ForumsGames[Found] Looking for an old game!

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It had to have been some time around 2010 when I last saw this game, I cannot remember the name or who made it, but I do remember what it was about, and I was wondering if any of ya'll knew what it was! That is-- if it's still around, maybe live or on an archive site.

RIGHT! So, you're in a rather large city, n' bugs have taken over. All kinds of bugs-- and you're a survivor tasked with rescuing people, securing zones, and so forth to advance the whole liberation from the bugs.
You roll with yourself, and eventually, two other survivors, professions of your choosing, to search the place like a grid.

The main feature I remember is yelling "Is anyone there??" and a stranded civilian within a certain radius will respond with a cry for help, and you'd make your way through the grid/fog of war. However, calling out could either attract bugs for combat, or there'd be a mimicking bug who faked the call to ambush you.

It was a really neat game, but I haven't seen it, or any of the other games from that website in almost a decade. If it's still around, or if anyone remembers the name or something, do tell! I'd love to play it again.

If it's any help, the site had a take on bomberman, which I also played a lot-- and the theme had something to do with a monkey. It wasn't Crazymonkey, it was a monochrome, kinda' Japanese lookin' monkey, nice lad. I do hope I could remember enough!

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The game looks like Toxers.

2 posts

This is it!! Oh, joy, this is it!! Thank you so much, my good friend, it's been so long! Ah, this'll be great fun. RIGHT! Good day, fellow otter lad!

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