ForumsSupport ForumDifficulty with long ads and unable to skip?

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513 posts

Hi folks,

A number of you have reported problems with ads you could not skip or extremely long ads that seem to take forever. I wanted to share an update with you and also share some information that we've found while trying to troubleshoot this issue as folks reported it. There are 2 different issues that we have identified.

The first situation is that some folks are falling victim to malware and other software installed on their computers. This software is allowing ads to be hijacked and displaying ads that ignore the filters we have on the site. To check if this may be what is happening with you, or frankly it's a good idea to scan your system every so often. You can ask your friends/family for their go-to scanner and also for help with getting it installed and scanning onto your operating system and device. Or you can do a quick search for malware scan/removal and do some review to see what the best software is for you.

The second type of report was more difficult to pin point and collect the data. In all honesty it took me some time to locate the specific ad that was reported most often. Once we were able to get it loaded we had folks in house look at the data (we needed the session logs) we had some data to begin communicating with our partners to talk about what was happening. Currently this is being reviewed and once I have some new details to report I will update this post with more information.

While part of this is ongoing, we wanted to thank you guys for your help with reporting the problem that you found. If you can help us with making sure to contact us about possible bugs with ads and include the following details, it will help us out greatly.

  • The URL/Game that you are playing when the ad loads
  • A screenshot of the webpage, and not just the ad by itself. Sometimes we need the placement. Other times we can see that this is an ad that may be popping up because of something else (such as Malware) from the screen capture.
  • If you have the URL of the ad as it’s loading that is helpful!
  • Any additional information such as your Browser, the version of your browser, operating system type and which flash version you have.


  • 5 Replies
513 posts

Hello all,

We've completed some work for how the site handles ads from our partners. Please keep us posted if you run into any long (say 30 seconds or more) ads that do not have an option to skip. The details we will need are above.


16,587 posts

Hi everyone,

I used to have ad problems in the past in different websites. As well as problems with facebook just popping up every so often.

I started to use this free program called Malwayrebytes. It's supposed to check for malware that your antivirus can't find. It worked like a charm. Hope it helps some people!

(Not trying to advertise anything btw, just trying to help)

824 posts

Well, most of the time, the biggest problem is simple annoyance of adds. Especially the ones that are seen more often. No ability to skip them is only increasing our hearth attack chances.

513 posts


I get you, some ads I think are awesome and others are likely not aimed for me specifically. But something to note for folks that may not be aware, the truth is Armor Games couldn't work without ads. By watching ads, it helps keep the lights on here, and helps pay for great games to be developed.

No one here wants you to have a heart attack! If you get one of the 30 second ads, these only ones that may not have a skip built in that I've seen, you can grab a glass of water. Or do something as equally healthy (or at least makes you feel that way subconsciously... ‘cuz really it's 30 seconds or maybe like 10 jumping jacks?).


16,587 posts

Not to mention the that for 30 seconds, you'll be able to play for hours. It's pretty good deal if you ask me.

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