As you may have noticed, the website is getting some new swanky digs and the header is the first step in the direction. We rolled out the new header as a soft launch and many of you have already noticed and shared your feedback and potential bugs with the navigation of the site and we are thankful for that!
We'd like to ask that moving forward you use this post to help us with having a central location for all reports of feedback (love and constructive criticism) and bugs/errors that you come across. Please also note that when reporting a bug, we ask that you please make sure you include your system information as this helps us with testing.
I'll try and keep my eye out for other posts, but this is the main one that I'll be checking and reporting from.
I don't use the forum often, but noticed the nice new layout just now and figured I'd check out the forum for and discussion about it. It looks a bit loud but otherwise much cleaner than it used to be.
My only concerns are with the profile user user-dropdown class looking a bit out of place - I think it may be due to lack of proper padding around the avatar image.
I tried playing around a bit with the CSS (and modified the profile user-games class as well to fit - See code block below). Other option would be reducing the avatar image's size, but it's already pretty small. Just a few ideas.
Okay, tried something else and I gotta say this is a winning solution, in my opinion - Get rid of the image borders/frame. If you're going for a minimalist style, the borders that are already on the images are ruining it.
I've replaced image/armatar_50_25.25_c_ou.jpg (bordered) with image/armatar_50_61.61_c.jpg (borderless) due to lack of other resources, although I recommend a smaller image to reduce load time. The result are very aesthetically pleasing.
It is just a detail but i always wonderer why the "more" option comes between "quest" and "devs portal", since it is game categories related, it should be right after "idle" and before "quests" and then should come "community" in my opinion ^^
Oh and will the color will stay this yellow ? i though at first color changed to the one i (we) use as profile color in the profile settings ...
The game Call of Roma is not anymore on your site since yesterday.
Can you explain me why?
I did spend the last month on it, and i kind of find it frustrating
to see all my effort disapeared like that.
Hey siocnarf,
RavePenguin here. Can you please repost your comment in the support section of the forums for us? This thread is for feedback about the new header and I don't want your question to get lost. Thanks!
DarkOrbit Reloaded больше не доступен в Armor Games, но вот некоторые другие игры, чтобы играть!
Что это ? Вы можете объяснить мне почему? Играю в игру 2 года и что теперь делать . Пожалуйста ответьте .Благодарю !
RavePenguin here. Just a reminder that our rules for posting require all posts to be in English. (https:/page/armor-games-rules)
Please re-post your question in the Support forums about DarkOrbit Reloaded as this thread's topic is the new header for the site. We don't want your post to get overlooked. Thanks.
while you're still working at the new header - could you maybe ensure that using the tab-key jumps from username-field to password-field? (atm it jumps to mmo-games)
@chk3vp We're looking into this. I think edits will go live early next week. Thanks for the feedback everybody. It's likely the footer will be our next design target.
@Ferret Thanks Will help people used to keyboards and key-shortcuts a lot.
And while you're at it, there's another thing I'm not sure it's bug or feature: When you log in while you're on a game page (because you bookmarked it), for some games you'll end up on the main armorgames-site after login in.
Example: open http:/bush-whacker-2-game/14347 , login, and you'll end up again on
It's working different on other games, if you login there on the game page, you'll stay on that page, that's why I'm not sure if bug or design.