ForumsSupport Forum[FIXED] Sudden Rank Change

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136 posts

So apparently I was checking my profile, looking at my completed quest, and out of the corner of my eyes I saw my rank as Queen

30 minutes ago I firmly believe I am still in princess rank. So I conduct a small investigation in the leaderboard and saw this.

What I have circled are a few examples. It seems that there is a bug with the AG points as some people have ridiculous amounts of point but done so little quests. So I wanted to know what may be the problem here?

  • 34 Replies
2,875 posts

Amy, I think you'd be better off posting in the support forum.
I was actually just wondering this myself. Methinks merits have received a buff. Anyone of y'all working on an answer to this? @MrDayCee ? @Moegreche ?

3,826 posts

Oh, wow. I just checked my profile and I'm suddenly a King rank. I'm sure the admins will know what's up. In the meantime, I've moved this to the Support forum.

7,024 posts

Same here. Suddenly King and #25, over Gantic who has more Quests, Merits, everything really

136 posts

Well in my opinion I don't find this bug a bad thing since if it is what gave me a Queen rank, I am happy to have it xD

16,587 posts

So it's affecting everyone then. I like being king for a day. Sure, why not?

660 posts

I don't think it is affecting everyone, though. I maintained Jester status. Maybe there's an outside force at work here? Someone who favors certain users over others? Hmmm... Nah.

4,755 posts

@dragonmaster10902 Haha, a curious hypothesis XD

So nobody lost their points? Everybody wins or at least breaks even, right?

I got about 30K points. It doesn't look 100% random, but all I can think of after comparing accounts, is that AP are now calculated from the general activity, like all the profile numbers gathered together and calculated with some crazy formula. But seriously AG, any new quester seeing the gulf in points on the top will be discouraged.

I have found another interesting thing by the by...

Page 12, number 171. A phantom user? 0 quests, no name, lotsa points. There are many of them: p19 273, p20 292 and 294, p32 467. It probably goes on and on. Maybe people who deleted their accounts?

BTW, p26 poor number 387, @hnorgist has no armatar :-P

Also @kalisenpai , you observed another thing with the ranks, didn't you?

4,755 posts

She told me that on CT100 just now, if anybody wonders what I meant.

AP are now calculated from the general activity

Only the profile numbers. So no chats or a total number of hours really spent on AG (especially doing useful stuff).

There must be some sort of dependence. As @sciller45 mentioned, a lot of extra points must be coming from the merits.

3,826 posts

Initially, I was thinking points from merits as well. But, on closer review, that explanation doesn't work. Gantic and I have roughly the same number of merits (I have 105 to his 97). But he has waaaaay more quests than me. And yet, I''m ahead of him in ranks. If merits were giving enough points to make up that difference, then he and I should be in 1st and 2nd place, respectively.
In addition, there are people who have jumped who don't have any merits. The other thing is that I'm low on everything--quests, comments, forum posts, etc. Everything except merits. That's what makes me think this is a glitch rather than a conscious decision. We'll just have to wait for the admins to sort it out.

1,858 posts

@PLGuy, yep, now I'm again a Baroness. So, when this bug started I ranked up to Grand Duchess, then for some minutes I became again a Peasant and they I returned to being a Grand Duchess (my "real" rank should be Baroness). But yesterday I won a quest and I became a again a Baroness (hence, I ranked down). I do think that, apart from not knowing how points are given anymore, the problem is that this is really unstable... But maybe that's just my experience.

4,755 posts

@Moegreche Oh, I see... I also don't think it could be a conscious decision, but interestingly there are some regularities, we can't say it's completely random. Other thing that could have added lots of points are legacy quests, especially those old Armor Games ranks. Since nobody lost their points we can assume that those are only bonus points - either added to the base number or received by using higher variables in the same, good formula.

I also observed that RaptorExx gains or loses 1500 points from time to time. But how this glitch counted points doesn’t really matter if gaining new points can fix the number.

@kalisenpai So if new points refresh the total amount, the formula must be still good. It could be a way to refresh the whole thing. I mean they could add an extra quest/merit to everyone and then delete it, that is, at least to some rank, and if there’s no easier way.

7,024 posts

completely random. Other thing that could have added lots of points are legacy quests, especially those old Armor Games ranks. Since nobody lost their points we can assume that those are only bonus points - either added to the base number or received by using higher variables in the same, good formula.

Might not be completely random but there is also no way to know what it is, mostly because I don't reckon it's one thing. There is literally NO stat in which Gantic doesn't beat me. He has about 5 times the merits I have, more games rated, more quests, more posts, more comments, and more legacy quests because I only got up to Gold Squire back in the day He joined before me as well. And yet he was of a lower rank than I was when this started. MrDayCee jumped to #1 with barely any activity that should nail him points, Gantic jumped about 20 positions as well without even logging in (his profile says last seen 1 month ago browsing Armor Games), I dropped about 14 but that might be the result of people jumping ahead. He started about 5 positions before me and went up 19 positions ahead of me (#10 currently I think) without even coming online

4,755 posts

^ I've read many things about Gantic, maybe HE is able to do that XD

I also observed some changes in points, a few thousand points added or subtracted... Actually, I think that people jumping in ranking might be a good sign - as if somebody was meddling in code to fix it? Providing that's not a hacker, we should be on a good way to having the ranking fixed.

Also, it could be because of (correct me if I'm wrong) unassigned / uninitialized variables - and their unpredictable values. But I guess those values would mess up even more, like moving somebody from the bottom of the ranking to the top and vice versa. Even in case of added values that can be negative.

136 posts

I only have 1 merit, that is the CT100, yet I jumped from princess to queen in an instant. The fix is to get a new quest or anything that modifies your AG point system and that should fix it. Side notes, you might have to earn a few quest before it goes back to normal for you. I finish one quest, and goes from queen to peasant, and another quest push me back to princess.

I suspect the merits has to do with the rank change, perhaps an error in code reading causes this? I have no comments.

1,858 posts

Well, I've seen that every time I win a quest, I change my rank... If I'm a Baroness and then win it, then I become a Grand Duchess. BUT if I'm a Grand Duchess and win a quest, then I rank down to Baroness... Weird.

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