ForumsWEPRReflections and an Apology

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It's been a long time since my last post—8 years, according to my profile—but it seems like a good moment to address a few things.

I've had an AG account for over a decade. During that time, I was active on the forums. I was especially active on WERP. My opinions shifted dramatically over the years as I left the evangelical church and my politics moved to the left. Over that time, I held many oppressive opinions that were sexist, racist, homophobic, classist, elitist, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-trans, among too many others. I sincerely regret them all.

My posts undoubtedly caused harm to some in the community. While many who knew me haven't been on this site for over a decade, I want to leave an apology on the off chance any of them stumble on it again.

I am ashamed of many of the beliefs that I held and am working, always, to rid myself of them. This work is a lifelong project to be a better accomplice and comrade to black people, brown people, indigenous people, women, working class people, the unemployed, incarcerated people, people in the majority world, and everyone else oppressed by racial capitalism and American hegemony.

America was built on stolen land using stolen labor. The genocide of American Indians and enslavement of Africans are the rotten foundation of the power and prosperity of the United States. Our collective future depends on our ability to atone for the sins of the people who came before us. We will not know freedom, democracy, or peace until we redress these wrongs and overturn the structures of racial capitalism, imperialism, and sexism.

Good luck burning it down, y'all.

  • 2 Replies
978 posts

I deleted my reply because it is not my place to forgive you.

626 posts


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