ForumsSupport Forum[BUG] Learn to Fly 3's Black Market Resets Purchases and Some Ads Are Broken

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I keep running into an issue in Learn to Fly 3 where, after purchasing an option off the black market, the game forgets I made the purchase after refreshing or opening the page about three times, disabling the options I bought, even if it still remembers if I used them. For example, I just purchased the full 550 sardine pack, and while the game does not recognize that I purchased it anymore, all of my runs are now done with Australia Mode/Trippy Sky enabled, which I toggled on and can no longer toggle off without presumably buying the pack again. This has happened when I made smaller purchases too, and I lost about 900 sardines' worth of purchases in total. The only purchases the game remembers consistently are booster packs, as I have not yet lost the BP or additional features I unlocked from those.

Additionally, there are also some issues with the game's ads and how it recognizes ad viewing: some larger ads that require you to view a video and skip to the end will not recognize that you went through the steps (the box at the top doesn't say you've earned sardines, and continuing creates a box telling you that you've abandoned the offer), and there's this medium-size ad that pops up often and simply gives a black screen, making it impossible to complete the offer. Some other ads also end up similarly bugged. Refreshing the page will sometimes earn you the sardines that you were supposed to, but not always.

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