Destroy all the evil Bots and salvage the valuable equipment before it falls into the wrong hands... Your command -if successfull- will be rewarded with honorable Quests! Do you have what it takes to lead the Stellar Squad to victory?
I seriously question the wisdom of having Survivor being 'Insane'. Because of the very nature of the game, completing this achievement should boil down to, 'Farm all upgrades, follow specific conversion and upgrade path in mission, win'.
I used a different tactic for the Insane quest :
3 Heavy in front line (fully upgraded for the aoes and drone thing)
2 Marines 1 Medic in back line (half upgraded, i had no money to put more than the 900$ ones)
and then buy the damage bonus for Heavys and marines asap, put the game in x2 speed and get your insane quest 2-3min after completing the game ^^
I'm still working on the 1.500.000 damage dealt quest 30min after the insane one
Pretty good game overall, "different and similar" compared to RoyalSquad and Warfare but really fun
Yay thank you for this game with quests! Managed to complete all the quests but had to reset my run at 2nd Act games because my first build-up got messed up.
Really hope to see more of such games with quests in ArmorGames!
Agreed, the Insane quest should be Hard at best, probably even Medium. I was able to get it right after 100%ing Act 1 and rushing through Act 2. My team consisted of Heavy-Marine-Heavy in the front and Medic-Heavy-Forcer in the back. I recorded a small walkthrough, although I don't think it should be necessary.
However, Fighterdidn't unlock for me. I tried all the usual solutions like refreshing the game page, finishing another level, exporting and importing the save etc., but AG just refuses to acknowledge it. @MrDayCee
However, Fighter didn't unlock for me. I tried all the usual solutions like refreshing the game page, finishing another level, exporting and importing the save etc., but AG just refuses to acknowledge it. @MrDayCee
Same, got all achivements and other quest but missing Fighter. any solutions to this?
I do have the same problem as other players as well, all of my achievements have unlocked expect Fighter. I have try playing 2 times with the same online save game but it did not unlock for me. Here the proof.
Survivor's description is wrong (or at least very confusing).
In the upgrade menu of the game, The term 'Skill' is used to describe the different types of auto-attacks that each soldier gets (e.g. Grenade Launcher for Marine, Splash Damage for Heavy), while the term "Castable Ability" is used for the special attacks that you can trigger using the number keys (e.g. Rocket Strike, Stun Grenade etc.).
The quest description states "Complete The 1st Normal Mission Of The 3rd Act Without Using Any Skills". However, the quest still unlocks if your team uses Skills, but does not unlock if you use Castable Abilities.
YES!! I managed to get all the quests and they all triggered fine for me.
I agree that some of the descriptions do not accurately portray what you have to do.