ForumsGame WalkthroughsThe King of Towers - Event of the Week Q&A

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Event of the week - Goddess Pledge

The following guide includes a breakdown of the event mechanics, how to play and tips + the history of this particular event evolution.

Event mechanics:

Goddess (generic name of the event) is an event where you can get Honor Stars (HS), Hero XP and Hero Upgrade Chests (HUC), this is one of the most popular events given the high amount of HUCs that you can achieve by the end of it.

To earn rewards you must “Pledge” (event mechanic name) 3 times to a Goddess after picking 1 of the 3 available in the event menu:

#1 (10 Tokens): 1000 HS and Hero XP (5x required for next lv - up to 20000 exp)
#2 (30 Tokens): 2000 HS, 1 HUC and Hero XP (25x required for next lv - up to 50000 exp)
#3 (100 Tokens): 8000 HS, 3 HUC and Hero XP (50x required for next lv - up to 180000 exp)

You can only pick 1 Goddess at the time, and cant swap Goddess before the active first finish its pledges, remember this task last 3 days and you have to manually pledge every day; you get 1 FREE pledge per day, and optional pledge for 20 Diamonds (game premium currency).

Getting Tokens (Traditional way, updated way further below)

When you open the event menu for the first time you will receive 10 event items; the name and appearance of said item changes every event, so we will refer to them in global as “Token”. Each day of the event you can collect another 10 tokens per day by TAXING World Levels, this is a DROP RATE mechanic so a bit of luck/RNG is involved however the drop rate is fine and you are likely to get your Max points of the day before day reset.

The event lasts 14 days so in total you will have 150 tokens by this mechanic if you manage to collect every drop (please put attention to game world clock
to notice when a day ends).

Free Users Pledging Guide (traditional token usage, for newest version read further below)

With the mechanic stated above you could pledge 5x times to the middle (#2) Goddess for a total of 5x HUCs at the end of the event Using the following distribution:
• Day 1, 10 free tokens + 10 daily tokens = 20 tokens
• Day 2, + 10 daily tokens = 30 tokens; Activate your first middle goddess pledge Hearts +1
• Day 3, + 10 daily tokens = 10 tokens (the 30 previous have already been consumed); Pledge Hearts +2
• Day 4, +10 = 20 tokens; Pledge hearts +3; Claim reward HUC+1
• Day 5, +10 = 30 tokens; Activate 2nd middle pledge Hearts +1; current HUC+1
• Day 6, +10 = 10 tokens; Hearts +2; current HUC+1
• Day 7, +10 = 20 tokens; Heats +3; claim HUC – Current HUC+2
• Day 8, +10 = 30 tokens, Activate 3rd middle goddess, Hearts+1 – Current HUC +2
• Day 9, +10 = 10 tokens, Hearts +2; current HUC+2
• Day 10, +10 = 20 tokens; Pledge hearts +3; Claim reward HUC+3
• Day 11, +10 = 30 tokens, Activate 4th middle goddess, Hearts+1 – Current HUC +3
• Day 12, +10 = 10 tokens, Hearts +2; current HUC+3
• Day 13, +10 = 20 tokens; Pledge hearts +3; Claim reward HUC+4
• Day 14, +10 = 30 tokens, Activate 5th middle goddess, Hearts+1 – Current HUC +4


This is the TIMEOUT Part of the event: theoretically the event ends on day 14, HOWEVER if you already started your pledge before the event ends you can finish your Pledging influence and claim the reward.

• Day 15, No-More-Tokens; Hearts +2; current HUC+4
• Day 16, No-More-Tokens; Hearts +3; Claim reward - Current HUC+5

Now this is where the event ends, however the menu won’t banish before you claim your pledge rewards and your extra rewards in the “Reward” Tab.

Getting Tokens UPDATED Way

To the surprise of the community the latest Goddess event did also drop Tokens in “The Tavern“ (similar to other event items). This created a bit of fuzz considering that tavern drops are more RNG based than taxing levels AND because you can MISS a drop rate, thus ruining your planning.

In theory, a successful drop rate of tavern tokens would mean an extra of 3 tokens per day, if we consider that the event lasts 14 days that means: 42+ tokens by the end of the event (Remember that this are LUCKY DROP can missing a tavern drop could RUIN your strategy).

In the best case scenario where you get all 42+ tokens, you could trade 2 middle (#2) goddess pledges (60 tokens) for 1 right (#3) goddess pledge (100 tokens):

Ending with 3x the #2 rewards (3HUCs) & 1x the #3 reward (another 3 HUCs) for a boosted event income, but once again this is luck dependent and cannot be advised as standard play guide. However if you feel lucky you can still try it since in case of failure you can still earn 5 HUCs.

Free Users Pledging Guide (Newest version)

• Day 1, 10 free tokens + 13 daily tokens = 23 tokens
• Day 2, + 13 daily tokens = 36 tokens; Activate your first middle goddess pledge Hearts +1
• Day 3, + 13 daily tokens = 19 tokens (the 30 previous have already been consumed); Pledge Hearts +2
• Day 4, +13 = 32 tokens; Pledge hearts +3; Claim reward HUC+1
• Day 5, +13 = 45 tokens; Activate 2nd middle pledge Hearts +1; current HUC+1
• Day 6, +13 = 28 tokens; Hearts +2; current HUC+1
• Day 7, +13 = 41 tokens; Heats +3; claim HUC – Current HUC+2
• Day 8, +13 = 54 tokens, WAIT for #3 – Current HUC+2
• Day 9, +13 = 67 tokens, WAIT for #3; current HUC+2
• Day 10, +13 = 80 tokens; WAIT for #3; current HUC+2
• Day 11, +13 = 93 tokens, WAIT for #3; current HUC+2
• Day 12, +13 = 106 tokens, Activate Goddess #3, Hearts +1; current HUC+2
• Day 13, +13 = 19 tokens; Pledge hearts +2; current HUC+2
• Day 14, +13 = 32 tokens, Pledge hearts +3 – Claim & pledge with your left overs; current HUC +5

TIMEOUT Part of the event: if you successfully started a new pledge after claiming day 14 and before the event ends you can finish your extra goddess
If you successfully got 40 of the 42 extra tokens the extra pledge would be a middle (#2) goddess with +1 HUC, if you failed to gain 40 tokens then the left over pledge would be a left (#1) goddess without HUC, but with some
useful honor stars and Hero XP.

• Day 15, No-More-Tokens; Hearts +2
• Day 16, No-More-Tokens; Hearts +3; Claim reward

TIPS for the event:

• Beating a level can also drop tokens; however this takes quite some time.
• While in theory you will always get your tokens by taxing, you can always stockpile “food” items (ham, burgher, pie & turkey) for this event and gain extra energy in case you need to tax more.
• It has been noticed that taxing the same levels (for example, your newest unlocked Hard Mode) has a higher drop rate than taxing all levels available. This takes more time but seems to be more efficient.
• Whenever an event that uses Tavern Drop is about to start, you can leave your last (3rd) Tavern flip unclaimed. This way you will have an extra Tavern pick when the event starts.
• Be sure to track your token drop in order to know when you already collected the 10 Tax drops of the day.
• Don’t forget to Pledge! Always open the event menu to check if you have done your tasks.
• Give your event XP to your highest level hero, the strongest the hero level the strongest features you can unlock, such as BA levels or high level hero equipment to use.
• Wait till the end of the event to open your HUCs, a higher chance of a Durin Shard dropping may be higher.

Event History - Old Mechanic

This is no longer the case, but if someone is wondering: originally the tokens were given to the players per hero training session. This made the event more Paying User orientated, as free users wouldn’t normally have 4 training slot, some even wouldn’t have 3 slots. VIP players have training cool down, thus getting even more tokens in a day, VIP 1 with 3 slots could get 9 tokens a day, and VIP 0 with 2 slots might only get 4 or 6 tokens a day. The token drop update per taxing caused a major disgust within some big payers, as they felt that their advantage was taken from them, however they still can use Diamonds to get more Goddess Pledges than a free user if they would like to.

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Event of the week – Ranger Squad

The event is played around three major tasks which are 1) Collecting Wood/Dices 2) Advancing squares and 3) Rewards leaderboard

1) Collecting wood/dice
You start the event with the following dices:
• 5 Common Dices - rolls a number from 1 to 6
• 1 Purple Magic Dice – rolls a number from 4 to 6
• 1 Remote Dice – Lands on the number you select

More than the initial Magic and Remote dices are only available with diamonds (premium currency) and so being a payer’s exclusive option; however all free and paying players can collect Wood to carve new Common Dices. The tasks that can be done per day to collect more wood are the following

• Enhancing equipment 3x
• Upgrading magic spells or talents 3x
• Doing Boss Clash 3x

If you have 1 magic spell over level 91, the middle task will be exchanged with
• Stop Treasure Hunters x5
When a Treasure Hunters (TH) is killed in battle they give a random item going from TD Goods to Kingdom items such as Hero Medals, Ham and Gold; killing 1 will count as 1 event point.
Treasure Hunter wiki page

TIP: there is no need to beat the level to get a TH point, if you get defeated simply wait for the defeat menu, then click replay to get more THs or click quit and return to Kingdom (main) Menu.
TIP: even if Upgrading Magic is not on display is still in your game code, therefore allowing you to earn more wood if you would do both tasks.

2) Advancing squares
Once the event starts you get a random board with locations such as ranches (common resources), bazaars (good rewards) or the Land of the Unknown, the latest a special location with 1 of the following effects:

• Moving back 1 or 2 squares
• Moving forward 1 o 2 squares
• Doubling your next reward
• Go directly to goal
• Receive a random Fairy Blessing or Alliance*
*Note: in the latest versions there haven’t been reports of people getting Fairy’s rewards, so this feature was either removed or is currently bugged.

All squares types, rewards on display and dice results are random, meaning that you can open a really good board but never land on the desired square or have a bad board but always roll high numbers and reaching the goal fast, etc.

3) Rewards leaderboard
When you reach the goal you get 1 point for both current Round and Global Leaderboard (Points earned in Round 1 banish for Round 2 and so on), get a new board with new rewards and have a chance of finding 1 of the 4 pieces to collect the chest at the bottom of the screen*.

*Note: usually you only earn 3 of the 4 chest pieces as a taunt to purchase the missing piece with premium currency; however there are reports of free users that were lucky enough to open the chest. This is a jackpot and won’t happen to your average player.

Leaderboards are quite tricky as your placement relies on both luck and how many other players are luckier than you or willing to use diamonds to get the best reward.

1st place rewards are a piece of an equipment set, said set may depend on the event theme but the quality is usually the same of a themed Wicked gear. Currently the Suit of Greed is on display, the stats havent been individually documented on the wiki but they are pretty much the same stats of the Orc King set


It may be obvious but only use common dices until you get a nice reward at reach, then use your Remote dice (preferably on a 5 or 6 roll) to collect it. Depending on your game needs the best rewards are DSC, MH, PB and formerly Tomes (Tomes are no longer rare for current game version).

Even if you collect all possible daily Wood there is no guarantee that you will get good dice rolls or that the other players will have better luck. If you are having troubles to collect Wood from Magic Upgrades, it may be better to aim for a leaderboard on an early Round rather than waiting for round where more players may have more dices than you.

As preview of your luck, you can roll your dices to get as close of the Goal as possible without reaching it. With this you can check up how many dices in average it will take you to reach followed up goals and then decided if you want to go all out on the current round.

Rolling dice 10x does not improve your odds, it simply allows you to advance faster without waiting for the animations. On average you should get 3 Goals per 10 Dices.

26 posts

Event of the Week - Camp Power Struggle (CPS)

The following entry includes a wiki link, an overview and a history entry for the event.

CPS is an infamous event that groups the entire player base in 2 clashing teams: Royal Knights (RK) as blue team vs. Liberal Alliance Army (LAA) as red team. Battling 1 round per day for a 7 rounds week with: individual prizes per round, per victory (4+ out of 7 victories) and personal contribution (ranking reward with different prizes if you win or lose the event). However since the event is global the fate of the outcome is decided by the biggest players’ will to use premium currency (which allows extra battles).

Given the randomness involved and the personal contribution of each player in a constant mood swing, is not possible to make and accurate guide for this event, and its only advised to not taking it personal as the rewards are pale compared to the currency input used to gain them, and the factor of your effort being dismissed by an opposite player’s will to input more power ups.

More details on power ups such as: Personal boost (Battle Morale), Team boost (Camp Morale), and God Assist (Boost on next round after a defeat) are detailed in the wiki entry alongside the rewards each event aspect.

History of Camp Power Struggle:

When the event was first introduced there was no "God Assist" and you were able to change team for 50 diamonds. Players used to always (or seemed to) land on the same team, in that time LAA had two of the biggest players and therefore all the payers switched from RK to LAA from round 2 onward, making LAA team win all the time. Complains from RK were huge.

One day, one of the top players decided to play with RK and dropped some big money for the laughs, probably the highest diamond waste in the history of KoT. Right after, said player, threatened SZ with asking Paypal for a refund of all the money used in CPS if the developers didn’t provide some maintenance to the game. I personally don’t remember what happened there but I think SZ only raised the cap levels for some stuff but didn’t truly added anything new, causing a lot of veteran players to quit.

Later on, the option to change teams was removed and since most veterans quit, LAA (which used to host most veterans) was now at disadvantage, and now complains from LAA were the ones making noise. After that the "God Assist" was implemented... making no real difference given that %boost is worthless if the players are weak to begin with. Current event seems to be more random with player's placement; however RK is still with the upper hand. LAA has won some minor battles since then, but mostly because a Random-Payer may have decided to poke RK a little.

This event has been criticized since it was implemented, it placed a before and after in the KoT history as it provided some of the biggest diamonds waste and encouraged players to quit. As for me, CPS is a reminder of how little SZ cares for maintaining the game; it’s almost a year since the events texts are bugged and displays are wrong. Even more, 1 time I was placed in BOTH CPS teams, HA! The only time I was fully not caring about who will win.

I think that overall KoT is a good game; however the current state of the events and lame price-worth balance for the items makes the usage of real money pointless. I’m glad that the Keel pieces and the recycled maps gave us something to talk but I would prefer some maintenance to the decaying game mechanics.”

Disqus entry by omegaprototype – December 14, 2017.

26 posts

Event of the week – Search for the Lost Treasure (LT)

The event is divided in 3 sections: Map, Exchange Treasure, and Get Hammer

Get Pikes/Hammers:
in some event variations the name “Pike” was used, in the majority of the following events the name “Hammer” was added, whoever this sometimes creates confusion from the other 2 similar name items “Gold” and “Magic” hammer.

3 of 4 tasks are performed to get Pig iron, 5 Pig iron pieces are exchanged for 1 Hammer. Originally:
Fight in the Arena (3x), Upgrading Towers (3x) and Fight in the Beast Caves (3x)

However for advanced accounts, after a tower reaches upgrade level 91. The middle task is exchanged for: Stop the Treasure Hunter (3x).

>When a Treasure Hunters (TH) is killed in battle they give a random item going from TD Goods to Kingdom items such as Hero Medals, Ham and Gold; killing 1 will count as 1 event point.
Treasure Hunter wiki page

TIP: there is no need to beat the level to get a TH point, if you get defeated simply wait for the defeat menu, then click replay to get more THs or click quit and return to Kingdom (main) Menu.

Important! Contrary to other events, in LT you can’t do both tasks; neither can bypass the THs cap of 3, making the daily profit 9 Pig Iron pieces.

Exchange Treasure
While exploring the map you have the chance of finding “shards” by breaking statues or reaching reward chests. These Shards can be exchanged for rewards such as MoonStones (MS), Magic Hammers (MH) and HardWood (HW). A constant debate between which is more rare vs. more useful.

It’s advised to exchange the shards for HW as this event is the only reliable source of it, however if you don’t have the materials to upgrade your Rural Camp, MH become the newest best option. MS are quite rare on their however; they ask double the amount of shards (4 vs. 2) of the other 2 picks, making it a bad deal in terms of investment.

Map - Search for the Lost Treasure
“A player will have to maneuver through the board and reach the chest at the end”. From your start point to the chest at the end of the map there are multiples squares blocked by statues, 1 hammer is consumed per statue removal. Breaking down a statue can reveal either a pathway with a Shard drop rate, a BossClash monster guarding a small chest, or a gold mine.

Note: Gold from gold mines can be extracted and added to your Kingdom, however the stone will remain blocking the path and you will need extra hammers to move around it.

Depending on the stone placement you can figure out your map, which will allow you to get the perfect route and avoid future stones. Reaching the chest is the only objective of the map before jumping to the next board however, a key is needed to unlock the next map.

Strategy – Finding the Key:

LT is one of the few events that can be “scouted” however just to a small degree. Scouting is: the action of disconnecting the internet before doing a certain game action; this allows seeing the outcome without consuming the cost (hammers). Scouting doesn’t let you modify the reward of a certain outcome; however it helps you with your planning to where or when use a consumable (hammers).

Scouting won’t reveal if the statue holds a gold mine, monster or path, however Key animation triggers even while offline (since it’s not a random drop; it was already placed when the board loaded), making it possible to find the key location without excessive hammer usage.

LT only allows scouting adjacent squares. Meaning that if you start on A, for a pathway A, B, C and D: you can only scout B spot, UpA, and DownA; server connection must be enabled to unlock B. if A and B are unlocked you can scout for UpA, DownA, UpB, DownB, and C, but D will remain locked until C is open while connection is on.

Note: on lucky runs (finding the key early) this is avoided, thus there is no need to attempt doing a scout if you haven’t reached the chest yet.

26 posts

Maps for Search for the Lost Treasure (LT)

Please notice that while the maps are the same some labels may differ from the format used in the wiki, credits to DoctorTerror
Map Finder by the User ExSpL0Si0N Here.

2 posts

I'd like to add something on the Strategy – Finding the Key section.
If we have 10 diamonds when we disconnect the internet we are able to "buy" as many hammers as we need to complete the scouting. When we reload the game the 10 diamonds will be safe in place and no extra hammers at all in our event window. Helpfull just to digg all highlighted statues at once to find the key.

26 posts

Information on Scouting – Search for the Lost Treasure (LT)

It seems there is still confusion on how scouting for LT works. From the guide, the explanation reads:

Scouting won’t reveal if the statue holds a gold mine, monster or path, however Key animation triggers even while offline”.

In other words: you will NOT break the statue while offline as the image of the statue is not removed and thus is not allowing you to see if there was a gold mine, a monster or a path; however if the key was inside you will see the animation of it popping up and unlocking the new map (as if you were online). Pic description below:

As you can see, Lance is facing towards the statue I attempted to break, hammer still over it, and while the statue is not being removed the key animation triggered.

In this particular case, the scouting was not as useful given it is on the upper edge of the map, making it impossible to scout from the center (remember, you can only scout statues that are adjacent to already unlocked paths). However, since keys are normally placed on the way to the chest and I didn’t find it on the downside route, it was expected to be in the upside route.

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Event of the week - Mysterious First Day of School (generic name: Digging event)

Event details are already covered in the wiki entry. The following guide is an explanation for “Scout”, as this is one of the few events where this mechanic is available.

In the event Search for the Lost Treasure (LT) scouting is limited to adjacent places, however in digging based events you can scout the entire board BUT you can NOT manipulate the rewards. In this event rewards have a predetermined order, meaning that if you got Xreward in your second dig while offline, once you are online it doesn’t matter where you dig, the second rewards will remain being XReward. Example in the pic below:

I cleared the entire map with a scout and the very last spot was a diamond reward, meaning that no matter what I do said reward will be out of my reach for the event.

What are the advantages then? Simply, searching up if you will or won’t receive top rewards, thus saving you the trouble to collect more digging attempts (wands for this event theme). If you focus in collecting tokens (to exchange for wands) you are most likely to clear half map by the end of the event, so if a desired reward is within reach then it will be worth playing the full event.

History notes: while this event holds overall bad rewards even for payer users, it used to hold some dear to F2P users given the chance of collecting 20 diamonds by the end of the event. However, latest update while boosting the rewards in display (for example: making gold hammer 2x instead of the original 1x or overall boosting gold or materials count) heavily lowered the chances of getting the diamonds as many players have reported not getting a single diamond pack since the event was updated.

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Event of the Week - Finding event (Generic name)

Please note that, as in many events, the event labels are mixed up with other themed variation, meaning that there are 2 generic names for every event token (TokenX & TokenY) such as:
-Celebrate Victory in Battle (Shield & Lance)
-Mother’s day (King’s box & Key)
-Celebration Balloon (Balloon & Needle)
-Orc’s Secret letter (Mailbox & Key)
-Blessing postcard (Postcard & Stamp)
-Independence day (Firework & Lighter)

The event is divided in 4 tabs: Get <token>, Level ranking, Full ranking and Previous score. The last 2 being mostly for payers users as its unlikely a free user will collect enough points for those leaderboards.

Free users must consider the following:
Level ranking & Get Token

The events have the same goal of collecting TokenX and TokenY and exchange them for a small reward + the chance of collecting points for the current round. These points are counted per round and grant a leaderboard chance of winning the following rewards

1st - 10 Magic Hammers, 10 Mysterius Mushrooms, 1 Orc King Set’s piece
2nd - 8 MHs, 8 Mm, 1 small legend equipment chest (wicked or elite)
3rd - 6 MHs, 6 Mm, 1 small rare equipment chest (elite or special)
4 to 10 - 5 MHs, 5 Mm
11 to 50 – 3 MHs, 3 Mm

TokenX is collected in tavern flip (3x) and equipment enhancing (3x). Both are lucky drops, so while the equipment can be done quickly or after many enhance tries, missing 1 tavern drop can heavily hurt your chances of collecting points at the end of a round. TokenY is usually granted in big numbers, more than you will be able to use.

Note: points are reset are every round and not every token exchange will grant a point.

About Orc King Set, 1 piece is granted per round, meaning that you must have to win the entire event (4 rounds) for the full set or would have to wait for the event to return and try to reclaim the missing piece.


It’s unlikely for a free user to win the leaderboard so the main goal for these players is to collect TokenX 80x times so they can claim the very last chest at the bottom of the screen. There are 4 rounds of 3 days each, every day has 6 collecting chances for a total of = 4x3x6 = 72 TokensX + 2 days of the Time-Over (+12 tokens). To do so, a player must wait for round 4 to trade-in all his TokenX & Y, if successful he may land in top 50 at the leaderboard and get a proper reward, if unsuccessful he must wait for the event’s time over and finish the 80x quest.

Note: As Round Points, Chest Points are also reset every new round, so you won't be able to claim chest 80x if you exchanged tokens before round 4. Round 4 is not reset in the Time-Over

2 posts

A tip for the Mysterious First Day of School event.
The remaining treasure value on the right under corner doesn't match with the real value of the remaining rewards.
We descovered that the 15 Rainbow Ore value is 140 diamonds (only 30 on market!) and the value of 12 Rock Block is 160 diamonds (60 diamonds worth) if they are the last reward to be claimed.

20 posts

Another note on the "finding event" described above: for people in new BGs, the situation is radically different: there may be way fewer players on the event, and maybe only a couple " payers" in the event, which means anyone can get the rewards easily, sometimes even with only one token...

That means you need to check on the day before the last day what the situation is: depending on how many event items you've got you may decide to get one (or a few) token (s ) just to get the lowest prize (3 MH 3 mushrooms) or decide to try to aim for one of the top prizes.

When going for cheap, lowest prize, what matters is to remember that the ranking is set on first come, first served basis, so that means the first player to get 1 token will be on top of the list of 1 token players to get a prize, so you need to get your token(s) as early as possible to rank high enough not to get "kicked out" of the prize list. This is why you will see some people redeeming their tokens on the very first day of the event.

If on the other hand you are aiming for top prizes, you need to remember there are payers out there, in which case it might be better to wait later on the last day to see if payers got the prizes you wanted out of your reach...(which is sadly most often the case, but not always!)

At any rate if you are lucky enough to be in one of those BGs, it is way more worth the while to go after a prize every round than trying to get the 80 chest prizes... ^^

26 posts

Event of the week – Glory and revenge (G&R)

The event and place to use INVIGORATE

A really straight forward event with no proper strategy applied. After you registered in the event you will do auto-battles against “other” players, the winner must carry on with their residual soldiers (soldiers lost per battle do not participate in next rounds). A small amount of gold and honor is gifted per participation.

This event yields a very low profit, the gold and honor can be helpful for newer accounts but it doesn’t take long for them to become insignificant.

Event Notes:
The most relevant (or curious) aspects of this event is that it’s just an “illusion of PvP”. While the battle pairing uses the username of a fellow player in reality you aren’t battling said person, as it was noticed that you are sometimes paired vs. a player that was either already disqualified or isn’t event playing to begin with.

This have brought to question if the event is actually doing the math for a battle outcome or if it’s randomly giving you a result based on pure luck, then again the rewards aren’t that great to begin with so in case of being unjustified defeated there wasn’t much lost.

For example, while I was defeated on round 3 by the fellow user balthasarK, he didn’t even passed round 1.

26 posts

Event of the Week - Peace day Joys (Card flip)

Event overview: the event is based on a “Match Pairs Memory Card Game”, where you can flip face up 2 cards at the time. If you find the respective pair you earn the reward on display, but if you fail finding a pair the first card picked goes facedown again. You get a new board every reset, so watch out the time.

Top rewards are: Solvent, HUC, Bomb, MH (2x), Defender pieces (5x) and tome.
Note: Defender pieces and tome might not be a priority for some players, while others can even consider food items (Turkey and Apple pie) as proper reward.

Event wiki (theme may vary but event structure is equal)

Earning Flip chances:
The event gifts you 8 free picks every day, these free picks can’t be stockpiled and must be used before the daily reset (there is a chance of finding a pair within 8 free tries but this is luck based).

Additionally, there are flip chances that can be stock for following event days, this are earned by doing game tasks and change depending on your current progress.

-Initial: Upgrade equipment (2x), tower (2x) and/or magic (2x)
-For veteran accounts upgrading 2 towers and 2 magic a day becomes almost impossible (gold and resources stock wise) so the event can be played with different tasks options: once Tower/Magic Level is over 90 you have access to the Initial tasks + Stop Treasure Hunters (5+) and Boss Clash Fights (3x).

Stop Treasure Hunters
When a Treasure Hunters (TH) is killed in battle they give a random item going from TD Goods to Kingdom items such as Hero Medals, Ham and Gold; killing 1 will count as 1 event point.
Treasure Hunter wiki page

TIP: there is no need to beat the level to get a TH point, if you get defeated simply wait for the defeat menu, then click replay to get more THs or click quit and return to Kingdom (main) Menu.

TIP: those who have TH and FP in their task menu can also get points by doing tower/magic upgrades as they aren’t on display but are still in the code, meaning that they work as a task.

This event can be scouted in a similar way to Digging event: the cards location have a predetermined sequence, meaning that at first it doesn’t matter where you pick to flip face up but rather how many cards you have flipped up already, after a card has been revealed it will remain on spot for you to return once you also found its pair.

In more details: let’s say that the assigned sequence is 1 till 8 and a pair for rewardX is found on cards 3 and 7, this means that regardless of where you found the pair while offline the reward wont pop up until you at least use 8 flips: 7 to reach the sequence of second-half card +1 to go back and pick first-half card 3.

To be sure that an entire board can be played, you need 24 flips (revealing the entire sequence) + 1 pick per desired reward (meaning, 1 pick to go back to a previously revealed half and match a pair)

Note: Scouting is mostly used to know if a reward would be at reach in case you don’t have enough flips for the entire board. On situation where the entire board can be normally played the scouting process is not needed.

Stockpiling flip chances
It’s normal to have bad boards on certain days, it’s advised to claim you board only if there are at least 3 top rewards in it. This may change depending on your needs of specific reward like a solvent or a HUC but normally it’s better to skip low profit boards and save the flip attempt for the next day in hopes of a better board.

If you clear an entire board you get a new one right away, this can be used if you stocked up too many flip chances for the last day of the event.

1 posts

120 energy = 5 water droplets. it,s normal ? 0_O

300 posts

That's pretty weird... Normally I always get to 10 with a whole full "bar" of energy. I have the feeling it's not luck based and that there's an algorithm to give you 10 droplets when you spent the whole 120. Guess you'll have to keep grinding to get the other 5

1 posts

This is most useful, thank you!

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