ForumsSupport ForumAG is causing games to have serious issues, Mods! Please Read!

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119 posts

AG has put a video ad under the games on the right side. (above the dev info and suggested games)
a certain video ad is causing insane lag,and sometimes even errors in games!
this is making my gaming experience on AG miserable!
i can guarantee you it is that ad, because if i refresh and the ad is still there, i get the same problems as before, but if i refresh and the ad isn't there, everything works really well!
i have to keep refreshing over and over and over until i get lucky and that ad is not playing in that area.
i know ads get AG a lot of money, but please do something!!!
either remove that specific ad (if its possible) or instead of putting video ads in that area, just put a banner ad or something. i have had this issue before a long time ago, but it hasn't happened again until recently...

  • 20 Replies
7,024 posts

Hmm, let's see what @RavePenguin has to say about this

8,257 posts

Meanwhile, it would help if you could already post a picture (cropped screenshot) showing the ad and its relative location on the web page. This would greatly facilitate the identification of the specific ad that seems to cause issues.

30 posts


This is the ad without Chrome or firefox running it

This is the error it gives to firefox and Chrome (Adblock enable and disable)

Website name is "www supersonicads com" , another is "staticxx facebook com"

Also there is a strange url called "www arrowpushengine com" that keeps blocking armorgames in certain areas.

that should be everything you need to track down the people.

513 posts


Just to confirm, the Nexium Ad the one that is causing you problems each time it loads? Or is there more than that one ad? Also to confirm does this happen to every game you play, or just the one game? The Arrowpushengine is our chat and chat channels. It should should appear if your account has it enabled.


119 posts

it says there are 4 replies, but i can't see any of them? what is wrong?

14,991 posts
Grand Duke


Look at the URL and remove the numbers near the end. Not sure if you can see this.

119 posts

okay, after making that comment, i can now see the other replies.
for me, the ad that caused problems was a nissan car ad.
and now it is some weird "super tuned car" ad (why am i getting so many car ads? )
they are both video ads. (the nissan ad has a "click to watch video)
those are tho ones that cause problems for me.
but the thing is, they are both video ads
the non-video ads they display there dont cause problems.
i think the problem is the website/flash player can't handle playing both a video ad and a game at the same time.
yes, if i get one of the lag-inducing ads, i think it makes every game lag. not just the game i normally play.

8 posts

I am having the same issue. It's been happening when I play Astro Flux, but I thought the problem was with that game. Now I'm seeing it with other games. I didn't realize it might be the video ads playing, but it sure now seems likely.

I have Activity Monitor open while trying to play on AG. When a game with that Jackie Chan video starts up, I can literally watch my free memory plummet from 2 GB available to 0. I have to quit my browser (Safari 6.2.8) to get some free memory back.

I do not have this problem when looking at the forums, for example. It does seem to be that video ad. I notice the pre- game ads are also affected by the lag, but Jackie Chan is running smooth as silk.

119 posts

Okay, AG seriously needs to do something about this.
it has been shown that it isn't just 1 ad, and it isn't just affecting just 1 person.
it is lots of ads affecting lots of people.
Come on AG! Please look into this serious issue!

513 posts

Hello everyone,

We take this seriously but we need everyone's help that is getting impacted. To that point, I'd like to ask that you guys and gals are aware that what is being reported isn't happening to our team at this time.

So to help us out please take note of KatPryde's post. The ad location, details of the situation and the URL of the ad.

Information like this is highly valuable and only thing that I need now is to know the game URL/page you were viewing, OS version, Browser name, Browser version, how many tabs do you have open and what version of your flash player is and super importantly, what add-ons you are using (please be truthful). Yes using a blocker is something that causes problems here, but for the sake of this thread I'm going to ignore it as I'm more interested in finding a common thread that'll let us replicate these reports so we can collect the data and talk with our ad partners (if it's not on our end) or with our web team if there is something on our end.

Being able to locate trends and see reports from everyone including this information will help also to show any common system setup and configs will help to isolate potential problems such as all players on X OS are impacted; folks reporting this all have the "Enable Hardware Acceleration" checked for the newest version of Flash; etc.

Thank you all for reporting the problems and I hope that with more information we can finally replicate the situation on our end.


8 posts

I'm having the problem with Astroflux and Dangerous Adventure 2.

Mac OS X running version 10.8.5.
Safari 6.2.8
No tabbed browsing when I'm on AG, and the chatroom window is never open.
Flash Player

I never used an ad blocker before, but after trying to play DA 2 and failing miserably, I gave AdBlock 2.57 a try. As soon as I used it, the game loaded perfectly and played exactly as I could have hoped for (the same is true for Astroflux). I have had zero problems trying to load and play while AdBlock is up and running. Turn it off though, and the misery begins…

AdBlock is the only extension/add- on I have.

119 posts

okay, i can't really give you all of the info, but i can try:
OS: Mac
version ??? (most likely the most up to date thing?)
Browser: Safari
Version: 9.1.3
Game page: Viking Age (though i am pretty sure it causes lag on all games if i get those trouble making ads.)
Tabs Open: just having 1 tab (the game tab) can have problems. adding more tabs doesn't seem to have an effect. it seems to be purely related to what ad is playing.
AddOns: as far as i know, none?
Flash player: i dont know.
the game, AG live chat, and disqus are all open when i play here, but no problems are caused until one of the bad ads plays. then it gets bad. :P

119 posts

from what i can tell, the only common thread between us is the video ad part.
both mac and windows
both mozilla firefox and safari
several different games
all up to date flash player
no Adblocker = problems, Adblocker = no problems
Both AG live chat open and closed
my conclusion is the same as before, i dont think the website/flashplayer can handle running a game and certain video ads at the same time.

513 posts


Thank you to everyone that has responded with your information. I'm doing some testing on my end to try and replicate the issue so I can pass along some additional details to the folks in the office.

At this time I am afraid that I don't have a solution but we are looking into this!


513 posts


I wanted to also share a little bit of information about how to report ads for folks that may not have posted here, but are watching this thread or are reading it after the fact.

For Google Ads, there is a way to report these bad ads to them directly. Typically if enough folks report a bad ad, it will be removed by Google before we get a chance to report it.

For other ads, we have to manually report these to our ad partners. To that end, we'll need everyone to please continue to report the following information each time there is an ad that causes your flash player to crash or spike up to the point where your browser is no longer interactive.

  • a screenshot of the ad
  • explanation of what the bad ad is doing
  • if you are able to, where the video link is coming from.



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