ForumsNews and FeedbackIntro Sound

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84 posts

Hello Armor Games, can your Team please edit the Intro Sound of your logo and make it a little bit lesser loud?
Thw swinging swords are so loud and have such a high pitch.
I absolute support Armor Games, but pls reduce the volume at 50%.

(I know this would mainly only work on future released games, but lets make armor games better for 2018).

  • 3 Replies
3,826 posts

A lot of people don't know this, but AG is secretly in league with the American Academy of Otolaryngology (i.e. doctors who work on your ears). The kickbacks they receive from patients presenting with severe tinnitus more than make up for lost revenue due to ad blockers.

I'll probably be dead by the time you read this for revealing their secrets, so it's up to you, Dracken, to carry on this message.

On a more serious note, the volume level has been a complaint for years now. It's fine on some games and absolutely deafening on others. I'm confident the admin team is aware of the issue, but I don't even know whose fault it is. Is it the developer's fault--something that happens when they encode the AG intro? Is it AG's fault for overlooking some setting in the intro? I can say, though, that it seems with newer games that the problem is mostly gone (though that could just be me getting lucky).

84 posts

hmmm your message was pretty confusing for me
And.... could they not just give the developers a "clean" version without the high pitch?
And sorry for late answer... I need a notification system, that I got a reply

3 posts

I 100% agree, and actually just made this account to create a post about this specifically. It's extremely annoying. If you search "armor games intro too loud" on any of the major search engines, you will find multiple posts of people approaching Armor Games with this concern, only to be treated with a bunch of condescending responses by people who I assume are somehow acting in an official capacity here?.. They all seem to say the same thing- "You should have checked your settings before you opened a game". What a joke.. This tells me that these individuals do not care about their users or the manner in which they represent their developers' products. Here we are approaching the last quarter of 2021 and the volume is still PAINFULLY OBNOXIOUSLY LOUD

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