Forums → Game Walkthroughs → Sonny 2 Nostalgia - CC Bio - Easiest Way to get the Legend Achievement.
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Hello everyone and welcome! This is my Sonny 2 Crowd Control Str Biological guide for Legend Run Walkthrough, now, i know you probably will think this build is a little weird and like, that other builds are gonna be better and faster than this, if that is the case you're free to try them, i'm not saying this will be the best or faster build for doing it, but for me this is by far the easiest build to play the game with. This build to have more CC than even a Cold Hydraulic, with a difference, we can say the Cold Hydro is the master of Single Target Perma CC, just so the CC Bio is the best at 3v3 battles, which for me are always the hardest, 3v2 or 3v1 are usually very easy, but 3v3 are usually the most problematic, because if you get strucked by an unlucky crit or the enemy just focus one of your teammates they usually can kill it pretty fast before you have any time to react. Well, the CC Bio is really good to solve this problem. I did the Legend achivement many times with Bio, i tried all kind of builds and so far i really like this one because of it simplicity and high ammount of disruption. I like reliability, i LOVE reliability and so i love this build, to me the problem with normal Str Bio, with the Forms and Break as his only way of hard CC, and agile exposure is that, i hate the fact that all those can Miss which in many cases are crucial moments and missing it can cost you the fight and get all annoyed because you have to restart xD. So, after playing Cold Hydro which never misses his CC and the Electro Psyco which also have 100% chance to land his CC. i decided that is a good idea to try something like that in a Bio. So, before further a do, i present to you, The CC Bio.
Let's start with the skill points, very easy and simple placement, no need for re-specs ever after the first re-spec at the start of the game, which, after the first battle, you re-spec all your points (19) into vitaly, and after that you put everything in str or if you wan't or feel like it you can put into even more vit, as 50% of the time you will be casting CC, or Buffs.
For gear. On Sonny go for Str & Vit. Same for Roald. And Int & Vit for Vera. Pretty basic, now, contrary to popular belief, i find that, Vera benefits from INT & STR almost equally for this healing. In my Legend Psyco run, since the Psyco gets all the high Int gear. What i do is i usually put quite a lot of Str gear on Vera, and it actually work pretty well. Like, let's say you got a "2 Speed + 3 Int + 1 Vit" gloves and a "4 Speed + 1 Int + 5 Str + 3 Vit" glove. I will go for the second glove for Vera. As he uses both Str and Int for healing almost equally, that's why at Zone 7, Dr Klima gear is the best possible gear for him, as it haves really huge amount of Str & Int together, which then, it makes sense to use Hybrid gear on him. Anyway, for this run Roald and Sonny will be getting a lot of Str gear so he will probably end up using mostly Int gear anyway xD. I just wanted to clarify this because in other guides i seen people mostly recommending full Int gear for Vera. Also try to use the most amount of Vit gear possible. I normally use Sonny with a little higher HP than Roald, that way the risk of getting attacked is minimal, because in Heroic Difficulty enemies goes for the least HP teammate pretty much always.
(PDT: Turn your Auto Save off, i really recommend re-doing some easy battles for specific drops wich gonna make the run go much smoother, aka farming it a little bit.)
Lvl 1 - Integrity 4/4 & Adrenaline 1/3
Lvl 2 - Vicious Strike 1/4
Lvl 3 - Break 1/2
Lvl 4 - Disrupt 1/2
Lvl 5 - Disrupt 2/2
(Pretty basic and normal build untill here, but then we go our own way.)
Lvl 6 - Break 2/2
Lvl 7 - Adrenaline 2/3
Lvl 8 - Adrenaline 3/3
Lvl 9 - Endurance 1/4
Lvl 10 - Crystallize 1/3 (The FUN begins)
Your skill bar is pretty much done at this point.
Lvl 11 - Crystallize 2/3
Lvl 12 - Crystallize 3/3
After this you actually can put skill points whenever you wan't, i recommend going for Subversion, if i remember well i think there is one fight that get's easier by using it, i personally never get it, because with this build i find fight's after getting Crystalize easy enough, so i just go full passive points after getting it.
Lvl 13 - Endurance 2/4
Lvl 14 - Endurance 3/4
Lvl 15 - Endurance 4/4
Lvl 16 - Evolution 1/3
Lvl 17 - Evolution 2/3
Lvl 18 - Evolution 3/3
After this you're free to put your skill points whenever you wan't, let's say Subversion if you wan't. I put leftovers on Savagery.
The ability bar is pretty simple, 1 Leading Strike, 1 Break are essential, 2 Adrenaline. I keep 1 Destroy untill i get Crystallize and 2 Disrupts. And that's it, maybe switch Break, Adrenaline or Disrupt for 1 Subversion if you get it, i personally feel like i don't need it. The only time i use it is on Dr Klima on Zone 7, and that's it. (After i get Crystallize to 3/3 I replace Break for Destroy for more damage, as Crystallize and Disrupt is more than enough CC until 3v3 battles from the Zone 5)
*Prison Guard- Put Vera on Relentless, Leading Strike, Destroy, gg.
*Prison Guard x2- Same but target the lower one, Vera likes to Attack that one first and he is more faster than you at this point.
*Brutal Convict, Agile Convict- Vera on Relentless, target the one with less heal.
*Brutal Convict, Agile Convict, Cunning Convict- Same thing, i did it without Vera needing to heal once. Always target from least HP targets to most HP targets, in this case the middle one, was first, then the Agile if i'm not wrong, then the Brutal.
All this fights are a JOKE.
Doctor Leath, Prison Guard x2- Vera on Rele, kill the Doctor fast, then the top Guard, then the bottom Guard.
Twisted Experiment- First time you gonna need Vera healing. Put him on Defensive / Phalanx. First turn cast Adrenaline, then start Destroy & Leading Strike for damage, and try to keep Adrenaline 100% up if you feel you need it.
The Warden- For this build i found this actually challenging, he hit's pretty hard. Put Vera on Phalanx. First turn Adrenaline, second turn Disrupt him. And use Break whenever Vera goes 50% HP. And just smash him Destroy & Leading Strike as much as possible, i actually got kill a few times, until i won. You win this and you won Zone 1. I don't recommend farming his Persecution, but if you have the patience you can try a few times.
Doctor Hedger, Frankie- Vera on Rele, kill Doctor assap, then Vera on Phalanx or Defensive. And Frankie to be honest is no big deal. If you won against the Warden you can do this.
ZPCI- Quite easy. Destroy & Leading Strike. Disrupt his Aim for the Heart and Auxiliar Power (his healing over time). Easy. (I farmed this guy untill i got his weapon, +17 Instinct, really good for Vera.)
Felicity- Allright, she is not really a hard battle, just kind of long. Since at the start all she does is spam Black Metal (95% Less healing for 5 turns) but her dmg is meaningless at this stage of the fight. Put Vera on Rele and go all out on her. Just attack, attack, attack. Eventually she will cast Serious Bussines after she says. "Don't start what you can't finish boys". Now Disrupt her, Break Her. And, as soon as you see Black Metal is gonna run out on you or Vera, put him on Phalanx and cast Adrenaline on him, he should be able to heal you and himself pretty quickly. If you got to this point you pretty much won the fight. Just keep Adrenaline on Vera and keep pounding her with Destroy & L Strike. When she gets to 450 HP the battle is over.
Good! ZONE 2 Now.
Well, for me, with all classes. I found this zone the hardest. Mainly because the 3v3 fights you can get unlucky, and your gear is not really great yet, also we don't have our core ability yet, Crystallize. But with a little bit of farm we're gonna make it xD.
*Frost Zombie- Pretty easy, Vera on Rele. Destroy & Leading Strike. Easy
*Now you get Roald.
*Frost Zombie x2, Frost Terror- I didn't had many problems with this one. Vera on Phalanx, Roald on Rele, he's gonna target the upper Zombie. Cast Adrenaline on Vera and start attacking the top Zombie, or the zombie that Roald just targeted. Break when needed, disrupt the zombie recuperation, once 1 zombie is down the battle gets pretty easy.
*Knight- I farmed his Light's Blade.
*Knight, Priest- Disrupt the priest 2 times so hi cast his re-focusing move, which stun him for several turns and start using Destroy & Leading Strike on him. Disrupt him again whenever the Knight casts his annoying shield on him, once he is down, it's gg.
*Frost Lord- Easy, just use Disrupt whenever you see he start healing himself. You should have no problem.
*Mage, Priest, Knight- At first i was like, holy sh*t, ¿Gonna have to fight this guys without Crystallize? Aw man. But it wasn't as hard as i expected. As soon as the battle start put Vera on Phalanx and Roald on Rele. And use Adrenaline on Veradux. Then disrupt the Priest 2 times to stun him and then Roald probably take some of the mage HP, so start attacking him, disrupt him if the guard cast his shield on him. Now, when the Mage get's to 600-400 HP he cast a super healing that heal him fully but you do much more damage to him, as soon as that happens (hopefully the priest is still stunned when that happens, try to time it so you can stall damaging the mage in a way you disrupt the priest 1 or 2 times again even before he get's out of this re-focusing state, do this before getting the mage below 800 health, that way he's like gonna go out of re-focusing and stun himself again, leaving him pretty much out of the fight, that way you don't worry about him healing the mage) and as i was saying, as soon as the Mage cast that super heaing that make him "receive and deal 100% more damage" you break him, and cast destroy on him, go all out. If you're successfull, he's gonna go from 2000 to 1300 after that break, and destroy will do like 1000 damage and roald attack 700, so BOOM death. I don't remember the exact damage, but after he casted it, he died pretty quickly. If the mage goes down, and none of your teammates wen't down, you won.
PDT: (After playing Mage, Mage, Knight i remembered. The Mage can cast the Enery Phaze (Super Healing) multiple times, and that buff duration is 8 turns, is 100% more damage, but if you take him down fast to 500 or less he will actually cast it again and have 2 of those stacked and take HUGE amounts of damage. After you win WAIT, save before putting that first point on Crystallize, you can equip the new drops, and get more str points, but before using that skill point on Crystallize, read the text below.
*Mage, Mage, Knight- All right, i admit this was tricky. A lot of people will advise you to get Subversion for this, well, you can doit if you wan't, but i don't like it because after this fight you will not be using it untill Zone 7, or i least i see no reason to use it until then. I did it on the first try. But to take down the top mage was really tricky without Subversion, so, you decide. What you can do is if you're not really sure is, adjust your gear if you need to and save the game without allocating that skill point. So, after saving (and since you have your auto-save off i assume) put that skill point on Crystallize and try to doit for future fight advantages, if you find it impossible just take Subversion and you can re-spec after this fight.
All right, if you're going through with this put Vera on Phalanx & Roald on Rele obviously, now. First turn Crystallize the bottom mage, then cast Adrenaline on Veradux. Crystallize the bottom mage again and Lead Strike the top mage. The Knight will probably Guard him so Disrupt him. Now it's very important to pay attention to pull this off. Hit the top mage untill he have 500 hp, or like, before you know if you don't Break him he will go Energy Phaze, well, when in the next turn he's gonna get below 500 HP, break him and let Roald Attack, he should be at 300 HP now, Crystallize him. The next turn Roald will probably attack the bottom mage and you notice he's faster than you, this is good. Because the next turn you gonna Crystallize the top mage again, but since Roald is faster he attacks first than you and leave the Top mage with like 150 HP. And after that as soon as the top mage gonna get out of Crystallize put Vera on rele and roald too and cast Lead strike or break on him to ensure he dies. If the top mage goes down and none of your teammates do, you pretty much won. Without doing all this, and just trying to take the bottom mage down without this crazy combo, just with break, he actually casted Energy Phaze like 4-5 times xD. Crazy haha. I know this is not the best way to beat this fight, if all of this sound too complicated for you just doit with Subversion and re-spec after this fight. Good Luck.
OK, things are gonna get MUCH easier now, luckily for us.
*Cult Leader- This battle is really easy, just boring and feels long. I normally farm this guy untill it drops his Runeblade as is the second best weapon you can get in this Zone. No need to take Crystallize for this. This guy damage scales with his focus, so take 3-4 disrupts with you, and take Destroy to make more damage to him instead of Crystallize. The battle starts, drain all his mana, and beat him. That's it. I was lucky and got his Runeblade on the first try but, you can farm him if it doesn't drop on the first try, try to be faster than Roald and Vera for this battle, that way you can Disrupt his Subversion instantly which is the annoying thing of this battle, since i was slower than both of them, they attack first and heal him, and since the buff duration is one turn there's no point in casting Disrupt late, but at the same time you have no choice. So it's a boring fight. If you wan't you can skip farming him.
*Baron- The easiest fight in the game for Bio. Equip 4 Disrupts and just spam it, he suicides. Since is so easy and fast, i REALLY recommend farming him until he drops Unholy Runeblade, the stats are amazing.
PUT YOUR SKILL BAR BACK TO NORMAL. Here is where this build start to shine.
ZPCI, Blood Hound x2- Normally it will be hard, but now we have 2/3 Crystallize which stuns for 3 turns, and that's really, REALLY good for this fight. I did it no problem even in the worst case scenario. You wan't to start the fight using Crystallize on the bottom Hound, but as soon as the battle started the ZPCI used his Aim for the Heart so i had to Disrupt it (Don't risk using break on Aim for the Heart, just Disrupt it) leaving the 2 Hounds to attack my team, after that i used Crystallize and then Adrenaline. I MISSED ALL MY BREAKS. Even then, maintaining the bottom Hound permanently stun-locked and Disrupting the ZPCI Aim for the Heart makes the battle just a matter of time. When the top Hound goes down you win.
Captain Hunt, ZPCI Sniper, ZPCI Medic- Wow, i'm not gonna lie, that was harder than expected, mostly because our damage is not great, and this fight requires you to do a lot of damage fast, at least at the start of the fight, i was gonna make it in the second try but got incredible unlucky and Miss the killing blow when the Sniper was fully buff and after that he one shotted Sonny, after that i lost many times. At the 7th try i made it. The battle goes like this. At the start of the battle the Sniper and Medic cast a shield that absorb 2500 damage and have the Str of both reduced by 90%. So their damage and heal is really low, however, inmediatly after that they will start casting buffs on themselves, your actions gonna depend on this buffs. Captain Hunt on the other hand, puts some debuffs that are no real threat in my opinion, the moment he puts them, Veradux cleans them up. So just put Vera on Phalanx and let him heal, he should be able to heal no problem without Adrenaline, so we won't waste our turns casting it. Now, the problem here is that, you don't bring Break, you bring Destroy and Crystallize, both things require a high amount of focus, and you're gonna have to time things well. Whenever the Medic buff himself with Master Surgeon you have to Crystallize or Disrupt him. Really important, if he heals the Sniper just once for 1300 HP you might have to re-start the fight, so don't let him do that, to heal this amount, he has to combine Master Surgeon on himself and Soothe on the Sniper, he normally cast Soothe first on the Sniper and then Master Surgeon on himself then heals, don't let him do this combination, as will heal too much, whenever you see him cast Master Surgeon have a Crystallize ready, at the very least a Disrupt. On the other hand, the Sniper doens't really hit hard, EXCEPT when he combines both Crouch and Lock and Load, whenever he have this two buffs, you disrupt him, if you don't, he one shots you. SO, ignore Captain Hunt, Crystallize or Disrupt the Medic whenever he uses Master Surgeon and Disrupt the Sniper when he have Crouch and Lock and Load. This battle basicly is all about doing as much damage as possible while staying safe. If you manage to kill the Sniper just before the shields run off, and when you kill him, all your teammates are alive and in good shape, you pretty much won. After that don't risk it, Crystallize Hunt and use Adrenaline on Vera while you take the Medic down, it shouldn't be hard at this point. Finally Hunt alone can't do much. CONGRATULATIONS.
Crystallize 3/3 - Now you have crazy Stun-Lock potencial. (I dropped Break at this point, as Disrupt and Crystallize is already more than enough CC) (Also at this point try to gear your teammates in a way that Roald have the least HP so enemies focus him first, as he is the least important teammate.)
This zone is really easy in my opinion. I like to farm things here.
Spectre- Really easy, re-play untill you get Annihilation, really great weapon. Got it on the second try
ZPCI x2- Vera on Phalanx, no need for Adrenaline really. Roald on Relentless. Crystallize the middle one for saying stupid threats, and kill his bottom fanboy. After that kill him too. Whenever they use their fancy cupido-like buff just throw a Disrupt on their faces.
Spectre x2- Same as the previous fight. Crystallize the middle Spectre. Kill the bottom then the middle one. (I farmed a second Annihilation here)
Protagonist, Antagonist, Beast. Don't worry, CC Bio don't fear 3v3 Battles at this point. Start Vera on Phalanx and Roald on Relentless. Crystallize the Beast first as he cast Shadow Blend and it's annoying. Kill the Phantom first, when he dies, Crystallize the Antagonist and kill the Beast, disrupt his Shadow Blend. After that go for the Antagonist. Easy, no good drop tho.
The Hobo- His bad smell and pity can get annoying and prolong the fight. But he doesn't have any burst damage, he start making damage when he stack Bad Smell and uses Pity to prolong the fight. So put both teammates on Relentless and go all out. Spam Destroy & L Strike.
The Real Hobo- I didn't even pay attention, i just spammed Destroy & L Strike and won. Roald died tho. The Hobo is basicly sick and dies by himself.
The Host- Really easy, i actually got lucky and Roald stunned him 2 times and silence him after that, so just by spamming Destroy & L Strike he never had a chance to attack once, and the first time he cast Dark Rage he was dead. However, normally just Disrupt his Dark Rage and Overwatch. Easy.
Spectre(3)- Dangerous fight, without Crystallize this fight would be nasty. When you have 3 Spectres on the battlefield their damage can get out of control. Luckily we have ways of controlling them. Start the fight with Vera on Phalanx, Roald on Relentless. Crystallize the bottom Spectre, cast Adrenaline on Veradux and go all out on the top Spectre untill you kill him. Maintain Adrenaline on Veradux and the bottom Spectre Crystallized. When you kill the middle one hopefully with all your teammates alives or at least with Vera and Sonny alive, you have won the fight.
Clemens the Deceiver- There is a dirty trick for this build to obtain Black Magic without re-specing if you wan't, i normally don't get it because i'm lazy for simple achievements xD. But what you can do if you wan't it is. It is a guaranteed win. But extremely long fight. You just need 2 abilities for this. Crystallize and Break. Start the battle with Break, inmediatly Crystallize him, as soon as Crystallize ends, Break him and Crystallize him again, rinse and repeat. You take no damage, he never gets to cast anything, 100% chance to win. Although extremely boring. The only way he can damage you is if you Miss the Break, let's hope that doesn't happen if you go for it. I think with this trick he doesn't even get to show his True Form. I don't know. I know it will work, but i just fight him normally with 3 teammates and go straight farming the Shandor's Darkstaff for Veradux as it have amazing stats.
For the actual 3v1 fight just start using Destroy & L Strike. Put Vera and Roald on Relentless at the start when he cast Unknow Condition, Disrupt his Shadow Blend and keep hitting him, when he say "I can see right through you" he gonna stop casting Unknow Condition so when that debuff run off you can put Vera on Phalanx. When he show his True Form he is the same but takes much more damage. You shouldn't have much problems. What could happen is he can go crazy sometimes casting Unknow Condition on someone and start spamming his heal non-stop. Is that is the case and he will not stop and your teammates or Sonny is about to die, stun-lock him with Crystallize untill the debuff run off and cast Adrenaline on Vera so he can heal you faster and then resume the fight, easy as that.
(I cannot believe what just happend, i was farming the Shandor's Darkstaff, at the 5-6th try the Deceiver actually managed to kill Sonny in 2 turns with some crazy combo, he was around half HP without showing his True Form yet and i was about to re-start the fight.. But! I got curious.. ¿How long could my teammates last without me? I put them both on Phalanx and let then continue the fight.. THEY ACTUALLY MANAGED TO KILL HIM, AND HE DROPPED THE SHANDOR'S DARKSTAFF, WHAAAAT XD)
¡Congratulations! Welcome to ZONE 4.
Tunnel Beast- I pretty much spammed Destroy & L Strike and cast some Adrenaline on Veradux. And that's it.
Vivian Vixen- Crystallize her 2 times, and then one shot her with Destroy.
Gregor the Roach- This guy is like the Baron but the opposite. As soon as he doesn't have 0 focus he will cast Roach's Vitality and heal himself for 1400 HP per turn for 4 turns, with that buff he heals too much, so you can Crystallize him the first turn, and when he is about to come out start spamming Disrupt, just use Disrupt, put 4 Disrupts in your Skill Bar, and let Roald do the damage. If for some reason Roald is getting dangerously low Crystallize him to buy time so Veradox can heal him. And resume.
Shunny- Disrupt him as the battle start, keep Adrenaline on Veradux, if he uses Withdrawal or Schendeufre or something like that you can Disrupt him, keep him at low focus, then when he get around 3000 hp you will notice he will use a leading strike, if you don't Disrupt him right away he will use Reconstruc and pretty much heal himself to 100% HP, he needs 40 focus to cast it, so to avoid this when he uses Leading Strike use Disrupt (Roald will damage him), then he will doit again, so you disrupt again (Roald will damage him again), then Crystallize him and Disrupt him while he is stunned, this way, everyone will be pretty much full HP by now, put Vera on Relentless, as soon as he get out of the stun (with less than 40 focus) use Destroy on him, he should be death by now, if not he will do Leading Strike, by now you know what to do, do it until he is dead.
The Magical Monkey- This battle is about survival. He hits hard, it kinda feels like the Warden battle so to speak. Every attack he lands hit's for about 1650 damage, and focus doesn't seem to affect it, so the first turn use Adrenaline on Veradux and then spam Destroy & Leading Strike but watch out, if you feel someone is getting behind in HP, you can Crystallize him to buy time. Let's say Roald got to 1000 HP, and you know Vera moves before you move, and he just runned out of Adrenaline, so in this turn Roald will move, then Veradux will heal him to 1700 hp, then you will cast Adrenaline but if the Monkey crit he just might kill him, in this cases you use Crystallize to buy plenty of time. I beated him at my second try.
Mokoshotar- No big deal, keep Adrenaline up and just attack him, if he transform you, you attack him, if he transform Roald he will attack him, if he transform Vera put him on Relentless. Easy.
Bunny- Like the Monkey, survival battle. He hits around 1500-2000. I didn't had to use Crystallize tho, just keep Adrenaline on Veradux and save Destroy for when he stun himself with the Holy Hand Grenade. I did it at the first try.
Flower Zombie- Easy battle. Just use Destroy & Leading Strike. And Disrupt his Damage Reduce Buff and his Good Trip. Whenever he cast Bad Trip, keep the damage up.
Hydra, Fire Claw x2- Long battle, but not hard, annoying if anything. Is not fun to farm the Emerald Death i know, but you really should, is very good for the Zone 5. (Luckily it dropped on the third try) +186 Str +34 Vit ¡Don't miss it! xD
Now to the actual battle, well, Vera on Phalanx Roal on Relentless. Roald will go for the top Fire Hydra. Crystallize the middle one, the actual boss. Keep him Crystallized while you take the Fire Hydras. When they're down, get the boss below 19000 HP and then cast Adrenaline on Veradux and keep it up. Start pounding the Hydra, eventually he will cast Potent Toxin which will stun for 4 turns, hopefully not to you because it can get dangerous, now if he starts to attack other target than the stunned character it's allright but if he stacks 2 Epineffrine on the Potent Toxin target Crystallize him and wait for Veradux to catch up and heal it back to full HP. If all of your team is getting around 50% HP it might also be a good idea to stun-lock him untill everyone's HP catch up and the debuffs run off. If you're careful you have nothing to worry about, eventually you take him down, hope it's drop the Emerald Death.
Tunnel Workers- Nice gear for everyone, especially Sonny and Roald!
Riot Police- Just disrupt his Perfect Aim. Easy
Riot Police, Blood Hound- Crystallize the Police, Adrenaline on Veradux, take the Hound first. You should be all right.
Secret Police(2)- Crystallize one police and attack the other. Should be easy. (You can farm the Imperial Helmet and Chest for Felicity)
Police Colonel- This battle is a bit tricky, i did it on my first try. Veradux died near the end and Sonny finished with 131 HP xD. He didn't attack Roald after Veradux died. At the start he will use Guns Blazing which makes him do 400% more damage, Crystallize him when that happens and wait, he should have Reloading only after the Crystallize for 400% more damage taken, so hit him with Destroy there, after that when he use Guns Blazing again Crystallize him again but is not sure he will use Reloading afterwards so stack 2 Adrenalines on Veradux, if he puts Guns Blazing again after his first unbuff attack, that means he is gonna stack them together so Disrupt him, i don't know if he does less damage this way but appear to me he need a little focus for his poweful attacks, and after this turn if he pops Reloading go all out. Is a bit tricky because if your not 100% HP and he hits you and crits he may kill you, i recommend having all characters with more than 4000 HP and stack 2 Adrenalines on Veradux so he can crit for 3000k healing. (Hope he drops his Gloves or Boots)
Switch for Felicity over Roald, give her the best Str gear you have. She should have around 400 Str.
Care Taker, Blood Hounds x2- Crytallize the top Hound because his damage get out of control with the Caretaker buffs, and put Felicity on aggresive, hopes she attack the bottom dog, in my case she went for the Caretaker first, the Caretaker doesn't do much damage and he is gonna be wasting like half of his turns buffing the Crystallized top Hound. At this point in the game Felicity deals more damage than you, and Miss a lot less. So you're going to support her damage with your CC's like crazy. I didn't even use a Destroy before the Caretaker and bottom Hound died. Crystallize first turn, Adrenaline second turn, Leading Strike to get back focus and Crystallize the top Hound even before he gets out, never let the top Hound hit you with the Caretaker's buffs, if he crits he may take more than half your teammates HP.
At this point since most of the time you will be casting Crystallize, Leading Strike and Adrenaline. You can put Break instead of Destroy, as you really won't find as much room for it as in the other Zones. At least not at the crucial parts of the fights.
Riot Police x2, Android Guard- Aw, Androids, i love them when i'm playing as Bio xD. Since Felicity always go for the top enemy if the bottom or middle one is the same Crystallize the bottom Riot Police and keep him stun-locked. Disrupt the Android 2 times because when they run out of focus they stun-lock themselves like the Priest from the Zone 2, and if the top Police cast Perfect Aim you Break him, this way they can't do anything while Felicity take away their lifes.
Android Guard x2, Specialist- A lot of classes struggle here, BUT NOT US, not the CC Bio, this battle is actually really funny with this build, TAKE 4 DISRUPTS and bring some popcorns as the show is about to begin xD. Don't bring Adrenaline, there's no need for it. Start the battle stun-locking that pesky Specialist, you're gonna keep him stun-locked and leave him for last, now just start spamming Disrupt, disrupt the top Android 2 times and the bottom one time, you gonna have exactly 70 focus for Crystallizing the Specialist again and Disrupting the bottom Android one more time. There you go, the entire enemy team is stun-locked. ¿They're re-focusing? ¿How fast? ¿15 focus per turn? Keep using Disrupt on the Androids because the're focus generation is too slow, the Specialist is gonna get out of Crystalli- Nope, keep him there. So the Specialist is Crystallized and the Androids just got out of the self stun but nope, they don't have focus, so they're just gonna cast some Ice Bolts and self-stun themselves again, soon the top Android will die. Then Felicity gonna start with the bottom Android, he is self stun-locked, no focus and the Specialist stun-locked, when he dies, the battle is yours. For some more fun you can Disrupt the Specialist before Crystallize run out. He will be at low focus until 70% HP, and then you will notice he will use Leading Strike and his focus is gonna go over 50, Disrupt, he lead strike, disrupt, he lead strike, keep disrupting him, he won't be able to do anything.
City Council- This guys are kind of problematic for this build, feel free to re-spec to another build if you wan't at this point. Well, this battle is a bit tricky if you try to doit fast, or really long if you doit the safe way. I tried 2 times and then i just did it the safe way. The fast way is Crystallize the middle one and get the botom one to 1500 hp, then Crystallize that one and get the other one low hp, do this until both of them are around 2000 hp, let's say one is with 1873 and the other 1740, attack the one with more HP as Felicity will attack the one with less, and you basicly have to kill them at the same time or near the same time, because when one dies, the other cast State of Emergency, which makes him recover 700 focus per turn, and their attacks damage scales with focus, so if you let him attack with 2k focus he does 20k damage, if you gonna try this bring Break, so that you can stall this attack, hope Felicity use silence. Try to have more HP than Veradux and Felicity for this fight so that he either shoot one of them, if he does he deplete almost all his focus, so you should be able to kill him at this point. Good luck with the fast way. For this method bring Leading Strike, Destroy, 2 Adrenalines, 2 Crystallize and 1 Break. Good Luck.
Now for the actual safe way is REALLY long, the battle will take around 15 minutes, and have more than 100 turns. For this you don't need Adrenaline, bring Destroy, LStrike, 2 Crystallize, 1 Break, 3 Disrupts. When you kill one, which should be pretty easy while the other is Crystallized. Let the other get out of the stun-lock and let him cast State of Emergency which lasts for 99 turns. And then keep him stun-locked until the buff run off, it will take more than 10 minutes. But after that he is nothing, i don't really know if he re-cast State of Emergency, but that is not a problem, as the real reason to let that buff run off is because of the other buff: Sacred Duty, which heal him too much, is 300 every turn for this technique to work. When both buffs run off (If Felicity and Veradux are faster than you that's good). The moment he get's out of Crystallize, cast Break on him (Vera and Felicity will both attack him first), and then Crystallize him again (2 more attacks), cast 3 Disrupts, rinse and repeat until he is dead. The disrupts are mostly just in case you fail Break, in which case i'm not sure if he will attack and kill one member of your team or will re-cast State of Emergency. Good Luck with those Breaks.
Specialist, Android Guard, Secret Police- Not hard. Crystallize the Specialist, Disrupt the Android, and after he run out of his shield Felicity will focus on him. Keep the Specialist stun-locked and leave him for last. Kill the Android, then the Secret Police, then the Specialist.
Finally lvl 21 on both Veradux and Sonny. Equip everyone with Android legs and gloves. Sonny now have 171 Vit but more HP than everyone because of the stacked HP passives. Veradux 209 and Felicity 204.
Specialist, Blood Hounds x2- Kind of problematic if you get unlucky, but with the recent HP boost you can take the Hound attacks pretty well, if the Specialist use Black Metal on someone before you Crystallize him just re-start. Crystallize the Specialist, Adrenaline on Veradux, and disrupt the Hounds. Keep the Specialist for the last, if you take out 1 Hound you pretty much won.
Android Guard x2, Secret Police- 2 Androids, you know what to do xD.
Mayor, Guardian Cannon- They appear fearsome at first, the cannon have an attack that scales with focus, if he have more than 35, he one shot you with shatter bolt. After you kill him the Mayor becomes Enraged and start doing nasty damage IF he have focus. ¿At this point do you know where i'm going right? They have a MAJOR weakness xD. Well someone tell them the bad news, because their worst nightmare just arrived. All you need for this battle is 4 Disrupts. Bring Leading Strike and Destroy for filler if you wan't. The Mayor (when the Cannon is alive) does basicly nothing. So just ignore him and focus on the Cannon, start with Destroy and Leading Strike, when he stacks 2 Water Cannon buffs which restore 42 focus per turn just spam Disrupt all the way until he is dead, when he dies hit the Mayor until he cast Enrage, when he does spam Disrupt all the way, he will have no choice but to cast Leading Strike all the time, if Felicity silence him maybe you can spare a Destroy, keep the Disrupt, when he gets to 50% HP, he will cast some buffs but don't panic, he casted them perfectly on me and even then he didn't do much. Destroy Damage on Felicity, Destroy Healing on Veradux and Team Sacrifice (8 turns stun) on Sonny, perfect, even then he didn't manage to do almost nothing, when i got out i just kept the Disrupt spam, he only seem to cast those debuffs one time, easy fight, just kind of long.