I didn't get the new Sonny code of steam I won from the giveaway in armorgames (I really apreciate to be one of the winners ) and i'm wondering if someone could give me an answer if they didn't arrive or what happened.
My email attached is willyponka@hotmail.com
I did changed the e-mail, because the one i had before was deleted years ago (outlook recognize the old e-mail as non-existant). If they send the code there, it wasn't even possible to recieve that. So I actually don't know what to do.
As this is account related, I'm a little limited on being able to discuss this with you in a public location. With that said, if you can please enter a help request from https:/contact/ and include the following in your request I'll be able to work with you one-on-one.
An email address that you have access to (this email should not be linked to another Armor Games account)
Your old (now defunct) email
Your date of birth
Once you've sent in the help request, go ahead and post here with the help request #. This will be sent to the email address that you enter on the help page. Please do not share this information in this post. Doing so may cause someone else to attempt to contact us and pretend to be you.
I'll verify the account with you and contact @doradorabobora and work with her to get your key sent to you.
Thanks and I'll be on the look out for your contact.
Hey folks, I am out for the day, but I will rectify this when I get home. I apologize for the delay, launching a new game is very hectic, so I appreciate the reminder.