Forums → Game Walkthroughs → Epic Boss Fighter strategies
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This a general guide for Epic Boss Fighter
Having already made an extensive comment on this topic, I figured that it would be useful if I moved it to the more suitable guide format. This was originally addressed to beating endless mode, but the boss-specific strategies can mostly be adapted to normal mode.
General strategies
Almost every boss can be defeated consistently if you develop your movement patterns.
Obviously, you should make sure that you have all of the upgrades. THE "trick" to success is not getting hit (which is probably quite obvious.) I would recommend (though this will be extremely difficult at first) to start with endless insane. By beginning in endless insane, you will get really good at avoiding the fire of the bosses (because you have to, as each hit takes half of a fully filled health bar). Even the tougher bosses will become easier as you practice the movement patterns necessary to avoid projectiles.
Another general recommendation is to save your bomb for the end of the boss fight, so that you can destroy the boss before it gets to its fastest speed. You should also try to stay centered on the bosses' weak points, so you can eliminate it as efficiently as possible, but value your health over scoring hits on the boss.
Here are some specific tips for each boss. Some of this is obvious, and you will already know it, but hopefully the more specific recommendations can help:
Boss-specific strategies
Boss 1 - Spider
This one is pretty easy. Just keep aiming your bullets at it and make sure to dodge its charges forward.
Boss 2 - Rotating Tank
This will require some practice, and it has a variety of spread patterns. Weaving through the spreads is sometimes difficult, but the streams of bullets can be dodged easily if you slowly move from one side to the other.
Boss 3 - Desert Eye
This one is another easier one, just dodge the beetles by moving from one side to other, and back. That will keep the targeting ones from hitting you.
Boss 4 - Cactus
This one can be intimidating, as it has a large spread of spikes across the screen. Fortunately, it has some safe spots where you can stand without ever being hit. In particular, the center of the screen, between the cactus and the bottom will keep you safe, at least from the main boss.
The boss also spawn mini cacti, which shoot two spikes diagonally on a regular basis. You can probably safely ignore these if their projectile path is not near you safe spot (which is hopefully in the center, as this will maximize your hits on the boss).
Boss 5 - Psychic Alien
The hardest part about this boss is the spread attack. Usually, you can stay relatively centered and dodge in between the gaps, but sometimes the pattern forces you to adopt more widespread movement. If you can avoid these spreads (which can probably only be improved upon by practice), then you should do well. The fireballs from the air should be relatively easy to dodge if you just keep moving, and you can even stay in line with the boss if you keep moving up and down (occasionally moving left and right to navigate around fireball targets.)
Boss 6 - Mobile tank with turrets
In my opinion, this is the most difficult boss in the game.
There are three stages, which are repeated: the general turret rotating phase, the targeting phase, and the (shortest) charge phase.
The first general turret rotating phase is the easiest time to hit the boss. You will have to dodge bullets from the turrets, but they are not targeted, so you can usually just dodge them by moving up and down.
The second stage is probably the most difficult. The easiest way is to start from one side and slowly transition to the other, by which time the turrets and fireballs will stop, leading into the 3rd stage. Try not to get trapped in the top left or right corners, as this will almost certainly guarantee you will be hit.
The third phase is really just an extension of the second, and if you get to the left or the right by that time, you will be fine.
Right after the third stage, you can get optimum hits on the tank, as no turrets will be firing until it moves all the way back.
Boss 7 - Rock elemental
The pellets will come from the right and spread out. There will always be an opening in the spread to dodge it, and continue staying centered to fire on its weak spot.
The cliff targets should be easy to dodge, and hopefully you'll be able to continue aiming relatively centered.
Boss 8 - Bipedal robot
The projectile patterns are relatively consistent in the first part, and there will always be an opening in the center of the projectile's pattern.
On the second part, be sure to destroy at least two, optimally three or four of the charging parts, as they will heal the boss. Healing the boss is not something you want to happen, but if only 1 or 2 are left, it should be fine.
Boss 9 - Base
If you have droids, this should be really easy. Focus on one of the weak points (left or right). When the boss begins its targetting phase, switch sides, and focus on the weak point that you have not been focusing on. You can probably stay still and still avoid getting hit.
Oh, and I think you have to destroy the helper robots, as they probably heal it or do something that will hinder your progress (though I am unsure as I have always destroyed them to make sure they didn't do anything.)
Boss 10 - Green monster
The tentacled teeth are the main obstacle. If you are directly next to these tentacles as they switch, you should be able to move between the switching teeth without taking damage. Also note that the tentacles coming from the left and the right do not reach all the way across the screen, so there's a safe zone in that phase.
The beetles also have to be avoided, but hopefully you dodge them as they approach you, and generally not worry too much about their presence.
Obviously, you have to follow the eye, but sometimes it's better to wait it out for the eye to move to a more convenient place.
Very well done, I really like the organization and formatting! Very easy to read through, concise and clear. @darkness2000 Enjoy your quest and merit!
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