Six Revelations:
They say he killed his previous three wives. He truly was the talk of the town - going through three beautiful women in the space of 18 months.
His first wife died slowly in front of his eyes. I saw her regularly at the inn, looking weaker and paler every day. She had a look of pure fear in her eyes, and was never more than four feet away from her husband. Her perfect black tresses had been slowly turning white and then falling out, her skin turning paler than apparitions. The village priest said she had been possessed by dark forces - the mortician said otherwise. On the slab, the mortician was sure it was poisoning - but he had no way to prove it. No policeman would touch the case, no-one wanted to risk the ire of this man, a man who had never been short of power.
Over the last eighteen months, two more women have come and gone. He would always be pleased to meet people at the inn, but would show people his new wife as if it was a new pet he obtained. A sociable man, he would be willing to spend time with you - but he never let anyone into his estate.
A fool I must be for falling for him then. His charm was irresistible, a tall dark mystical man whose every word felt like a hypnotic charm. He took me into his large estate - where I was treated like a princess. The man was very rich, inherited mainly from his father who passed away two years ago. Every part of his estate oozed style and grace, a mixture of opulent pieces of local production and mysterious items from far-away countries.
I had been inside his luxury for at least three weeks, when I got up one night from an awful dream. Going downstairs with just a candle, I went to the kitchen to get a cool drink. Accidentally tripping on the last stair, I dropped the candle - leaving me in pitch darkness. I fumbled around looking for it, tugging at everything on the floor. I eventually felt something entangled in the rope on the floor that opens the cellar. I pulled the candle and rope up, untangling light from darkness. With the rope opening the cellar still in my hand, I relit the candle.
As I did that, two feelings of dread washed over me. The first was that I had disobeyed my husband. He had made it clear to me since the first day that no-one was to go into his cellar - and I had only seen him go down there once, to fetch a vintage wine.
This fear was superseded though by an even bigger feeling of dread. Staring back down at me from the corner of the cellar was the pained face of Cassida, his second wife. Horror turned to shock when I noticed it was only a face - the body was not there. I knew I was in grave trouble, so I quickly shut the cellar, got my drink and returned to my room.
Breakfast the next day had an unnerving feel. Was what I saw real? I questioned everything about him. Horrifying thoughts raced through my head in every room. Had he used the swords in his trophy room to butcher Cassida? Had the letter opener opened her up? I knew if I ran, I would only be in more trouble - a man that powerful could turn a whole city against me. I had to wait for my chance. I had to find out exactly what was in that cellar.
I waited until nighttime to creep downstairs again. I did not need to wake up, the fear of death kept sweet sleep miles away from me. At three in the morning, when I was sure he was asleep, I crept down and entered the cellar. What I saw earlier was not my imagination. In the corner of the room was Cassida's head. Sharp savage cut marks marked the end of her neck. This was no accident, this was a butchering. I could imagine her struggling for her life, as the brutal slices came raining down on top of her.
Just as I was caught in my darkest imaginations, I heard a rumbling from upstairs. Oh no, was he awake? If he caught me in here - I would probably end up next to her. I needed a reason to be here - so my brain worked at a million thoughts per second to try and weave a believable story or line to escape his blood-stained hands.
"I was, just er, getting you a beautiful vintage to celebrate the coronation" - that line might work, that line might be believable. So I searched around for the finest celebratory wine. They were neatly put in rows upon rows, above each set an inscription in Roman Numerals of the year. As I went further into the cellar, the years went further back - until eventually I saw the oldest years written on a wooden door. I opened the door, looking for a wine, but more importantly looking for an alibi.
There was wine behind that door. Oh, plenty of wine. A large amphora was full of it. But that wasn't what took my attention. I was feet away from another dead woman. My fear made it impossible to tell - but in my heart, I knew it must have been his third wife. Her arms were chained to the wall behind her, her feet manacled to the floor. She had no cuts or blood coming from her body, the chains on her arms were slack, she could clearly move her upper-body around, but her feet were stuck to the floor. The dread in my stomach made me stuck to the floor without any manacles - how could someone do this? It was then I saw the evilest thing I had ever seen in my life. On a table, six feet away from the corpse, was a table filled with the finest meats, cheeses and breads. This man had not killed her, he just left her to starve, with food inches out of reach. This man was a sadistic monster - and I was in his clutches.
I sighed in relief when the clatter from above had stopped, he must have went back to bed. I carefully left everything as I found it and returned to my bed. Fear had me in her grip, and I stood no chance of restful slumber.
The next day, when I went down to breakfast, he took me to the guest bedroom, where I saw that the monster had a gift for me. From any other person, this would have been the nicest thing to have ever happened to me, a sign of love and appreciation. But from a monster as dark on the inside as him, a white wedding dress brought nothing but greater fear. Thoughts rushed through my head, did he know what I did last night? Was I to be his next victim? I had no choice but to play along.
The preparations for the wedding took place in just three days. I kept my mind occupied and fear of death away every day by spending time in the library. It was only on the morning before the wedding did I discover something horrible. A page was earmarked in his Bible - I turned to it, Chapter 6 of Revelation. It was there when I realised the evil this monster was nothing in comparison to his true diabolical nature.
The well-thumbed page mentioned the four horsemen - Pestilence, War, Famine and Death. This infernal creature had killed these women in a designed order - in pre-meditated cold-blooded planning, and Death was the fate awaiting for me.
I put the book back, and prepared for my wedding. This was my only chance to save myself. Thankfully, I had one trick up my sleeve that he had not counted for. Live or Die, this wedding would seal my fate.