Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Step by Step Walkthrough
III. List of Areas
IV. List of NPCs and their Role
V. The Pieces' Locations and how to get Them.
VI. How to Use this Guide
VII. Closing
I. Introduction
This is the walkthrough for Home Story: 1971 which is made by a game developer @andrewjustwo. In this walkthrough, it will go over the route to completing this game. There is a separate section for how to use this guide.
II. Step by Step Walkthrough
1. Pick up the shovel.
2. Take a look on the treasure map, you'll need this later. Remember it or write it down.
3. Go outside Jack and Jamie's Room by exiting via the door.
4. Take piece #1 hiding behind the painting next to Jamie's door.
5. Drop the bottommost painting to uncover the red 5. You'll need this later.
6. Go outside the Bathroom and Mom's Room.
7. Open the bottom drawer to get piece #2.
8. Turn on the lamp to uncover the number 6 in yellow light.
9. Go to the Kitchen to get a clue which is 2 written on a blue sticky note on a refrigerator.
10. Go back outside the Bathroom and Mom's Room.
11. Enter the code "526" (red 5, number 2 on a blue sticky note, and number 6 in yellow light.) for the top drawer.
12. Give the toilet paper to Dad (he is in the Bathroom).
13. Walk to the other room and go back so Dad can get out.
14. Enter the Bathroom.
15. Take the Metal Disk.
16. Open the medicine cabinet and take piece #3 and an empty flashlight.
17. Open the curtains and pick up the hooked stick.
18. Go to the Kitchen.
19. Use the Metal Disk to fix the safe.
20. Turn the dials so the arrows will point to the dots like this:
21. Take the handle and piece #4 after opening the safe.
22. Use the handle so you can open the drawer without a handle.
23. Open the drawer with the handle to get the 6th birthday tape.
24. Go to the Living Room.
25. Give the 6th birthday tape to Dad and he'll give you the backyard key.
26. Go to the kitchen.
27. Unlock the backyard door with the backyard key.
28. Go outside.
29. Start the "simone" puzzle by "echoing" using the 4 buttons. When you succeed, you'll get piece #5.
30. Go to the sandbox and use the shovel to dig for the batteries. Use the treasure map from the beginning to do this.
31. Put the batteries in an empty flashlight so you can use this flashlight.
32. Go outside the Bathroom and Mom's Room.
33. Use the hooked stick to open the door which leads to the attic.
34. Go to the attic.
35. Turn on the flashlight so you can see.
36. Pick up piece #6 on the bottom right corner.
37. Go closer to the newspaper and get the tape.
38. Try to hover the mouse on a roman numeral so the star's shadow can fit on one of the stars. When you found all the places, the roman numerals you hover on should be: II : III V. This is for the clock puzzle.
39. Go to the Living Room.
40. Go closer to the clock. Remember hovering on the roman numerals? When you turn the roman numerals into numbers, it should be 2:35. set the clock to this time. So it should look like this: 
41. Get piece #7 from the clock.
42. Go to Jamie's Room.
43. Go closer to the picture to fix it using the 7 pieces you found and taping them.
44. Pick up the fixed family picture.
45. Go outside the Bathroom and Mom's Room.
46. Give the family picture to Mom (she's in her room), she'll feel bad about locking everyone out of Jack's Room and she'll give you Jack's Key.
47. Go outside Jack and Jamie's Room.
48. Unlock Jack's Room using Jack's key.
49. Go to Jack's Room.
50. Read the letter on the bed. This game will be completed at this point.
III. List of Areas
--Jamie's Room: This is where you will start your game.
--Outside Jack and Jamie's Room: This is outside Jamie's Room.
--Outside the Bathroom and Mom's Room: This is where you need to solve the code for the top drawer.
--Living Room: This is where you need to solve the clock puzzle.
--Kitchen: This is where you need to solve the safe inside the cabinet.
--Outside: This is where you need to solve the "Simone" puzzle and get the batteries from the sandbox.
--Attic: This is where you get the clue for the clock puzzle in the Living Room.
--Jack's Room: This is where you'll complete the game after reading the letter on the bed.
IV. List of NPCs and their Role
-Dad: He is stuck inside the bathroom until you give him the toilet paper. After he left the bathroom, he went to watch TV in the Living Room. When you give him the 6th birthday tape, he'll talk about the fun experience in this video and he'll give you the backyard key.
-Mom: She doesn't feel well and is only inside her room. When you give her the fixed family picture, she'll feel bad about locking everyone out of Jack's Room and she'll give you Jack's key.
-Jack: He is still missing. He was not seen talking, but he is seen in the family picture. He written the letter for Jamie to read. The letter says he ripped the family picture because he was angry at Jamie but he felt bad and tried to help Jamie find the pieces.
V. The Pieces' Locations and how to get Them.
-Piece #1: This is located outside Jack and Jamie's Room. It is found on the painting next to the door which leads to Jamie's Room.
-Piece #2: This is located outside the Bathroom and Mom's Room. It is found inside the bottom drawer.
-Piece #3: This is located in the bathroom. It is found in the medicine cabinet above the sink.
-Piece #4: This is located in the kitchen. It is found inside the safe along with the handle for the drawer missing a handle.
-Piece #5: This is located outside. It is found after solving the "Simone" puzzle.
-Piece #6: This is located in the attic. It is found in the bottom-right corner of the attic.
-Piece #7: This is located in the Living Room. It is found when you solve the clock puzzle.
VI. How to Use this Guide
Items and pieces will be in bold text.
Clues will be in italics.
Areas will be in underlined text.
NPCs will be in bold and italics.
25. Give the 6th birthday tape to Dad and he'll give you the backyard key.
This is the twenty-fifth step in this guide. It is saying to give the birthday tape to dad. Click on the birthday tape in your inventory and give it to dad. When you do that, you'll get the backyard key.
VII. Closing
Thanks for taking time to read this walkthrough and hopefully it can help with what you needed to do to complete the game: Home Story: 1971. If you have any questions, feel free to post the question on this thread or on my profile.