ForumsSupport ForumWhy are there two versions of the Armorgames websites?

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Hello, I was trying to search for a game that I know that is on "" but it didn't show up, so when I used google to find the game and it says that it is on armorgames. So naturally I clicked on it and noticed that the web address for armorgames had changed to "". So my Question is Why are there two versions of the Armorgames websites? And for what reason are there two in the first place?

  • 2 Replies
12,319 posts

The following two screenshots suggest that is a mirror of AG:

A few observations:

  • Almost all of the games in the "New Games" and "Popular Games" sections have a pending rating despite most of them having millions of plays.
  • Many of the games that do have ratings have different ratings than they do on the real AG.
  • The "New Games" section lists a Sushi Boy Thunder with a game ID of 12131, but it's not on the real AG. I'm guessing the admins rejected it. Its release date is given as today.
  • I refreshed the page and found a "Unity Test Game" with a game ID of 1000040 and a release date of January 23, 2014.
  • The games in the screenshots have fewer plays than they do on the real AG. This means the mirror must've taken games from the real AG at some point and imported their plays, and the real AG is much more popular than the mirror.
  • The MMO section has a bunch of now-deleted MMOs, and the newest real game on the mirror's home page is circloO.

The admins would know if there's an official use for, but I'm guessing someone took the AG of September 2015 (the month circloO was released on AG) and created a duplicate site that has some auto-updating elements (the header and footer have their current design, and the news is up to date).

4 posts

Alright, Thanks for the time to find the information. I really didn't know what to think of it at the time that I had found it. I just find it to be a little odd that the Admins have not done anything about it.

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