that game and it's mechanic! If not , by the time "T-challenge" becomes available you will probably get it. In any case practice is what makes you perfect!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Before getting started ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I strongly recommend that you first beat the game with 3 stars on each level and move to endless mode! One of the reasons is a quest called Mythical Nexus and the other one is practice! You are not limited by time, all you have to do is to build a Nexus,but not any nexus , a level 15 nexus !!!
Now, what does this has to do with 4500 in time-limited mode !?! Basically nothing, but it will help you understand two things !
a) Building a high level Nexus requires tons of resources!
b) Building a high level Nexus requires considerable amount of time!
It will require from you to build an empire, factories, temples , schools , to research almost all skills , since you will have to adjust the terran configuration a lot!
Now ,you want to avoid all this, and optimise your run!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Terrain configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Terrain field is composed of 64 tiles ,8x8 square !
Terrain configuration is random each time, so you can't choose a perfect setting, but you can reset in order to get close to it.
Now , what exaclty you need to look for ?
Perfect scenario would be a mix of everything , land , forests , lakes , mountains in ratio 1:1 . It's often not the case , because it seems that land and forest tiles are more common than others!
Will give a brief description and influence of each tile:
-Land titles are necessary for cities,factories,schools,temples,farms! So try to get as much as possible!
-Forest tiles are often required for Nexus to level, and next to it you will be needing them for sawmills!
You don't need them as much as land tiles, but they are highly recommended!
-Desert tiles are your worst enemy, try avoiding them as much as you can by any means!
-Lake tiles are essential and bound with mountain tiles , in 75% cases Nexus in order to level will be needing a lake tile!
-Mountain tiles are crucial in order for high score ! Why , because there are a starting point for Nexus , and you should pay attention that you have enough of them! Note that you will be needing mountain tiles for temple shrines also !
Since we know that we have 64 tiles in total , I would pick up a config with at least 12 mountain tiles surrounded by at least 6 lake tiles (Something similar to rocky coast), next to each other! I would try to avoid mountain tiles being placed at the edges of the map , because we don't to lose precious Nexus starting positions! Also disasters like huge earthquakes are quite often ,but I will leave that for later!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Economy (buildings , resources) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I will post a screenshot from middle of the game to explain how economy works!
You might notice that I have many buildings in place and only few of them above level 2 (level 4 is max), not counting cities! First cast haste on yourself and try to build a level 4 city as fastest as you can! Optimal time would be in range of first 2 minutes! If you don't manage to build it in frame of 3 minutes, you are doing something wrong!
Let's do some math:
Building a level 4 city in 3 minutes (180 seconds) !
You should be able to accumulate till than around 400-500 points , but lets go with 400 and put it into formula:
(4500-400) / 420 ~ approximately 10
Given like that , you are 6 points short form necessary multiplier, and with each passing second you will be needing more!
Level 4 city is also required for Nexus to become available!
My strategy was to build first city relatively fast and then to start spawning level 1-2 production buildings followed by small cities all over the map before moving on Nexus construction!
There are a few reasons why I found this more optimal than constructing the Nexus immediately after reaching a level 4 city!
-Constructing the Nexus at that point requires a considerable amount of resources , even if production is optimal!
-Buildings also serve as protectors from various disasters!
-Level 1/2 buildings are cheap, and even if disaster strikes a level 2 building, it will only lower it a level down, not destroy it !
-Having your base resources filled up in no time , will surely help you to boost Nexus spawning later on!
Food and wood are your most used resources, so pay attention that you always have 1 extra farm/sawmill !
However don't overreact with it, it is important that you have a constant flow of resources, but don't forget that you also need time to
build up a Nexus and catch up multiplier!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Skills & Disasters & Nexus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Skills don't play a major role, and can be totally ignored! However, there are few that can make your life much easier!
Identification is a God skill , it should be taken early on! Tactical advantage of identification skill is precious! Don't get me wrong, you will not be able to stop a disaster, but you will know which disaster will strike and what tiles will be effected!
Now , that's game changing , as now you can plan and protect your tiles and even use disaster as an advantage!
How a disaster can be an advantage you must be wondering ?
Simple, instead of playing a God , let nature take care of it! I was using floods , nature revolts and similar disasters to get a basically free terrain adjustment! If area is protected by shrine for example , all you need to do is to remove the shrine , and build it somewhere else!
This will save up tons of resources, and surely will help in achieving 4500 points on time!
Other skills that I would take into considerations are skills that can help you to adjust terrain, but not before 4-5 minutes left on clock!
Rising up terrain is one of them, since you will be needing mountains for Nexus construction !
Eventually you can take all terrain modification skills, but if you need to modify a lot your progress could be put in danger!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Conclusion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Before giving a conclusion , here is one more screenshot :
Strategy behind this is swarm of low level Nexus buildings , upgraded mostly when nature (disasters) interferes and occasionally the player!
Few additional tips:
- Once you multiplier is high enough , you may consider taking the skill "Cancel" ! Because at some point, your Nexus buildings might be in danger from huge tectonic drift disaster, but eventualy you will find other ways to resolve it , only use it in dead-end situacion!
- It's not a skill , it's a simple PAUSE , and yes pause a lot, think before making moves ! Next to identification skill , simple pause is a game changing possibility!
- Good luck
Result will certainly tell you more, than I could possibly! You only need 4500 points , and I am 100% sure that using info from this guide can help you to achieve it! Cheers!
- 1 Reply
That is a great guide @ivanxxxxxxx !It would have spared me the repeated fruitless attempts...
I found out what I did wrong thanks to a post in the game comments, and I can confirm two things: First, do the challenge last, after having completed the rest. You'll have the necessary experience. Second, build several low-level nexus. At first I thought only the highest level of the nexus would count and you had to upgrade one nexus as far as possible. If I remember correctly my best attempt was barely over 4000. It was only after reading that comment and realizing several nexus would all count towards the multiplier that I quickly got the achievement.
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