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Hello all! I've decided to return to ArmorGames for the time being, unfortunately for me, I meant to return yesterday instead of today.

What took me so long was getting into my own account. I messed up putting in my password once, no big deal I thought. I put it in correctly the second time, however, instead of putting me into my account it brought me to a page saying that someone had recently tried to get into my account(which was my mess up from earlier) and that in order for me to login I need to reset my password from an email that I'd been sent.

Unfortunately for me, it was sent to an email that gmail also wouldn't let me login to(even though I had gotten that password right the first time, it wouldn't let me in just because it didn't recognize my device and sent a recovery message to an email account that I had deleted a long time ago. Gmail is dumb.). Meaning that I had to contact support about my email issue, wait 8 hours for a response(which I wouldn't have a chance to look at until this morning) use the temporary password I was given to login, change my email while also using the temp password, and then finally changing my password.

All of that was a long process that I believe could easily have been shortened considerably if there were security questions to answer to be able to login instead of having to send a recovery email.

Granted, I don't exactly know the security process behind things like security questions so I don't know if that'd actually be any safer. What does anyone else think about the situation? Am I just the minority in this situation?

  • 3 Replies
16,587 posts

Welcome back R2!

Yes perhaps additional security measures should be put in place.

660 posts

I think that would be a good idea. Like you said, I'm not sure if that would be as secure as the confirmation email, but it sounds like it would be better, so that if your email was compromised, they still wouldn't have access to your account, and if something like that Gmail crap happens, it won't be a total lockout.

9,323 posts

It's a great idea, but unlikely one we'll implement at this time. It's additional personal data we'd just not like to store.

Glad you're back!

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