ForumsNews and FeedbackThe volume of the intro is too loud

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3 posts

Please, do not try to be condescending with me. I've seen previous posts where you (admins? Idk what you are) respond to this feedback in a way that shows that you really don't care and find entertainment in banding together against people who are seriously just trying to make AG better by providing you feedback for free. It's completely unprofessional and indicative that you don't really care about user feedback or representing your developers' products.

THE ARMOR GAMES INTRO IS INSANELY LOUD AND JARRING. I don't think there is much more to say than that.

The intro is a web component correct? Why cant we just visit the code of that component and drop the gain down a few orders of magnitude or, better yet, just revise the audio file at the endpoints that service the client?

  • 1 Reply
3 posts

We are here approaching the last quarter of 2021 and this is still a flagrant issue among the users of this site. Can we at least admit that the volume is offensively, painfully loud?

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