ForumsSupport ForumGame destroys save data in other games

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I've been enjoying Rogue Fable III (https:/rogue-fable-iii-game/18602?fp=ng) but i noticed that when I went back to Idle Breakout that all my progress was gone. I assumed it was part of an upgrade cycle and, while disappointed, I didn't worry about it.

But now I realize that whenever I loose at Rogue Fable III (which is often as it is wicked hard) my progress resets in Idle breakout and i realize in horror that RF3 is deleting ALL armorgames local saves and not just its own.

Help. How do I raise the alarm? Using chrome.

  • 5 Replies
72 posts

Hey Chief,

I'll dig into this further for you, could you reach back to and let them know your current browser specifications, any plugins you may be using in said browser, and a screenshot of the event(s) as they are occurring for you.

Thank you and we will try to get to the bottom of this.

504 posts

So I saw this post and realized that I may have encountered the same problem.

Rogue Fable III and Brain Creator came out around the same time. I was having a weird problem with the saves on Brain Creator. I could play the game off and on for a while during the day, close the browser, restart the computer, etc., and the game would be just fine. But then the next day all the progress from Brain Creator would be gone. I assumed (and reported) that it was a bug in Brain Creator as it was generally overnight that the data was wiped.

After seeing this post I went back and experimented. I can play Brain Creator, close the browser, reboot the computer, etc., and the save is just fine. If I then play one game in Rogue Fable III and then go back to Brain Creator, the Brain Creator save is wiped out!

I tested this multiple times and it works every time. If I play Rogue Fable III, it kills the Brain Creator save.

We also know the Rogue Fable purposely deletes saves so that it only keeps a certain amount of past plays in memory. We also know that this is hard-wired into the game and the player doesn't have a choice in this (unless someone has a way to manually go into where the game stores data and remove data on purpose in advance.

So, to sum up, Rogue Fable III is deleting saves and I can replicate it every time on purpose with Brain Creator.

Chrome in Windows.

504 posts

Update: PixelForgeGames (creator of Rogue Fable III) saw my posted comment in disqus and believes they see it as well. They are looking into a fix.

504 posts

Okay, well this game is still deleting saves and the developers have done nothing about it, despite admitting that their game destroys other game save data and promising to fix it.

This game should not be allowed on the site if it sabotages other games. I have lost so much progress to Rogue Fable III and will not be playing it anymore since the developers don't care about ArmorGames or the users of the site.

4 posts

Flagging Rogue Fable III as a broken game atm, as it is not supposed to break other games.

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