ForumsSupport Forumgenre search update plz

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1 posts

Can someone with a brain please update this site to make this very simple yet use full change. (the problem is when I click strategy games for example. Its shows 10 games out of like a 1000. And I can only see 10 games at a time within that genre. Its dumb.) Just update it so I can see 1 big page with like 50 games and let me change pages easily. Because pushing pg 1 pg 2 pg 3 or pg 4 ect. What ever number it stops at. Just add a side bar that I can type what numbered page that I want to see. This will help me find the old games that I used to play when I was younger. Because I can't remember half of there names now; The current genre search feature is a degrade from what it used to be. Please understand we want convenience not head ache.

  • 2 Replies
8,257 posts

Would it be asking too much of you to formulate a polite request without that insulting tone? :/

14,745 posts

@DEMENTEDBLISS You can easily go to the pages at the back by editing the url in the browser's search bar. Simply exchange the number shown by the requested page number and hit enter. I will forward your suggestion to the backend nontheless.

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