Forums → Games → Ideas for Black & White 3
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The following is a massive list of things I have made up for a number of years since playing Black & White 2 Battle of the Gods. I know this game isn't really an AG game but it might be worth something in circulation in the game making industry if this game series is ever revived. However it might be possible under strict minimal graphics to the level of texted-base-only to be an AG game I'm not certain...
before getting into this large list of things, the extremely high graphic level of B&W 2 made it not playable when I first got it until getting a new computer later, and now for some reason it is not compatible on newer computers that use windows 7 or higher. Currently I am still able to play a game called: "Emperor, Rise of the Middle Kingdom" (where most of this list is inspired from) on this computer that uses Windows 11 without any difference from back when it was Windows .98 year 2002 from disk on a USB reader-drive (Memorex) made in 2015, Emperor's graphics level is not 3D but only has shading effect that looks 3D, as much as realistic graphics are awesome, one game still plays while the other does not, so maybe 2 versions of B&W 3 is in order, basic graphics and high quality graphics, with a very slight price difference (no more than $10 off). I don't understand this stuff at all but I at least can tell if the game still plays or not, and B&W 2 was a major thrill of my childhood and is a sad dead game now as my older computer does not function anymore and I cannot find it optimized on game sites like Steam. Also; for the legal-speak as obvious as this is: this listing is a customer's request of service and in no way do I have right to claim royalities and will buy this game like any other, if I may be so bold; if Lionhead Studios want's to tribute me, I would be honored to be protrayed as the cave bum that scores points when thrown across the island named "Sir-Derp's" as that is my gamer-screenname thank you either way. Now, without further delay:
Anything written in "({[-]})" was added after the final draft sent to Lionhead Studios as true interest in developing will go beyond my suggestions and I expected certain things would be obvious. They have failed to recieve the email so far, thus after awhile I will post this listing to somewhere else on the internet, by the laws of copyright they must be informed of any videogame artists interested in reviving this great game, I am only a customer in great desire for this game series's 3rd verison.
Good vs. Evil gods, pros and cons:
-Good Gods: generate less soul energy, have weaker industry and militaries, and are a servant to their people, however their cities gain a greater impressiveness multiplier which reduces rebellion and increases chance of migrations from turncoats, thus good gods can conquer passively.
-Evil Gods: can only counter the rebellion from foreign impressiveness by destroying the foreigners before fear levels weaken from a dividing counter that increases over time (meaning desplaying your fearsome power becomes less shocking) also while evil designation weakens impressiveness, you will have to build twice as much impressive buildings than a good god would need to just to hold your people but no foreigners will turncoat and migrate to you, which allows you the fun of conquering them anyways.
-Neutral Gods: are the most difficult type to be as you cannot go past 10% good or evil, this allows you a balanced wielding of what the other 2 types can do and can be of greater power, for those who are business savvy and don't want to rely on mega bonus effects at a cost to other potential powers, thus can minimally build evil buildings for collecting (no more than 1 anywhere in the empire).
[Capital Buildings]-found only on the capital island of that God's faction.
-Alter:Stores soul energy from crystal towers, also is a giant monastary that generates it's own soul energy from worshippers, funerals, or if an evil god sacrifices, can only be one.
-Portal: The gate to the god realm, the heavens for mortals, destroying this is how to stop a god from ruling in the mortal world and prevents that faction's souls from joining their god in heaven, can only be one, can only be built by a god, and that world can still be reached but the god has to travel the long slow way through the cosmos to return to the planet if they avoid destruction in the god realm or in the mortal cosmos.
-Focus Becon: Where the mind and soul of the god is refined by mortals in either the fashion of council if the god is good and allows the people to govern themselves and their god, however evil gods will only use this to make total control over it's peoples, can only be one.
-Creature Castle: Where the god-creature dwells and respawns when killed on either deloyment afar or on defense of the capital, stores various tools, weapons, armors, and other gear the avatar uses, can only be one.
-Epic Miracle Tower: Allows the casting of extremely powerfully amplified spells or natural desasters anywhere in the world depending on type built, a casts-all-type is extremely expensive and very long charge time, has an impressiveness multiplier activate when fully charged which loses it's effect totally once the charge is used, other types have no multiplier bonus and are of less impressiveness and build cost, these 2 basic types of epic natural destaster or god-spell-amplifier towers have long charge up time and a high soul energy cost, but not as much as the casts-all-type, while castes all types are more of a proving of economic prowerness in all fields of production, as food offerings are also at a extreme consumption, can have muliples of all types.
-Palace: The main center of the people's government, the residing monarch is the god's go to for ruling their empire, can only be one. Commands can be accessed from anywhere from a side-screen pop-out-window with other command lists for the god-creature, allied gods and their nations, and a general chat to all computer-gods and/or human-gods.
-Acadamy: here elite soldiers are trained that are unique to your nationality (like Spartans or Samurai), and trains capital-city-guard who are versed in all the basic combat styles, and trains all other unit types to a faster higher starting level (5/10 instead of 4/10) can have multiples.
-University: Where knowledge is stored collected from libraries, research plans, and trade agreements with other factions. Trains folk into nobles who become teachers and/or governing officials on their way up to higher positions like governors, generals, high priests, or even the emperor, can have multiples.
-Noble Homes: Overly lavash dwellings where elite folk live and house their families and servants. Either will deploy on official matters to other island cities or even move their household to quality housing like mansions or manors in far off places, can only have multiples after the first one when nearby embellishments raise impressiveness in the area above a certain level, the first one has a solid silver with gold trim roof, is twice the size of any other, and requires no embellishments nearby.
-Catacombs: Where information and part or all of the dead's remains are stored, an underground network that runs deep nearly to the magma of the planet, can be upgraded as a super-void cavern, but is only possible if a very evil god.
-Ornate Wall: Great magical walls of jewels, gold, and silver trim marble infused stone blocks set in place by the god-creature and/or teams of workers (or slaves).
-Incrested Plate Road: Gleaming paths of jewels, gold, and silver trimmed fine stone that is cobbled and/or tiled, increases movement speed and slightly generates soul energy from travellers, and greatly increases impressiveness.
-Soul Energy Lampost: Contains a single soul that glows bright white if the person was willing or evil red if they were not.
[Standard City Buildings]-found on all island's cities or towns as well as in the capital.
-Crystal Tower: The conduit that brings godly powers to that island and transits soul energy to the capital's Alter. Each island can only have one in the main city of that island.
-Paved Road: Requires a dirt road first, made of properly cut stone cobble and or tile, increases movement speed more than a dirt road and slightly increases city impressiveness.
-Hut (3 types): 1-Hovel; requires no trade-worthy materials to make, an easy starter or an evil god's means to amassing a slave army quickly and cheeply. 2-Yurit; A large tent with low dirt walls, the people will be a little happier with these than a hovel. 3-Bunkhouse; A wooden cabin with stacked beds, houses more folk in less space than a yurit; still happier than hovel dwellers, increases the chance that they will find comfort in military barracks, thus increasing military recruitment rate.
-House (2 types): 1-Bungalow; Same size as a bunkhouse but with a fireplace and empty for furnature meant for no more than 4 folks. 2-Townhouse; can be upgraded up to 3 floors with a small foundation so as to be packed together behind city walls, fully upgraded holds around 20 folks.
-Apartments (2 types): Hall; large foundation but not very tall, very small rooms. 2-Tower; each level is it's own large room, considered a high-end living for commoners.
-Villa: Very lavash yet small single floor home, good gods find themselves building these mostly even for the bums to live in, despite the high cost of rare materials.
-Manor: Extremely lavash 2 floor home that can house many folk for a reduction in living quality.
-Mansion: An insanely lavash massive 3 floor house with ornate walls enclosing a garden, has many tiny rooms for servants and guards, usually only nobles on long deployment from the capital reside in these super high cost homes.
-Castle: Built around the crystal tower each island can only have one, as other fortifications are considered a fortress. Castles act as the "alace" of that island, and stores coinage and other treasures for safe keeping until a treasure fleet can collect the wealth to amass at the capital.
-Town Center: Every city or town only has one of these open paved spaces where the banner and news is posted, is where soldiers occupy to change banner to claim hold of the town or city.
-Mainhall: The workspace for the dwellers of the castle, manages the island's economy, labor, worship, education, and patrols. Merchant fleets gain rite of bulk trade from here, so that they might come and go quickly instead of travelling the island for small trades with the various businesses.
-Hospital: Every town and city can only have one of these expandable very large buildings. Is where illness, injury, madness, births and potions are handled professionally past the common grandma's remedy methods. Temporary tents can be packed outside incase of overflow from plague or war.
-Retirement Housing: most effective when built next to hospital and/or monastary (temple), is where your people go when too old to care for themselves and are near death. Not always needed in very good empires as family homes will provide for their elders, but war and industry constraints will make need for these, so in some ways these buidlings are a bad thing, but considered nuetral. Evil gods use these to harvest the last bits of soul energy in sacrifics. Can have multiples.
-Monastary (Temple): How worshippers generate soul energy without death or sacrific, the greater the food variety and amount, the greater the soul energy generation, which also off sets the increase in aging speed from worshipping too much, acts as a low level hospital when a good-god, and evil gods use these to sacrific young life for greater amounts of soul energy. Can have multiples.
-Schoolhouse: Where children go to learn of the various things, education focus can be generalized or particularized for increase of industry, warriorship, worship, or nobility for greater science and governing power. Can have multiples.
-Library: Where research is stored or performed in out-buildings or attached towers known as labs. Can have multiples, folks who show promise in these places can gain passage to the capital's univeristies same as master warriors would be sent to the acadamies.
-Markets: The general term referring to the booths found on the streets mainly in the town center or outside of warehouses, granaries, and armories, allows small trade for the people from beginner merchants who buy small bulk from storehouses, all buildings have a space near front door for stalls to form, new buildings at roadsides will fell these stalls but soon after will reform in designated spaces.
-Bathhouse: A relaxing spa of hot water, potions, music, and even sexual activity if an evil empire. Greatly decreases illness chance and increases impressiveness. Can have multiples.
-Tavern: A large apartment-like building where fine foods, alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, oppium, music, and sexual activities can be found in an extreme yet controlled fashion. Greatly increases happiness, can be a degredation of the moral balance of the people, thus good gods keep these to a minimum if at all exists in their empire. Can have multiples.
-Cookhouse: Where fine foods only are prepared to the highest level of professionalism, also has music and can lower food consumption rate of the town or city. Can have multiples.
-Graveyard: Where remains of locals are kept to avoid disease spread, if the family cannot afford to send the body to the capital catacombs they instead send a pinky bone tip along with the paperwork. Can have multiples.
-Ampitheater: Where performances like music, dance, acts of epic stories, speeches, and contests are held, only one per city or town. Evil empires turn these into combat arenas.
-Void Cavern: Deep pit that passes into the underworld where decaying energy patterns of dead gods and epic persons are, War beasts are formed slowly from the energy to enter the mortal world, however usually when that energy reverts to pure form it is then collected by the surviving gods, can have multiples.
-Warehouse: Stores containers of trade goods safely from weather and theft. Can have multiples. ({[Devs can figure-out the particulars of storing hemp, wood, & clay (iron/ ironware/ pitch/ quality wood) before being able to make storage containers, as it is only a brief moment at the start.]})
-Grainery: Stores food before putting into containers that could be stored in warehouses, best near farms for harvest times, ideally a warehouse set to only store empty containers nearby is needed as food lasts longer that way, and cannot be traded in any other way. Can have multiples.
-Armory: Stores weapons and armors in bulk without containers, ideally an empire only buys and makes weapons and never sells them, as the force of weapons can gain all other goods if an evil faction, thus are always expensive. Can have multiples.
-Dungeon: A weak fortress that holds criminals or designates slaves, can have multiples.
-Docks: Where ships anchor to resupply, trade, shore-leave, and hold up from storms. Has a customs house that routes paperwork with the Mainhall. Also produces fish and greens, expands all along the island's coast, the customs house is always near the the main city.
-Stables: Breeds, trains, and houses horses for trade, industry, and war. Can have multiples.
-Siege Workshop: Builds artillery and devices like; fuse bombs, flash bombs, charriots, mangelets, battering rams, siege towers, ballista, catapult, trebuchet, culverin, cannon, and bombard. Can have multiples.
-Shipyard: Builds ships, can have multiples.
-Workyard: Breaks trade goods down to simpler forms according to settings, and stores metalware without containers in tool sheds and trains workers in construction and repair.
-Barracks: Where citizens and/or slaves are housed and trained as basic townguards. They later can be sent to one the 5 training yard types to become a unit type, patrol routes are supplied with units from these buildings, can have multiples.
-Sparing Pit: Where melee units are trained, can have multiples.
-Archery range: where ranged units are trained, can have multiples.
-Joisting Ring: where horse mounted fighters are trained, first requires training in melee or ranged, can have multiples.
-Siege Yard: where sappers are trained in operating artillery and setting up outer city structures for war like moats or wooden wallsa and towers. Can have multiples.
-Ritual Field: where mages are trained in wielding one of the 16 schools of elemental battle magics, can have multiples. Takes more time than other unit types.
Experimental Training Field: allows costom unit making at a slower training speed, note that the more arms and armor a unit has the slower their movement, attack, and block speed will be, one hit is one death, injuries also slow these speeds if a half hit (between 45% 55% hit success), can have multiples.
-Alchemist: Produces potions from various trade goods resonated by elemental magics of the 16 types. Also makes dyes, gunpowder, shrooms, oppium, and marijuana. Can have multiples.
-Distillery: produces alcohols and cooking oils, also turns sea water in trade-worthy fresh water. Can have multiples.
-Carpenter: porduces boxes, barrels, chests, hand carts, wagons, furnature, cages, and quality furnishings. Can have multiples.
-Weaver: produces thread, rope, cloth, silk, and paper. Can have multiples, an upgrade adds an animal pen for sheep which reduces hemp usage when making thread.
-Tailor: produces garments, elite robes, sacks, and light armor pieces. Can have multiples.
-Jeweler: converts raw fine stone and crystal into jewel stones used for wielding of the 16 elemental magics, also makes treasure trade good item (which includes jewelry boxes with jewelry in it as well as house decor) when paired with carpenter and blacksmith. Can have multiples.
-Blacksmith: produces metalware, metal armor plates, shields, weapons, and coinage. Can have multiples.
-Intersection Plaza: large paved space adorned with cultural embellishments that can only be placed where roads cross, plazas gain greater market stall generation than other road ways, all buildings have space near front door that allows these shops to form.
-Coldasack Plaza: large paved space adorned with cultural embellishments that can only be placed at ends of roads, ideal for tightly packed together villas, also can be designated as a marketplace which voids the ability to attached other buildings to as shop buildings will form onto it's edges instead as the town/city's economy grows.
-Roadway Garden: a thin garden space on edge of roads that has gaps for easy passage and the pavement is dotted with shiny stones, is randomized as you paint over the roads with the mouse, greatly increases impressiveness.
-Grove: a small garden who's center is concealed from view mostly, can have multiples.
-Garden Park: large garden that has pathways, ponds, statues, shrines, fountains, gazebos, vases, lamposts, well, flagposts, tree planters, and ornate walls.
[Embellishments]-small buildings that refine the impressiveness (or oppressiveness) of a city or town.
-Statue: a solid stone carving of a culturally famous person, animal, building or event, a list of different types comes from a botton in corner of picture. Can have multiples.
-Residential Walls: Ornate low stone wall used for defining districts, slowing movement of invaders, running criminals, diseased folk, and fires, and increases impressiveness.
-Lampost: A pole or stone post with a bason of fire and/or torches, off sets patrol weakness at night and increases impressiveness. Can have multiples.
-Flower Vase: a large pot with flowers or bush growing from it and painted with cultural affinities. Can have multiples.
-Fountain: an ornate stone basin with water flowing from the center using magic, becomes blood fountain if evil. Can have multiples.
-Gazebo: a wood or stone platform with a roof held by posts linked with railing, when occupied by folk in relaxation or party generates a slight amount of soul energy, has corner button list of different types. Can have multiples.
-Meadow: a verdent field of flowers, tall grass, and bushes. Uses plant elemental magic to turn city/town grounds into beautiful gardens in a radius around god-hand as you paint it around while using + & - keys to set the radius size. India faction while good that has cows (ox) grazing in these fields gains an extra double food bonus from milk while not eating meat, fish, and/or bugs. Evil gods turn meadows into burnt, lava cracked eye sores with thorn bushes and bloody cactus.
-Tree Planter: a fertile pit with a low stone wall that has a tree from transplant or seedling, evil gods rot the trees and hang people from them. Can have multiples.
-Fire Pit: a hole of blasting flame to keep the city well lit for labor and patrol control, only used by evil gods. Can have multiples.
-Head on Spike: a severed head on a spear, only evil gods use these to control crime and increase productivity. Can have multiples.
-Slave Pit: a misserly large hole in low dirt circle wall with cloth tent roof over it where worker slaves are housed and forced to breed, only used by evil gods, can have multiples.
-Torture Pit: a mini dungeon where guards punish citizens and slaves alike for whatever reason, gains bonus effect when near dungeons and/or head on spike, only used by evil gods, can have multiples.
[Outer City Buildings]-only buildings that can be built outside expandable influence ring generated from town center and associated buildings, can also be put inside city/towns.
-Dirt Road: built by human hand or gods with an influnece ring mage team, increases movement speed slightly and defines a route for traders and migrants to other towns and cities on the island.
-Spike Pit: death trap effective against foot units, ineffective against calavery and artillery. Can have multiples.
-Spike Wall: cheap wall of spears that deter calvery charges and slows all other units, most effective when paired with units on defense who prevet them from being torn down, can have multiples.
-Bomb Pit: expensive death traps that are effective against all unit types and is activated either by tower guards nearby or the god of that faction when clicking on it. Can have multiples.
-Cesspole: where waste and dead are placed in rancid water to cause disease and uses stink to repel invaders, only used by evil gods. Can have multiples.
-Moat: large ditch filled with sea water to add to the effectiveness of walls or even make rivers for boat trade networks, can be made to have cesspole effect if an evil god.
-Shrine: a tiny structure that generates soul energy from channel points made from nature or unique human or animal actions. Can have multiples.
-Outpost: a wood camp where trade goods are stored and deployed armies get supply chains from. Hunters and fisherfolk use these as a post of opperations in peacetime or daringly, thus produces meat, fish, spices, shrooms, and flowers. Ranged and shield units get a boost in effectivity when guarding these posts, can have multiples.
-Tent: a cloth hut where folk can house outside of city/town anywhere on the island, whether they are a part of the faction(s) of the island or not.
-Well: a deep pit to get to ground water, usually has stone wall with wood winch to pull bucket up. Can have multiples.
-Wooden Walls: defensive barracade with spikes and a scaffolding behind for ranged units.
-Wooden Tower: a tiny hut on 4 posts covered with wood walls, can hold a ballista to counter other atrillery, and acts as a gatehouse. Can have multiples.
-Stone Walls: stronger walls that are ideally for towns and cities as they cost a great deal in stone and work or soul energy from god-building.
-Stone Tower: A stronger tower that is only enterable from stone wall walkways. Can have multiples. ({[Tower=Tower. Stone also holds culverin, Devs can figure that out, but also cannon tech makes butter of wall/tower/gatehouse thus wood walls again, thus ballistas only as they have faster fire rate and tower hight has extended range, lightweight, and the big fire arrow slightly explodes on impact]})
-Gatehouse: a special large tower that has multiple metal gates and pitfalls inside and a drawbridge to get over the moat. Usually sneaks will try to hide in these before a siege to let entrance be easier. Can have multiples but is better if only have one.
-Fortress: A small stone castle that has powerful combat ability. Best for keeping artillery range coverage in an area with hight advantage, also best deployment source for calvery. Can have multiples.
-Flagpost: Flies that nation's banner marking the area as claimed, giving that faction's units a boost in movement speed allowing better countering of invading movement. Can have multiples.
-Aquaduct: a stone trench that flows water to a pool in the city from a river or lake, held up on pillars that are spaced enough to not give large invading forces reason to fell the structure, ranged units in turn can still shoot from atop of these.
-Sawmill: longhouse with a sawblade turned by a watermill, windmill, or ox driven wheel, turns trees into "wood" trade good, turns rare trees into "quality wood" trade good, produces small amount of spices, shrooms, and flowers. Can have multiples.
-Quarry: multi layered pit that digs stone, fine stone, clay, pitch, and salt out of Earth, can have multiples.
-Mine: long tunnel dug deep into the Earth that extracts iron, coal, gold, silver, and crystal. Can have multiples.
-Kiln: produces glass, glassware, and pottery. Is automatically attached to iron, gold, silver mines and pitch quarries, also to siege workshops and blacksmiths as a smelter. Can have multiples.
-Wind/Watermill: a large wood wheel with scoops set in a river or under waterfalls, the water can be caught on a track to fill a system of water tight wooden tank-towers that supply an aquaduct or fill pottery from a spiggot. The windmill can only turn an axel for saw blades or grain grinding at farmhouses, these wheel systems are cheeper than ox-wheel systems but less reliable for guarenteed daily production.
-Farmhouse: Where farmers live and work, grind grain, raise and/or slaughter animals when near a fenced area, and maintain fields of crops. Produces honey, bugs, chickens, ox, sheep, pigs, meat, leather, dung, and flowers. Can have multiples.
-Bird Cote: produces and houses chickens and messenger birds, slightly produces knowledge scrolls, dung, meat, and dairy (eggs instead of milk). Can have multiples and is very small tower.
-Fence: built like walls, keeps farm animals near the farmhouse and out of crop fields, when built over a road or a road built through it, a gate is automatically made. When has no crop fields in it has water and feed troughs for livestock. Also keeps crop fields safe from wildlife while wildbirds and bird cotes keep the crop fields safe from bugs and rodents, evil gods hang disobient slaves from whats known as a "scarecrow" which automatically appears when an evil god and has same effect as head on spike. ("crow" was a racial term used at black folk in U.S.A., ravens and crows actually are protectors of crops from bugs, but thank goodness everyone is ignorant of the truth of scarecrows).
-Ditch: a trench that can either transport water for irrigation when supplied by a watermill/aquaduct or give low cover to units from ranged attacks when void of water.
-Crop Field: is best when a farmhouse is nearby, is greatly boosted by irrigation from ditches and protected by fencing and bird cotes, some crops like rice and sugar cannot grow without water ditches, can have multiples.
[Trade Goods]-over a 120 different things, all items need containers which when empty stores or stacks inside eachother. More variety of food types increases health, happiness, and impressiveness of a city/town. There are 9 food types some needed some luxury: 1-Base; all types needed. 2-Grain; need atleast one. 3-Plant; need atleast one. 4-Sweet; need atleast one. 5-Animal; need atleast one. 6-Herb; not a need. 7-Sensational; not a need. 8-Alcohol; not a need. 9-Refined Dish; not a need. There is 4 storage space types; 1-light, twelve fits into= 2-medium, four fits into= 3-heavy, two fits into= 4-bulky. An island must be able to produce certain amount of goods per unit of game time until being considered a buying source of that item for when supplying your own islands while when trading with other gods and their nations those goods can only be sold from the capital's supply to a certain island designated by you as the foreign trade island as trade ports are a security risk. As the game has adult themes such as torture pits and breeding, "sensationals" are drugs like oppium or weed, but defined as not needed. (having only 3 trade goods "grain, wood, and ore" that could not even be traded and no ships when on an island was a major turn off for players and the storehouse exposed the goods to the sky with not even a bubble-shield to explain a perservative method vs. mold, rot, and rust). ({[ while making the game it should be obvious that the food types all have special effects as there is only 4 of each type, 1 needed food type is 25% of that type's effect, however total general food quality per item is only 5% while the 5th type "herb" is the remaining 20% of general food quality, which mostly effects health which in turn effects productivity and battle success as well as happiness., Sensationals, alcohol, and refined dish all are a 9% towards added happiness and impressiveness effect of food as there is only 12 total of those 3 types, the final 1% is "hardtack", a type of beef jerky used for supplying deployed platoons and ship crews. While when not having water causes fast death from dehydration, no salt causes food to rot faster and thus starvation happens, the 4 needed food types each have unique effects which increase the more variety you have, while herb type boosts impressiveness and happiness, grain type reduces food consumption so long as at least one of each other needed food type is combined, plant type is the major booster of health, sweet type increases birth rate, animal type boosts strength which effects certain industries and combatants. In addition; refined food types have unique effects for each item, hardtack makes platoons and ship crews much easier to supply, pastery greatly increases happiness and impressiveness, curry allows the strength boost from animal type using only dairy and furthers the effect otherwise, and sushi boosts scientific productivity. If your empire lacks at least one of all needed food types, illness, mild starvation, and over consumption of food will happen, and people will leave or die.]})
-Hand Cart: made by a carpenter using wood. Pulled by either; one person, ox, or horse. Carries 1 bulky size.
-Wagon: made by a carpenter using wood, rope, cloth, and ironware. pulled by either; 1 ox or horse, or 2 people. Carries 4 bulky size.
-Sack: made by a weaver using thread and cloth. 1 sack holds 20 other sacks, uses 1 light storage.
-Pottery: made by a kiln using clay & wood (& dirty water). 5 stacked uses 1 light storage.
-Barrel: made by a carpenter using wood, pitch, & ironware. 4 stacked uses 1 medium storage.
-Box: made by a carpenter using wood. 9 disassembled boxes fits into 1 box, uses 1 heavy storage.
-Chest: made by a carpenter using quality wood, iron, pitch, & rope. These have the special ability of not being lootable of it's contents until being processed through a blacksmith, thus thieves and raiding parties alike cannot simply make the goods disappear into enemy storage within the same game-day giving you time to recover them even when they get behind enemy lines, a timer list of each chest in the monarch window is expandable from a display-line showing the most recent stolen chest. Uses 1 heavy storage for 1. All other storage type trade items will disappear once inside enemy lines or reaches an outpost, thus counting as evil for looting enemy goods when recovering instead of a nuetral justice (as good gods see being looted as a defense failure as well as forced generosity, use productivity instead to regain what was lost and care enough not to fail at defense next time then).
-Cage: made by carpenter using wood & rope. 5 disassembled fits into 1 cage, uses 1 bulky storage.
-Horse: raised in stables, farms, or caught from the wild open plains. Requires water, wheat, rice, greens, vegitables, and/or flowers. Can be stored 1 in a bulky storage for ships, or herded on land.
-Ox: raised on farms or caught from the wild open plains. Requires water, wheat, rice, greens, vegitables, and/or flowers. Can be stored 1 in a bulky storage for ships, or herded on land.
-Sheep: raised on farms or caught in the wild bush/high grass. Requires water, wheat, rice, greens, vegitables, and/or flowers. Can be stored 1 in a medium storage for ships, or herded on land.
-Pigs: Raised on farms or caught in the wild bush/high grass, requires water and any food type. Can be stored 1 in a medium storage for ships, or herded on land.
-Chicken: raised in dwellings, bird cotes, outposts, farmhouses, stables, or caught in the wild woods. Requires water, rice, wheat, corn, bean, bugs, fish, dairy, meat, honey, fruit, greens, and/or vegitables. Can be stored in boxes with certain boards removed or cages.
-Elephant: Raised on farms and wild in both open plains and wooded areas, can only be raised and war trained by India faction, requires water, wheat, rice, greens, vegtibles, fruit, and/or flowers. Can be put on ships in 4 bulk storage space or herded on land.
-Wood: Various planks made from default stone tools, ironware consumed to define toolage and sawmills greatly increase output of "wood". Frow bamboo, oak, pine, palm, and jungle. Storage requires rope and heavy space (cords).
-Stone: Various blocks made from chiseled rock using ironware-tool-conversion. from boulders and quarries, storage requires rope and medium space per 4 units.
-Clay: Made from deposites near water ways or quarries, used to make certain trade goods as well as a common building material. storage requires box heavy space.
-Iron: ingots made from ore refined in a kiln at a mine burning either more wood or less coal, storage requires box heavy space.
-Coal: Made from mines, storage requires box heavy space.
-Pitch: Made from quarried bogs or tree sap refined in a kiln burning more wood or less coal, storage requires a pottery light space.
-Dung- Made from fed/watered animals in farms and bird cotes, used for fertilizing fields and is needed to build various garden type structures. Storage requires box heavy space.
-Hemp: grown from crop fields, reduced output when used to make marijuana, storage requires box heavy space.
-Quality Wood: Various planks made from rare trees of various sorts using only ironware-tool-conversion, storage requires rope and medium space (cords).
-Fine Stone: Made from mines, quarries and exposed deposits, is various stone types to make "marble" and certain elemental magic gemstones. Storage requires box heavy space. Marble is not a trade item but instead an impressive-building only effect that consumes fine stone.
-Raw Crystal: Made from mines, quarries, and exposed deposits, is various jewelstone types to make certain types of elemental magic gemstones. Storage requires box heavy space.
-Gold: ingots made from ore refined in a kiln at a mine using more wood or less coal, storage requires chest heavy space. Boosts fire elemental magic thus considered a gemstone, Spanish faction has slight boosted output.
-Silver: ingots made from ore refined in a kiln at a mine using more wood or less coal, storage requires chest heavy space. Boosts frost elemental magic thus considered a gemstone, Persian faction has slight boosted output.
-Jade: made by jeweler from fine stone, boosts wind elemental magic, China has slight boosted output. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Pearl: made by jeweler from fine stone, boosts soul elemental magic, Japan has slight boosted output. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Turqoiz: made by jeweler from fine stone, boosts animal elemental magic, Adobe has slight boosted output. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Obsidian: made by jeweler from fine stone, boosts stone elemental magic, Aztec has slight boosted output. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Moonstone: made by jeweler from fine stone, boosts moon elemental magic, India has slight boosted output. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Onyx: made by jeweler from raw crystal, boosts cosmic elemental magic, Mayan has slight boosted output. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Ruby: made by jeweler from raw crystal, boosts blood elemental magic, Roman has slight boosted output. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Garnet: made by jeweler from raw crystal, boosts earth elemental magic, Greek has slight boosted output. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Topaz: made by jeweler from raw crystal, boosts sun elemental magic, Arabic has slight boosted output. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Emerald: made by jeweler from raw crystal, boosts plant elemental magic, Zulu has slight boosted output. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Sapphire: made by jeweler from raw crystal, boosts water elemental magic, Egypt has slight boosted output. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Amathyst: made by jeweler from raw crystal, boosts mind elemental magic, Korean (south) has boosted output. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Diamond: made by jeweler from raw crystal, boosts lightning elemental magic, Norse has boosted output. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Quartz: made by jeweler from raw crystal, boosts all elements slightly, Atlantic (non-player) has extreme boost in production. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Fresh Water: produced from rivers, ice, wells, rain, and sea water distilleries. Is a base food type, requires either pottery, barrel, or large barrel-tanks supplied by aquaducts or water carrier lines.
-Salt: extracted from mines, quarries, and sea water distilleries. Is a base food type (perservative), requires sack light storage.
-Sugar: grown from water paddies and riverbanks. Is a sweet food type, requires pottery light storage.
-Spices: grown from alchemist gardens, dwellings, in the wild, and rarely from crop fields. Is a herb food type, requires sack light storage.
-Rice: grown from water paddies and riverbanks. Is a grain food type, requires sack light storage.
-Wheat: grown from crop fields and wild bush/high grass areas. Is a grain food type, requires sack light storage.
-Corn: grown from crop fields and wild bush/high grass areas. Is a grain food type, requires sack light storage.
-Bean: grown from crop fields wild bush/high grass areas. Is a grain food type, requires sack light storage.
-Cocoa: grown from orchard field and wild woods. Is a sweet food type (even if bitter), requires sack light storage.
-Bugs: raised in boxes at farmhouses and found wild everywhere even in buildings. Is an animal food type, requires pottery light storage and salt.
-Cooking Oil: made by distillery from vegitables and/or grain food types. Is a plant food type, requires pottery light storage.
-Greens: grown from crop fields and wild bush/high grass areas. Is a plant food type, requires sack light storage.
-Vegtibles: grown from crop fields and wild bush/high grass areas. Is a plant food type, requires sack light storage.
-Mushrooms: grown in boxes with dung and wild wooded areas. Is a plant food type, requires pottery light storage.
-Fruit: grown from orchard fields and wild wooded areas. Is a sweet food type, requires barrel medium storage.
-Fish: gained from fisherfolk using docks or outposts. Is an animal food type, requires barrel medium storage and salt.
-Honey: produced in boxes of bees at farmhouses and wild in wooded areas. Is a sweet food type, requires pottery light storage.
-Tea: grown from crop fields and wild bush/high grass areas. Is an herb food type, requires sack light storage.
-Coffee: grown from crop fields and wild bush/high grass areas. Is an herb food type, requires sack light storage.
-Flowers: grown from gardens and rarely crop fields, and in wild open plains. Is an herb food type, requires sack light storage.
-Dairy: made from chickens, sheep, and/or ox, at bird cotes and farmhouses, as milk and eggs both count as "dairy". Is an animal food type, requires pottery light storage.
-Meat: gained from chickens, pigs, sheep, ox, horses, elephants, and wild animals, from farmhouses, outposts, and bird coates. Is an animal food type, requires barrel medium storage and salt.
-Shrooms: grown in dung boxes at alchemsts and wild wooded areas. Is a sensational food type, requires pottery light storage.
-Tobacco: grown from crop fields and wild bush/high grass areas. Is a sensational food type, requires sack light storage.
-Marijuana: grown from alchemists gardens, rarely crop fields, and wild bush/high grass areas. Is a sensational food type, requires sack light storage.
-Oppium: produced in glasswrae at alchemist from flowers. Is a sensational food type, requires pottery light storage.
-Mead: made at distillery from ale and honey. Is an alcohol food type, requires barrel medium storage.
-Wine: made at cookhouse from fruit and sugar. Is an alcohol food type, requires barrel medium storage.
-Ale: made at distillery from vegtibles, greens, and/or grains. Is an alcohol food type, requires barrel medium storage.
-Liquor: made at distillery from grains, fruit, vegtibles, and/or greens. Is an alcohol food type, requires pottery light storage.
-Potion: made at alchemist from spices, flowers, shrooms, bugs, cooking oil, liquor and quartz shavings, banishes diseases and restores soul energy depletion from worship or spell casting. Requires glassware and chest heavy storage.
-Hardtack: made at cookhouse from meat, any grain type, spices, and salt. Longest lasting food stuff, is a refined-dish food type, ideal for ships and deployed platoons, requires sack light storage.
-Curry Paste: made at cookhouse from dairy, flowers, spices, greens, vegtibles, rice, beans, and salt. Is a refined-dish food type, requires pottery light storage.
-Pastery: made ar cookhouse from wheat, sugar, salt, fruit, honey, cooking oil, dairy, wine, and cocoa. Is a refined-dish food type, requires barrel medium storage.
-Sushi: made at cookhouse from rice, greens, fish, cooking oil, sugar, salt, and spices. Is a refined-dish food type, requires pottery light storage.
-Thread: made from weaver using sheep wool, hemp, and/or wild wooded areas (vines). Requires box heavy storage.
-Rope: made from weaver using thread. Requires box heavy storage.
-Cloth: made from weaver using thread. Requires box heavy storage.
-Leather: made from farmhouse when making meat. Requires box heavy storage.
-Garment: made at tailor using cloth and thread. Requires box heavy storage.
-Paper: made from weaver using hemp and/or wood. Requires box heavy storage.
-Silk: made from weaver using quality wood (the silkworms), and dyes. Requires box heavy storage.
-Glass: Produced from Kiln near sand of beach, mine, quarry, river, or other. Requires box heavy storage.
-Gunpowder: produced at alchemist from salt after large accumulation of knowledge scrolls at the capital's univeristies. Requires sacks in a chest heavy storage.
-Ironware: produced at blacksmith from iron and wood, is the generalization of the thousands of various tools and parts used in production and construction. Requires box heavy storage.
-Glassware: Produced at kiln using glass, the genralization of various cooking, dining, and potion bottles. Requires box and cloth heavy storage.
-Treasure: produced by jeweler when linked to a blacksmith and carpenter using gold, silver, fine stone, raw crystal, quality wood, dyes, and clay, the generalization of all the super-fine goods for dining, house decore, and jewelry worn with elite robes. Requires chest heavy storage. ({[musical instruments would be generalized to this trade item, hoped the Devs to figure that out on their own as it should be obvious]})
-Elite Robes: produced at tailor using silk, thread, gold, silver, fine stone, raw crystal, and leather. Requires box heavy storage.
-Light Armor Pieces: produced at tailor using leather, cooking oil, and hemp. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Metal Armor Pieces: produced at blacksmith using iron, leather, and hemp. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Buckler Shield: produced at blacksmith using wood, pitch, rope, and iron. Requires box heavy storage.
-Tower Shield: produced at blacksmith using iron, wood, pitch, and leather. Requires box heavy storage.
-Furnature: produced at carpenter using wood, cloth, thread, hemp, and dyes. Requires bulky storage.
-Quality Furnature: produced at carpenter linked to a jeweler and blacksmith using quality wood, ironware, fine stone, raw crystal, silk, gold, silver, hemp and flowers encased in glassware. Requires bulky storage. ({[this trade item would also be musical instruments, true Dev interest in this will prove to be so if they define these connections themselves, perhaps by some ancient god magic, generalized items transform to how the NPC folk need them, particle science.]})
-Knowledge Scrolls: Produced from libraries and universities using paper and dyes, is generalized despite the uncountable variations of writtings. Requires barrel medium storage.({also needed for musical instruments, and if the Devs make a musical instrumental generalized trade item, it would be fine but that sort of cheapens the out the grandness of music, let 3 trade items count towards the one human act of musical art, with soul energy and certain building types as well as wilderness music playing, on ships, on streets, and trade wagons, all requiring 3 to 4 trade items of great rarity]})
-Coinage: made at blacksmith from quartz, sliver, and/or gold, blacksmith can also revert coinage back to it's simpler form in the case of foreign coinage being lesser value than the material. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Soul Energy: Produced from monastaries (temples), shrines, alter, gazebos, capital walkways, honorable death of elder or warrior, and sacrific. Is channeled from alter to alter according to godly dealings, but usually is never traded but stolen through warfare. ({[soul energy when using musical instruments generates when nuetral or lower, and costs energy when good as you restore the people with the energy they channeled to you, has a stacking multiplier on impressiveness, happiness, health, and age rate that is unique to mid-to-high level good gods generating from the Portal Capital building effecting worldwide, if the Devs are truly interested in this game's style as I mildly filter it from it's original makers, as I feel that I am attuned to the original style of B&W2]}).
-Slaves: Only evil gods and their nation's faction deal in this crime, the option to set them free on choice of wilderness life or joining your empire or another empire gains cultural moral points (concious or prestige) in the form "good god" boosting the empire's overall impressiveness rating, which allows foreign people's more daring to turncoat and join that faction what set those slaves free, thus good gods can buy them but only when recieving dungeons are set to free them.
[Weapons, Ships, Artillery, Siege Machines, and Unique Weapons]-these too are trade good items.
-Dagger: made at blacksmith using iron and wood (also has stone primative default version). Requires chest heavy storage.
-Spear: made at blacksmith using iron and wood (also has stone primative default verison). Requires rope heavy storage bundle.
-Sword: made at blacksmith using iron and wood. Requires chest heavy storage.
-Claymore: made at blacksmith using iron and wood. Requires rope heavy storage bundle.
-Axe: made at using iron and wood (also has stone primative default version). Requires chest heavy storage.
-Halbeird: made at blacksmith using iron and wood. Requires rope heavy storage bundle.
-Mace: made at blacksmith using iron (also has stone primative default version). Requires chest heavy storage.
-Warhammer: made at blacksmith using iron and wood. Requires rope heavy storage bundle.
-Bow: made at blacksmith using wood, thread, and ironware (also has stone primative default version). Requires rope heavy storage bundle. Wood and/or iron is is consumed when firing projectiles
-Crossbow: made at blacksmith using wood, thread, ironware, and cooking oil. Requires chest heavy storage. Iron is consumed when firing projectiles.
-Pistol: made at blacksmith using iron, ironware, wood, and cooking oil. Requires chest heavy storage. Iron and gunpowder is consumed when firing projectiles.
-Musket: made at blacksmith using iron, ironware, wood, and cooking oil. Requires rope heavy storage bundle. Iron and gunpowder is consumed when firing projectiles.
-Fuse Bomb: made at siege workshop using iron, thread, and gunpowder. Requires chest heavy storage. Is a projectile thrown by hand, catapult, or trebuchet.
-Mage Staff: made at a designated armory linked to alchemist, blacksmith, carpenter, and jeweler using quality wood, leather, rope, potion, fine stone, raw crystal, dyes, ironware, and dung. Has a pocket fitting at it's business end for setting a magic gemstone into as there are 16 mage schools, pure energy is what all staffs can do plus the element they are set with.
-Boat: small enough for rivers, is also lifeboats for larger sinking ships, sometimes has a small sail and a single artillery on front.
-Galley: a long boat with many oars and one sail, best for short range coastal missions but can go onto the high seas as well as rivers but slower and less combat effective than boats while in rivers, better for river cargo transit and short range troop transit, has some artillery while carrying troops and/or cargo, has most agility at sea but is second slowest ship type. Mastered by Greek, Roman, and Norse factions.
-Junk: a small to medium ship who's sails allow a near against the wind sailing with less with-wind speed for an even sailing all around using a single triangle-like sail, small armament more than galleys, less agile but faster than galleys and boats, and carries a little more troops and/or cargo than galley and boats. Mastered by Japanese, Korean (south), and Chinese factions, costs a liitle more than a galley in build materials, can only sail on grand rivers, are much less combat-effective on rivers.
-Frigate: A long 3 mast ship with excellent sailing angles with the wind in any direction using both forward facing square sails and side facing triangle sails. Artillery packs nicely along it's long single deck while being slightly less agile in turning than junks, galleys, and boats, is the fastest ship, lacks boarding party strength and cargoholding. The go to war vessel for any faction, as it out-guns or out-manuvers all other ship types, costs 3 times the build material of junks, can run from persuing fleets when out numbered by turning quickly to shoot enemy sails without losing speed.
-Galleon: A large ship with a wide deep hold, can hold 2 decks of artillery with a 3rd half deck at rear that acts as a battle tower with 360 degree firing angle while carrying a fair amount of cargo, lacks speed and agility, also ideal for troop transport. Better in groups of multiples when armed which is ideal for capital treasure fleets and when unarmed ideal for singular cargo transit in short sailing routes between islands nearest eachother secured by fast ship patrol and/or combat-hulk-caravel-blockades.
-Hulk-Caravel: largest, tallest, slowest ship that only sails fair with the wind and nearly needs wind mages onboard for improved sailing which can be done with any ship type, meant for carrying emense cargo and better against coastal fortresses than in a sea fight by itself, has very many artillery on 3 long decks, or none if focusing on cargo hauling, carries mega amount of troops in cargo-mode, but make sure the sailing-path is secure, to a great cost the combat-mode of this ship in multiples can make blockade fleets that act as walls at sea, but is easily sunk by fast ships like frigates which can sail around the giant to stay at frong and/or rear as it tries to turn it's broadsides into aim at the fast ship(s), blockade lines thus need anti-flanking floatilla at both ends of combined hulk-caravel-line and interceptor-fast-ships, as curving foward to enemy approuches instead of away is better combined aiming, which is also true for attacking ships surrounding a balled-up circle of ships.
-Mangelet: a small wood wall on wheels for inching close to enemy walls against clouds of arrows, for starting a tunnel, getting arrow shot on the wall archers, throw fuse bombs at wall base, or secure an area for artillery and blocks movement of calvery charges, transported in wagon and can be moved by any unit type, most effective with 7 or more side-to-side in; line, half-circle, or full-circle formation in multiple layers to give cover for large foot-unit groups or artillery.
-Battering Ram: A small house on wheels to crash an armor headed tree trunk against wall corners and gatehouses, moved and opperated by sappers in battle-mode, by warhorse or ox in transport-mode.
-War Wagon: Armored and locked, has slots to shoot from and is mostly like a battle-tank, hand crank system turns the wheels, a single rutter larger wheel semi-forward of wagon lowers to lift war wagon off front wheels for turning and raises for all-wheel-action going only forward.
-Siege Tower: Tall lightly armored tower with a drop ramp at top for swarming the walls and carries ladders inside for scaling the walls as well, hand-pushed from inside ground level by most the melee fighters in battle-mode, pulled by warhorses or oxen in transport-mode.
-Ballista: Massive bow and fire-arrow on hand cart made for destroying other artillery and siege machines. Also highly effective vs. god-creatures, large war beasts, and ships. Culverins have longest range and ballistas are fastest rate of fire with second longest range.
-Catapult: small swinging lever with basin tip on wheels that throws rocks or fuse bomb bundles in a straight line at walls and buildings quickly at a short range.
-Trebuchet: Giant artillery piece that requires setup that throws giant rocks or large fuse bomb bundles in an arch over or at walls slowly at a long range.
-Culverin: the cannon equivalent of the ballista. Requires emense knowledge scrolls to unlock. Cannon type artillery consumes iron and gunpowder when firing various projectile types. Culverins only fire small hot-balls ideal against other artillery and small ships at the longest artillery range.
-Cannon: The cannon equivalent of the catapult. Requires emense knowledge scrolls to unlock. Only cannons can fire it's 3 ammo types: grapple-shot (2 iron balls connected by a chain, made for destroying ship masts and sails, longest range of the 3), grape-shot (many bullets for a short range blast ideal against ship crews and platoon groups), and the cornpowder ball (acts like a fuse bomb or explodes on impact with less blast radius than fuse bomb, best against ships and fortifications).
-Bombard: the cannon equivalent of the trebuchet. Requires emense knowledge scrolls to unlock. Only fires massive expensive fuse bombs slowly at a slightly longer range than trebuchet. Ideal against fortresses and wall protected city buildings.
-Meteor Hammer: A war hammer light enough to wield with one hand, made by the Chinese for a special calvery unit.
-Katana: a light weight claymore that can be used with one hand made by the Japanese for their master melee warrior.
-War Elephant: trained and armed by the people of India, is vunerable to artillery.
-Tall Buckler: made by the Zulu, allows faster movement than a tower shield with little less protection.
-Charriot: extremely fast hand cart that carries 3 warriors (2 archers one spear) made by Egypt.
-Spear Sling: a Mayan bow-stick that casts spears with less effort thus throw more in less time.
-Obsidian Sword: An Aztec flat club with sharp rock edge, has the element of sword, axe, and mace allowing them better equip swarm hoards.
-Tomahawk: Adopted by the Adobe from other tribes in their region, a throwable axe that gets through most armors and shields.
-Round Tower Shield: A Greek made shield that puts their master melee warriors on the top of defense situations, but hinders their attack-ablity.
-Trident: Made by Roman to be spear better against armor than the usual spear.
-Double Edge Axe: A Norse made Axe meant for drawn out battles who's extra weight cleaves through shields and armor better than single edge axes, requires longer training time to wield.
-Mini Crossbow: made by the Spanish, one-handed allowing the use of a shield.
-Schemitar: an Arabic sword with axe-like elements, giving better chance against shields.
-Flash Bomb: a Persian early tech invention that stuns multiple enemies without damage allowing easier swarming of melee fighters.
-Nangata: a Korean (south) spear with curved sword tip, a mix of spear, claymore, and axe to make weapon type strategy a little easier.
-Wand: an Atlantic mage staff that is held in one hand and emensely more powerful than the crude human staff allowing battle mages to wield 2 schools of magic thus unbalancing the battle magic system for greater power, these items are more expensive than anything as they can only be gained from the fish folk from the deep who also have submarine ships that could dominate the seas if there was any need for it, but are known for allowing foolish humans to sail the seas anyways.
[God Spells]-Curse type spells put a cost on your divine morals balance whether effecting lives or not (due to fear of your power) and evil points given much more so if harms/kills lives (even plants), while Miracle types only give small good points when effecting life, spell type spells depend on the effect only when effecting lives. All elements have 4 varieties of wielding from the mouse pointer god hand: 1-drop/thrown. 2-clickhold-drag. 3-spacebar toggle. 4-shiftkey hold & click (atranacht summon). Spacebar toggles can be stacked but drains soul energy faster at risk of forgetting to turn off. All god-spells require a gemstone-matrix built on one of the 15 orb basin-mounts at the alter in the capital, quartz-energy being built in the main structure of the Alter.
-Force Spell (energy): 1; kenetic blast. 2; multi-pickup of people, trees, crops, or other raw natural goods, and when over a production building that has materials stored, rapid make and collect it's set production and speed build a building plot that has build materials stored. 3; maintain hand physical effect outside of influence ring, further away drains even more soul energy. 4; instead of atranacht, forms crushing fist, thus press spacebar then hold shift to go punching things anywhere on the island.
-Wind Shield Spell (wind): 1; forms a standard bubble shield according to your settings, smaller is stronger, slightly weak to elemental weaknesses, mage circles can keep it charged when your not around. 2;make new size of bubble shield, each bubble has a button to select that size for standard. 3;transform hand to giant atranach avatar and goes into 1st-person mode.
({[obviously bubble shields will be needed for platoons invading cities as destructive god spells are an impossible defense, thus making city defense using troops as well as wind mages is needed and not a novelty, most players I assume hated this, and "battle of the gods" had a entrance to last map enemy city that was impassable with the god spell casting, but the front gates the NPC god had a forced programming to not prevent your foot units from taking the city while guard platoons ignored you in experience from memory, thus the Devs will figure this out primarily, even though combat is evil, it is also a survival instinct and I was not going to insult their intelligence with detail of the obvious, they will know to allow mage circles a unique casting of bubble shields]})
-Fire Curse (fire): 1; fireball. 2; firewall. 3; form hand into giant fire atranacht avatar.
-Frost Curse (frost): 1; crystalizing ice flurry. 2; icewall. 3; form hand into giant ice atranacht avatar.
-Water Spell (water): 1; water burst. 2; form raincloud. 3;form hand into giant water atranacht avatar.
-Lightning Curse (lightning): 1; lightning strike. 2; continuous bolt casting, when over raincloud turns into deadly thunder storm. 3; form hand into giant lightning atranacht avatar.
-Cosmic Curse (cosmic): 1; one big meteor fall (makes small iron deposite). 2; absorb soul energy (deadly). 3; teleport rune gliph (2 click place enter/exit, place battle flags into for attack or retreat).
-Heal Miracle (soul): 1; banish undead, cure disease, heal wounds. 2; collume of light raises age limit and makes younger (expensive). 3; click on dead to turn to ash for fertilizer effect and sometimes returns to true life, not as an undead.
-Fuana Miracle (animal): 1; dung burst. 2; animal type summoning rune gligh (release click on the button in the ring to select). 3; constant healing of god-creature, ideal toggle for when creature is in battle.
-Necromantic Curse (blood): 1; raise zombie platoon burst (when there is dead soldiers). 2; form pestulence cloud (spreads disease with chance of zombification on death). 3; all of your soldiers will respawn as zombies when killed.
-Floral Miracle (plant): 1; seed burst (requires plant in hand to get other than wheat, or rice if game-language is set to an Asian speech). 2; tree type summoning rune gliph. 3; crops and trees growth speed within influence rings costing water and fertility.
-Rock Spell (stone): 1; form boulder. 2; pure gemstone deposite summoning rune gliph (expensive). 3; harden walls and artillery projectiles within influence ring.
-Earth Spell (earth): 1; Lava Pit Burst. 2; Resource deposite summoning rune gliph (expensive). 3; clickhold LMB to raise land, RMB to lower land, both to level land for buildings.
-Sun Spell (sun): 1; sun beam; only during day (boosts fire, heal, floral, and ranged attacks in that spot). 2; set time (12 hour daytime only) hour rune gliph 5-8 stackable fire boost, 9-12 heal, 13-16 sun. 3; Solar Radiance (day only), shones sun-beams in influence ring increasing impressiveness and boosting ranged attacks and hindering enemy ranged attacks.
-Moon Spell (moon): 1; moon beam; boosts frost, necro, fuana, and melee. 2; set time (12 hour nighttime only) hour rune gliph 17-20 forst, 21-24 necro, 1-4 moon. 3; Lunar Radiance- shones moon beams in influence ring increaing impressiveness and boosting melee while hindering enemy melee attacks.
-Mind Spell (mind): 1; happiness burst (also causes aggressors to flee). 2; Collume of Insanity (converts enemies to your faction). 3; Alertness (boosts combat skill, research, and cultural effects within influence ring)
-Life Miracle (energy, mind, soul, blood, earth, wind, water): 1; boosts birth rate (rare virgin birth). 2; Human ethnicity summoning rune gliph. 3; Form hand into demi-god avatar (expensive) depending on actions will generate emense evil points as it is originally a miracle.
-Rainbow Curse (energy, wind, fire, frost, water, lightning, sun, moon): 1; Cascading Apexal Energy Bomb. 2; Apexal Energy Ballista Bow Rune Gliph (projectiles keep strength outside influence ring, slightly explosive, ideal for sinking invasion-fleets, useless against wind-shield-spell). 3; during day: influence ring has rainbow that negates all magic and greatly increases impressiveness. during night: influence ring has aura-bola lights that boosts all magic and greatly increases impressiveness.
-Creator Spell (energy, cosmic, sun, moon, animal, plant, stone): 1; bug swarm burst (ruins crops or feeds chickens). 2; God-Creature summoning rune gliph. 3; boosts speed of war beast forming.
- 7 Replies
[Mage Staffs]-all staffs have energy element powers plus the element of the gemstone set in the quartz staff-head. Storm > Nature > Astro > storm:
-Storm elements=
1-Wind: Jade; weak to-fire & frost. strong to- water & lightning.
2-Fire: Gold; weak to-water & lightning. strong to- frost & wind.
3-Frost: Silver; weak to-fire & lightning. strong to- water & wind.
4-Water: Sapphire; weak to-frost & wind. strong to-fire & lightning.
5-Lightning: Diamond; weak to-wind & water. strong to-fire & frost.
-Nature elements=
6-Animal: Turqoiz; weak to-earth & stone. strong to-plant & blood.
7-Plant: Emerald; weak to-animal & stone. strong to-earth & blood.
8-Blood: Ruby; weak to-animal & plant. strong to-stone & earth.
9-Earth: Garnet; weak to-blood & plant. strong to-animal & stone.
10-Stone: Obsidian; weak to-earth & blood. strong to-animal & plant.
-Astro elements=
11-Sun: Topaz; weak to-soul & mind. strong to-cosmic & moon.
12-Moon: Moonstone; weak to-sun & cosmic. strong to-mind & soul.
13-Cosmic: Onyx; weak to-sun & mind. strong to-moon & soul.
14-Mind: Amethyst; weak to-moon & soul. strong to-sun & cosmic.
15-Soul: Pearl; weak to-moon & cosmic. strong to-mind & sun.
16-Energy is weak to all, some consider it Astro but has no catagory.
-Wind: ranged; elemental bow type damage. Radius; boosts range of arrows, bolts, & bullets.
-Fire: ranged; elemental slash type damage. Radius; boosts swords and claymores.
-Frost: ranged; elemental pierce type damage. Radius; boosts daggers and spears.
-Water: ranged; elemental blunt type damage. Radius; boosts maces and warhammers.
-Lightning: ranged; elemental chop type damage. Radius; boosts axes and halbeird.
-Animal: ranged; enemy calvery bucks rider and runs to nearest output. Radius; increases sprint length of calvery who start charge attack within radius.
-Plant: ranged; place vine trap that greatly slows movement of enemy foot and clavery units. Radius; boosts light armor and armorless units.
-Blood: ranged; spectril copy of mage with dagger that can only be damaged by magic. Radius; undead within radius are same strength as a living soldier.
-Earth: ranged; cast acidic mud that weakens armors and weapons. radius; boosts medium and heavy armor.
-Obsidian: ranged; casts stones that have bonus damage vs. artillery and buildings. Radius; boosts full plate armor.
-Sun: ranged; small burst curses enemies to be easier to hit with fire and ranged attacks. Radius; weakens enemy melee attacks within radius.
-Moon: ranged; small burst curses enemies to be easier to hit with frost and melee attacks. Radius; weakens enemy ranged attacks that enter the radius.
-Cosmic: ranged; teleport foot units or fuse bombs. Radius; boosts range of mage's staffs.
-Mind: ranged; causes enemies to flee or berserker. Radius; boosts shields.
-Soul: ranged; turn dead & undead into dust. Radius; lowers the chance of enemy attack success.
-Energy: ranged; pushes enemies away. Radius; chance to deflect ranged attacks.
[Unit Types]- mages, commanders, archers, musketeers, grenaders, and villagers recieve no combat penalty when female. A unique training yard allows you to make your own unit types, however the discovery of gunpowder weapons makes this nearly obsolete. Unit divisions, mangelet groups, artillery, siege machines, and ships all have a side-screen pop out window that lists their island location, distance from main city of that island, and combat status and can be selected or general ordered from that list. Platoon formations have different effects to performance, 1-Collume: faster movement with weaker combat, best for road transit. 2-Square: best for melee forward attacking. 3-Line: best for ranged forward attacking. 4-Circle: best for when out numbered. 5-Random: best for attacking cities and wooded areas. 6-Triangle: best for holding ground vs. flanking attackers combined with rear support (lacks attack strength, mangelets make a half circle in this formation). Artillery and siege machines other than mangelet are one per battle flag and battle flags cannot be multi-pickup'ed, however battle flags can be linked to a leading flag for easy general movement of all forces and easily turned off without disconnection using a small button on the side-screen pop out window for precise formation posistioning once all arrive to destination. (A major turn off for players was that you only had 3 unit types, swords, archers, and catapults, as if to say we are too dumb to handle the complexity of warfare, also; with the option to win the game passively, so what if you fail at war?)
-Villager: Everyone at the end of the day is a villager. Usually doesn't have a weapon, some like to collect weapons for sport prearation for defense. Cannot be deployed in divisional ranks. Can be trained into any unit type.
-Guard: Can be trained into other unit types. Cannot be deployed in divisional ranks but is auto deployed in patrol routes for wall-defense and road-policing, captures criminals and spies and puts them dungeons or banishes them from youe town/city. Can be mounted as calvery.
-Warrior: Can loot and wield any weapon/shield and mount calvery. Starts with whatever weapons they had as a villager and either volunteers or easily recruited, can be trained into any unit type in less time after becoming a warrior, comes from the experimental training yard or spawns randomly as result of enemy attacks and/or evil god alignment.
-Spearman: Carries 1 to 4 spears and shield and armor according to settings, can mount calvery. Can be trained into other melee types only.
-Swordsman: Carries 1 to 2 swords or shield or claymore and armor according to settings, only 1-handed swords can mount calvery. Can be trained into other melee types only.
-Axeman: Carries 1 to 2 axes or shield or halbeird and armor according to settings, only 1-handed axes can mount calvery. Can be trained into other melee types only.
-Clubber: Carries 1 to 2 maces or shield or warhammer and armor according to settings, only 1-handed maces can mount calvery. Can be trained into other melee types only.
-Archer: Carries either bow or crossbow and/or armor according settings. Can mount calvery. Can only be trained into ranged or powder units.
-Dragoon: Only carries 2 pistols, a sword, and medium armor, master of mounted combat and clearing attilery crews for capture of artillery.
-Musketeer: Carries a musket (with bayonet) and light armor. Cannot mount calvery. Master of foot soldier combat in large groups.
-Grenader: Carries 4 fuse bombs, sword, and medium armor. Is able to mount calvery.
-Calvery: Horses trained in remaining calm in battle, traditionally combatants do not kill calvery as they can be wielded by any faction.
-Sapper: Requires no weapon, sets up battle structures and opperates seige equipment, collects calvery who lost their riders and captures artillery that lost it's sappers.
-Sailor: Similar to warriors, only found on ships, can be deployed onto coastal cities.
-Mage: Carries mage staff and elite robes (armorless), can mount calvery. Mage circles can generate an influence ring that allows you to cast god-spells on deployment or keep wind-shield-spells over town/cities, and/or unit formations nearby, whichever magic-school with gemstone the mage platoon is will boost slightly the god-spell you cast from them, thus wind mages are a common type in any nations military, as their boost of wind-shield-spell is greater than usual, for they are needed to keep a bubble-shield going at a constant, wind mages can sometimes be fast-aged or vaporized in intense attacks against their bubble-shield, and are more likely to survive when max level. Mage platoons only take circle formation as their combined energy flows greater, but can contain no more than 25 mages due to power-overload, and disbands if below 5 mages due to power weakness as even 24 vs. 25 is a major loss if the 24 are elementally weak to the 25.
-Commander: Carries elite robe, paper, dyes, silk, furnature, treasure, liquor, wagon, 2 horses, and any set of favored weapons and armor. Uses silk to setup command-tent and enhances defensive effects of units in a large radius, greater effect when posted in a fortress or castle.
[Unique Unit Types]-the special master warriors of a culture's faction, or specialists shared amongest all factions.
-Dueling Mage (Atlantic): Wields 2 wands for rate of fire and/or different elements.
-Axe Thrower (Abode): carries 3 tomahawks to throw and recover quickly, armorless.
-Jaquar (Mayan): wields spear sling carrying 6 spears, light armor.
-Eagle Runner (Aztec): wields obsidian sword with buckler shield, medium armor.
-Viking (Norse): wields 2 double edge axes, medium armor.
-Bolter (Spanish): wields mini crossbow, sword, and tower shield, heavy armor.
-Gladiator (Roman): wields trident and buckler shield, heavy armor.
-Spartan (Greek): wields round tower shield, spear, and sword, heavy armor.
-Bush Warrior (Zulu): wields a tall buckler, spear, and mace, armorless.
-Charriot (Egypt): 2 horse drawn hand cart with 2 archers and a spearman driver.
-Fire Thrower (Persians): 4 flash bombs, armorless. Early tech level.
-Arabian Knight (Arabic): wielding a Scimitar, the curved blade excels in mounted combat, armorless.
-War Elephant (India): with a small hut on it's back carrying 2 archers and a driver, the tusks are set with spears and daggers, feet heavy armored, ribs and head medium armored.
-Samurai (Japan): wields Katana, dagger (throwable), bow or musket and can mount calvery, heavy armored.
-Polearm Monk (Korean [south]): armorless wielding Nangata, throwing dagger, and mage's staff, can mount calvery.
-Calvery Clubber (Chinese): wields meteor hammer and heavy armor, always mounted.
-Agent (all): Can pose as an enemy citizen to commit sabotage, assassination of non-combatants, thievery, plague spreading, and encite unrest and rebellion in the people.
-Ninja/Assassin (all): A combative version of the Agent that excels at assassination and sabotage in and out of battles, can start plagues.
-War Dogs (all): dogs from the wild found too insane to tame, held in cages near gatehouses as a trap.
-Trapper Riders (all): armorless calvery with rope-nets, spear, and mace for capturing folk or animals, makes the wardog cages near gatehouses automatically.
-Scout Calvery (all): light armored horses with medium armored rider with buckler shield, axe, spear, and bow, patrols the land during war to find safe places the enemy seems to ignore and will mark the location with a banner and holdfast there.
-Knight (all): horse and rider in full plate armor carrying sword and tower shield, well fed horse is trained to aggressively trample foot units while rider fights flanking enemies.
-Lancer (all): horse and rider in full plate armor with armored spear for defeating other calvery and disabling artillery, can also trample foot units, vunerable to flanking best paired with knight.
[Weapon and Armor combat effects]- as weapons are made armor is made to resist thus special weapons are made to destroy that armor (like mace best against full plate armor but mace weak against armorless). When a shield is broken the armor then holds until broken, then the person is killed. Long weapons that take 2 hands to wield have twice the reach of one-handed weapons and a higher damage rate but lacks the 2nd layer of "forgiveness". Armorless moves very fast and attacks in a faster rate. A simple rock, paper, scissors system in all this is: Sword & armored > Warhammer & armorless > Warhammer & armored > (1st one), but the combinations are more various than that, once a faction develops gunpowder however things become a lot easier, even though bullets are considered blunt damage their speed catches even armorless calvery.
-Pierce (daggers, spears, and bow-arrows): Very strong to armorless and light armor, low-moderate to medium armor, weak to heavy and full plate, very weak to buckler and tower shields. Foward motion. ({[Fast, these infos are obvious when thinking of attack speed rate from armor, I trust the Devs will still know at-least this much about medieval weapons]})
-Slash (sword and claymore): Strong to armorless and light armor, moderate to medium armor, weak to heavy and full plate armor and buckler and tower shields. Side to side motion. ({[Medium-Fast]})
-Chop (axe, halbeird, and crossbow-bolt): moderate to armorless and light armor, strong to medium armor, low-moderate to heavy and full plate armor, strong to buckler and tower shields. Up to down motion.({[Medium-Slow]})
-Blunt (mace, warhammer, and bullet): very weak to armorless and light armor, low-moderate to medium armor, very strong to heavy and full plate armor, moderate to buckler and tower shields. Effective from any motion.({[Slow, as most the armorless resistence to blunt is speed]})
[War Beasts]- slowly spawned from void caverns from the rotting energies of dead gods and epic persons. Undead from this category are also spawnable by other means, but those summoned from void caverns are much stronger.
-Zombie: dead animals and people who run around attacking everything not radiating the spell code of their summoning faction, resists physical damage decently but weak to magic, can turn the living that they kill into zombies with magical infection.
-Centaur: half horse half man, masters of dragoon style combat.
-Menator: large ox/men wielding oversized stone clubs.
-Griffin: eagle/lions that can drop fuse bombs from the sky and do slash type damage in calavery style.
-Gargoyle: stone bat/man that flies slowly and does chop type damage, hard to kill.
-Hydra: giant multihead snake that takes on multiple enemies and absorbs magic in a large radius which makes mages ineffective, it's heart is it's weakness but the heads regrow into two when severed.
-Kraken: giant octopus that dominates the seas but weak on land and aborbs magic like Hydra.
-Druid: Undead mage that enhances other zombies and resists magic and somewhat physical attack.
-Unicorn: Extremely fast and damaging, uses magic force aura to crush multiple enemies.
-Demon: Insanely strong men from the underworld that are masters of all weapons they loot.
-Sabertooth Cat: Massive cat-beast the does pierce type damage, fairly cheap to summon.
-Giant Spider: Eats people and animals to leave behind fast growing egg sacks that burst into hoards of tiny spiders that eat their way into and out of soldiers, weak to magic.
-Hellhound: Massive demon-dogs that leave behind firewalls as it runs setting fire to all it touches.
-Pheonix: A flaming eagle that explodes when crushing into the ground then respawns from the ash pile to repeat, weak to magic, but totally negates physical attacks.
-Bull Brute: Massive bull-demon that does blunt type damage and negates magic with resistance to physical damage.
-Giant: Very tall ogre-man that swings a club made of a tree and boulder, best against walls and buildings, and does well against god-creatures.
[Atranachts]-shift/clicked into existence from from god-spells. All atranachts are weak to the elements their element is weak to. All Atranachts have a short life span thus requires repeated summoning.
-Faries (force): negates ranged attacks and boosts mage staff range, weak to all magic. ({[ I left it to the Devs to figure out how to spawn faries as it is obvious, RMB instead of LMB, summon instead of punch, which opens up a new set of spells if they think of anything else, don't want to hog up all the fun in being creative either]})
-Wind At. (wind): shapeless cloud that takes no physical damage and does same ranged attack as wind mages.
-Fire At. (fire): a flame sprite that rolls into enemies and explodes, takes no physical damage, does slash type damage from it's flanks as it rolls by.
-Frost At. (frost): a solid ice golem that endures great physical damage who's fists do chop type damage, slightly resists magic.
-Water At. (water): ogre that takes no physical damage and has stretching hammer fists that do blunt type damage.
-Lightning At. (lightning): a spear-pillar of light that takes no physical damage and does pierce type damage to multiple targets all around it.
-Astrospectry (cosmic): A pitch black void-light that takes no physical damage and drains the life span of other aranachts, causes no harm to other enemies, for those who want to fight without aranachts.
-Soul-Spectry (soul): A pure white light being that extends life span of aranachts for those who don't like using people for combat instead.
-Tree Elder (floral): Expensively summoned tree demigod that has longest life span and awakens other trees to amass and army of trees, very weak to fire and fire element, resists magic greatly.
-Stone golem (rock): very resistant to physical damage slightly resists magic, slow moving makes easy work of destroying walls and buildings.
-Lava Golem (earth): takes no physical damage, it's strength being the sulfer cloud it radiates choking all beings that breath, leaves a trail of lava behind it.
-Light-Spectry (sun): takes no physical damage with long life span, gives daylight effect in a radius at night while keeping nighttime effects or doubles daytime effects in battle magic.
-Lunar-Spectry (moon): the obvious opposite of a light-spectre.
-Focus-Spectry (mind): a smoke cloud that takes no physical damage and greatly boosts the accracy of all non-magical ranged attacks.
-Yeti Golem (Fauna): weak to physical damage is greatly resistant to magic for an atranacht, it's roar scatters all other animal/beasts like calvery and war beasts in absolute terror and has great strength and speed. Has long life span.
-Bone At. (Necro): pulls bones from dead & graveyards & fragments to attacks both magic & physical, thus draws enemy attacks as it does pierce damage when fragmented, is weaker when ignored & let to fade from life-span limit, a skilled commmander knows how to wield such harassment.
[God-Creatures]-every culture's god has a unique creature as it's avatar that reflects that god's personailty. These are more of a by-product of the mysteries of gods than a nation's true power. (For some players the god creature was a turn-off as they were anitomically incorrect and akward, would do things you didn't want and only way to tell them no was to hit them [cruel and unusual punishment] with no option to just set verbal commands while using good-god prestige for effect, and otherwise was a depressing "fake pet" when most gamers have a pet cat or other animal in real life. Thus it might be ideal to be able to use the creature castle capital building to set the god-creature in a stasis field and take out later for playing with, especially at the beginning when building your empire which is a time you cannot be distracted. It still is a trademark of the Black & White series and despite the negatives explained is still a worthy add-on to the game.)
-Ape (Korean, south): better a civil tasks than combat but uses any tool even weapons. Weak magic.
-Gorilla (Zulu): better with combat than civil tasks but uses any tools even farming tools. Weak magic.
-Lion (Egypt): great strength good speed, cannot wield tools. Moderate magic & damage resist.
-Tiger (Japan): great speed good strength, cannot wield tools. Moderate magic & damage resist.
-Wolf (Norse): moderate speed and strength, cannot wield tools. Very strong magic in full moon.
-Cow (India): slow speed great strength, no wield tools. Good magic power, medium damage resist.
-Turtle (Greek): very slow good strength, cannot wield tools. Weak magic but top resist all damage.
-Serpent Dragon (China): fast speed, weak strength, uses tools. Powerful magic, weak damage resist.
-Lizard Dragon (Spanish): slow speed, moderate strength, uses tools, Good magic, medium dam. resist.
-Eagle (Roman): good strength, fast speed. Cannot use tools, moderate magic and damage resist.
-Lady Bug (Adobe): weak strength & speed. No tool usage. Top magic power, weak damage resist.
-Mantis (Atlantic): weak strength & speed. Can use tools. Good magic power, weak damage resist.
-Vulture (Aztec): good strength & speed. No tool usage. Moderate magic power & damage resist.
-Hawk (Persian): good strength, fast speed. No tool usage. Moderate magic power & damage resist.
-Parrot (Mayan): weak strength, medium speed. No tool usage. Powerful magic & med. dam. resist.
-Cyote (Arabic): weak strength, fast speed. No tool usage. Has a double, weak magic & dam. resist.
[Earthly regional climates and areas]-some places are better than others, what conquering was made for to get better than what you have.
-Dessert: hot & dry sand, few plants and water, only the magics of god could get life to thrive here.
-Seharra: moderate temperature and dry, sparse grass plains and few trees, water is occasional.
-Waistland: Cold & dry, sparse bush and trees, water is rare and frozen, requires strong gods to thrive.
-Tropical: Hot & humid, thick bushes & palm trees & bamboo, pools of water common.
-Grass Plains: Moderate & Humid, thick bushes & oak trees with large open grass plains, lakes of water common.
-Taundra: Cold & humid, dense pine trees and large icy clearings, large frozen lakes common.
-Jungle: Hot & Wet, thick bushes & massive dense trees with few clearings. Water ponds common.
-Swampland: Moderate & wet, large trees with vines & bushes, water pools up in thick bogs.
-Snowfield: Cold & Wet, dense pine trees bushes, always snowing and lakes solid ice.
-Volcanic: very hot & dry, only evil gods of emense power can reside their people in these places.
-Hill: on average islands are not flat for building while the low hight also isn't very ideal for defense.
-Mountain: the best place for a fortress city, invaders slow & exhausted if they even get past the sort of things gently nudged at them with the assistance of gravity.
-Cavern: a good refuge for survivors of a successful invasion, best for converting to void caverns.
-Lake/river: fresh water that can ensure the survival of many people, export trade of it to desert factions can deter the chance of being invaded by such desparate people.
-Ocean: The home of the Atlantics who's cities stretch out all over the world out number all factions even if they banded together while submarine tech is the only way to reach the cities, its rumored Atlantics entice war using mind magic between surface dwellers to weaken alliances & slow research to both protect themselves and hopefully destroy the lesser beings above without having to fight.
-Beach: The jewel-like sands near the waters on islands boost happiness of the people.
[Capital Research Plans]-various techs studied at universities and libaries. Various social standings have great effect on the output of knowledge to others and in turn new knowledge makes new job types and social positions. Starting with 1-Regular (evil empires make these into slaves): can do simple works with little to no education like farming. 2-Specialists: does complex works like construction and requires education and/or work experience. 3-Master: requires more than just work exp. and/or education but a high intellignece and enjoyment of the work. 4-Noble: requires training at the capital from master level, true the education had started from discovery through lifetimes of work in that field, some children have great fortune in starting from Noble life but have trouble in what seems like going down the ranks to preform the professions they were trained. When a position is filled by a low rank there is a negative effect on effientcy, and is boosted when filled by a high rank. All blacksmiths are weapon-smiths and take to being particularized blacksmiths of civil works, as a society cannot maintain civility without ground held by the savagery of war and patrolling.
{Basic Science} (professor-noble, university): increases rate of nobility. Sub-categories unlock higher levels of other research paths.
-Mathmatics (mathmatian-noble, university): Generally increases rate of knowledge scroll production.
Unlocks; arctectual design, art/music, forest farming, trading networking, farm supply, craft toolage, spirit, logistics, ship supply.
-History (historian-noble, university): decreases research time of all techs. Unlocks; inspection, cooking, scent foraging, general records, disaster proofing, digging, rythm, special abilities, navigation.
-Philosphy (guru-noble, university): increases overall empire impressiveness multiplier based on total soul energy at the Alter. Unlocks; impressiveness, schoolage, fish tracking, cultural policies, harvasting, assembly line, divination, training, naval combat.
-Physics (engineer-noble, university): Increases accuracy of artillery. Unlocks; building, sanitation, scout toolage, money print/cast, farm toolage, fernacing, prayer, formations, planking.
-Anatomy (doctor-noble, university): increases effectiveness of hospitals. Unlocks; industrial supply, birthing, game tracking, security patrolling, farm breeding, fermentation, ritual, scouting, rationing.
{Construction} (Foreman-master, workyard): reduces injury & death chance from construction works.
-Building (Builder-specialist, workyard): increases speed of construction, strength vs. siege, and decreases minimum number of builders needed.
-Industrial Supply (Cart Driver-regular, roadways): decreases material cost to build structures & trade goods.
-Inspection (inspector-master, mainhall): increases resistance to fire, weather, disease, pests, and theft.
-Impressiveness (Decorator-noble, market): unlocks special decor for buildings that require various trade goods from market, also increases number of house cats.
-Arctectual Design (Arctect-noble, library/workyard): unlocks different building types. Increases number of birds.
{Civil Studies} (News Writter-master, library/mainhall): Increases chance of people becoming specialist or higher.
-Sanitation (Janitor-regular, all buildings): decreases disease, impressiveness loss from messiness, and water usage rate.
-Cooking (Chef-specialist, cookhouse/tavern/castle): decreases food consumtion rate while increasing happiness from food and increases health.
-Birthing (Nurse-specialist, hospital/bathhouse): increases birth, age length, & birth survival rate.
-Art/Music (Entertainer-noble, tavern/town center/castle/ampitheater): decreases cultural impressiveness loss to distance of city from capital, increases happiness & impressiveness.
-Schoolage (Teacher-master, schoolhouse/ library/university): increases XP gain rate from civil and combat actions.
{hunting/gathering} (Explorer-noble, outposts/wilderness): increases next spring cycle's output by limiting wild harvest to prevent shortage.
-Forest Farming (Lumberjack-specialist, sawmill): increases growth speed and size of planted trees.
-Game Tracking (Hunter-specialist, outposts/wilderness): increases success of spears, bows, and traps,secure radius around outer buildings and roads from wildlife and amount of tamed wildlife.
-Scout Foraging (Scout-specialist, outposts/wilderness): increases amount of discovered mine/quarry deposites, variety of seeds, and amount of spices and mushrooms found.
-Fish Tracking (Fisherfolk-regular, outpost/dock/river): increases success of nets and spears (and default fishpole) in gaining fish and greens. Also wild birds on a rope can be used.
-Scout Toolage (Ranger-master, outpost/blacksmith): decreases cost of metalware, weapons, thread, rope, and food-bait used in hunting and fishing, slightly increases gain from those tasks.
{Government} (Councilor-noble, mainhall): increases chance of folk becoming higher than noble.
-Money Print/Cast (Banker-master, mainhall): increases the multiplier value on money based on military strength. (abundance of materials and goods automatically raise value of money in an isolated economy that doesn't trade with foreigners, as few coins can gain more, while prices rise as available goods dwindles as a lack of productivity from various motivation methods from happy work and education practice from childhood to the evils of slavery.) Thus this research path only functions when trading with foreign nations.
-Cultural Policies (Judge-noble, mainhall): Increases chance of people being more willing to fill in job types without using force of slavery, further enhances effects from art/music (Entertainer) and schoolage (Teacher) research paths.
-Trade Networking (Merchant-regular, market): Decreases chance of needed goods like food being ignored by merchants for higher money valued things like treasure, ensures low taxes and money grants and ideal shop locations are given to survival murchants while luxury murchants are taxed more and are located in out of the way places or even banished from being a merchant.
-Security Patrolling (Guard-specialist, roads/barracks/defense): increases combat strength of guards, rate of recruitment, and lowers the luxury intake of the guard population (honor).
-General Records (Librarian-master, library/townhall): Decreases chance of theft, assassination, and sabotage from enemy spies masked as citizens. Also helps identify skill types and motivations of citizens from childhood as such info is collected from shoolhouses, libraries, and universities.
{Farming} (Landlord-noble, mainhall): Increases farm cultural affinity to ensure a large farmer population keeping abundance high and food prices low.
-Disaster Proofing (Gardener-master, farmhouses/city gardens/mainhall): decreases crop destruction from fire, wheather, and insect swarms.
-Farm Breeding (Vetanarian-master, farmhouse/hospital): increases animal production, growth size (mainly based on food), and disease negation.
-Harvasting (Farmer-regular, farmhouses): increases amount gained and time until rotten when storing in granery and container items.
-Farm Supply (Ox Driver-regular, farmhouses/granery/market): increases farm productivity by keeping farmhouses supplied regularly with everything in fair trade for it's productions. Lowers shipping costs with grants (government money is costed without effecting economy's prices) and honor teachings (evil nations simply call farmers evil for wanting fair pay of their hard work). Otherwise farm supply chains move faster.
-Farm Toolage (Town Smith-master, blacksmith/farmhouses): increases speed of tilling, planting, and harvesting, and decreases yearly cost of ironware at farmhouses.
{Industry} (Manager-Noble, most production buildings): Increases chance of wild peoples and prisoners becoming regulars.
-Assembly Line (Crafter-regular, most production buildings) increases speed of goods made from raw resources.
-Digging (Miner-regular, mines/quarries): Increases speed of building mines and quarries and extraction speed while lowering injury and death chance.
-Furnacing (Smelter-regular, kilns/blacksmiths): increases amount of clay, iron, fine stone, raw crystal, gold, and silver gained from extraction rate at mines and quarries and decreases amount of wood or coal used in refinement process.
-Fermenting (Alchemist-specialist, distilleries/alchemy shop): increase production speed of distilleries and alchemist shops, and lowers material cost to make those goods.
-Craft Toolage (Factory Smith-master, most production buildings): decreases minimum need of industrial workers and lowers consumption rate of ironware to tool conversion.
{Worship} (High Priest-noble, all religious buildings/library): increases chance of folk becoming master or higher.
-Spirit (Meditator-noble, all religious buildings/library): increases soul energy regeneration in worshippers and storage of soul energy at Alter.
-Prayer (Scriptist-specialist, all religious buildings/library): increases speed of slow charge designated god spell for free casting and reduces cost of god spell casting.
-Rythm (Chanter-regular): Reduces cost of mage spells and soul energy loss when transmitting soul energy to mages outside of influence rings (as they will age very fast in heated battles).
-Ritual (Possessor-master, all religious buildings/library): increases soul energy gained from honored death in battles, funerals, and sacrifics (evil gods only).
-Divination (Diviner-master, all religious buildings/libraries): greatly fortifies god realm abilities for as long as that person lives mortally and passes the methods down to children and society that have no effect in the mortal realms but better fortify that god from other gods seeking to destroy them and/or strengthen that god in the ability to destroy other gods in the heavens.
{Military} (General-noble, Palace/Castle): increases chance of recruitment of Guards and Soldiers.
-Formations (Strategist-master, all military buildings/library): unlocks formation types and enhances their effectiveness in survival and damage output.
-Scouting (Soldier-regular, all military buildings): decreases supply consumption and need for rest, lowers success of enemy stealth units on the islands.
-Training (Drill Chief-specialist, barracks/training fields): decreases train time of all units.
-Logistics (Map Maker-master, all military buildings/library): speeds resupply to outposts decreases amount of supplies risked in deployment from main city.
-Special Abilities (Commander-noble, all military buildings/library): Unlocks unique unit abilities and weapons.
{Sailing} (Captain-noble, Ships/Palace): increases chance of recruitment of sailors.
-Navigation (Astromoner-master, ship/library/university/palace/mainhall): increases sailing speed, storm avoidance, and capital treasure fleet's chance to not being found by enemies.
-Planking (Shipwright-master, shipyard/docks): decreases ship build time and increases hall strength.
-Ship Supply (Bosan-specialist, ship/shipyard/docks): decreases cost to build, repair, and supply ships.
-Rationing (Sailor-regular, ships/docks): decreases supply consumption and increases fishing success from warships.
-Naval Combat (Quartermaster-master, ship/palace/mainhall/library/university): increases ship artillery accuracy and sailor survival-ability during and after battles.
[Wild People]-comes from various sources like the wilderness or city/towns suffering from negative events like siege, famine, disease, abuse from evil gods and their faction, or overpopulation.
-Vagrant: defectors of a society that live in wild tents and gain food from foraging or generosity of good gods and their nation, sometimes converts to a citizen or other wild people types.
-Nomad: the foundation of any new empire if they seek greater living than tent villages that constantly relocate when hunting/gathering becomes scarce in gain.
-Bandits: nomad-like thief-warriors pillage towns, rob travelling merchants, and can be hired to do dirty deeds.
-Pirates: Ship based bandits that usually attack lonely merchant ships and get repairs and trade from flying false banners of other nations when not hiding out on tiny islands no nation would want.
-Warlocks: Monsterous people who use magic without divine influence usually holds up in void caves or mines to gain warbeasts and gemstones and are known for taking over the minds of bandits.
-Atlantics: Ancient nation from the depths of the ocean that live in giant glass dome cities and use unboardable submarines that can only be destroyed with fuse bombs inside of barrels as they try to drill a bomb into underside of ship halls. Known to board ships and raid coastal cities to take people to the deep ocean cities. Can loot wands and emense amounts of quartz from broken sub parts and slain Atlantic warriors.
[Details on the different realms]-Why gods rarely answer prayers is because all god abilities require soul energy which is gained mainly from death. Thus skilled warriors can be found having epic powers while common folk are at a loss. A recycling energy method allows gods to be immortal however they also remain weak to gods who rule in the mortal world for increased strength from focused worship energies from temples, sacrificial death brings a negative energy thus the soul's energy can only be harvested from natural death unless an evil god.
-God Realm: Where various planes of divine exist immortally, the heavens for mortals. Gods "consume" souls to anchor themselves away from the infinite pure energy void that they are by having definably different communities of mortally grown souls linked to them.
-Mortal Cosmos: Physical space in which planets and stars exist also allowing gods to exist in a physical sense. Contained in an orb in the "non-space" that is the God-Realm.
-Mortal Planes: Atmospherically defined space around planets that life exists.
-Underworld: Interior of planets and stars, soul spirit energy beings and gods rot here themselves slowly to pure energy if had been displaced by destructive force in any of the 3 other realms, void caverns draw energies from here and spawn warbeasts. Dead can be respawned from these planes however some qualities will be lost forever especially if left there too long, written records of living memory of mortals and gods can also secure return to life like reincarnation but many wonder if this is simply making a new version of the same thing thus killing what would have been new life. Crying bleeds our life force to recently dead loved ones giving them strength to return to life or linger in limbo before they go into the God-Realm (heaven), limbo being the shifting between the 3 realms without settling, which can cause havok, thus it is best to not feed-out your life force through crying for too long, as you are also killing yourself, also some souls are demons who harvest this vulnerability, so the way of dead-emotion even though selfish, is safer too.
[God Realm Abilities]-Cannot be used anywhere but the non-space of pure energy outside the mortal realms. There is not very many of these abilities as most attention will be on the mortal world whether good or evil.
-Soul Energy Recycling: greatly reduces the consumption of souls to maintain immortality while still amassing power as they bind soul societies to themselves. Evil gods completely consume souls destroying the unique personalities of their people and the heaven they could have had, however this faster method of power aquistion alarmingly allows evil gods more frequent wielding of god realm abilities to then steal the soul energy of other gods to become even more unstoppable.
-False Soul Avatar: can steadily encroach into a god's heaven (or hell) to poison and convert other souls into turning against their god effectively weakening or destroying that god.
-Direct Death Beam: a costly pierce attack that if precise can displace a god into the underworld before they know what hit them.
-False God/Soul Avatar Layering: the shield and wall counter to direct death beam and false soul avatar inflitration, the main wielding for any heaven or hell non-space.
-Mortal Life Simulation: only good gods live out the boringness of immortality with their people in this expensive way, as evil gods only find war to be entertaining as they endlessly amass power. Boosts resistance to false soul avatar infiltration thus giving greater balance between good gods and evil gods by enhancing defense, as the nature of good gods is that they would rather talk the evil gods out of the warpath and help them achieve true heaven.
(on a harsh note of scientific physics heaven cannot exist if there is a limit to the available boson energy of the multiverse and energy cannot be created infinitely, even the one god would have to delete memory as to record it all would eventually consume all matter if an immortal which is the fable of the god of the bible, which I used to follow believingly until science became the new "religion" of the average skepticism and slowly thinking first of what the aclaimed scientist might be gaining from you at your expense is always the better way than simply following what someone says to do.)
[Multiplayer]-As this listing is in high sight of single player action, it might be too difficult to make into a multiplayer, thus maybe a 3rd version for multiplayer-only might also be in order, for having 15 different nationalities to play as while passive building is a victory condition is very multiplayer friendly, and is a game market Lionhead Studios would not want to be out of the loop on. I would only ask that the low graphics version not be at a loss of any listed things and things yall come up with, and be on disk and not 3D but flat with shading effects on a north, east, west, south rigid camera angle style, and yes no less than $10 price off, while high graphic and multiplayer versions can be download only from sites like Steam and/or others (as currently Steam had made a total failing update and now none of the games I bought from them can play, while the best they can tell me is I must take my computer to an expert as it's to blame, which is nonsense for I'm still able to play Emperor from disk).
How warehouse trade/supply works: a slide-bar amount limiter that determines what goods go to which warehouses. When supplying other islands certain warehouses near docks must be designated as export/import storage while inner city/town warehouses are marked as private. This too should be obvious for Devs who assume themselves smarter than their players and should not require a commoner such as myself to even have to say, but that is the whole idea behind Freedom of Speech isn't it? The nobility is just as dumb as we...
Once storage buildings have carts and wagons item movers can be to less amount of folk while moving more goods faster. Production buildings will stack up items to a certain limit until they cease producing, the player's failure to provide more storage buildings and properly define supply routes and designated storage space is the result in lowered production. A Production building when in constant output of goods will be at peek efficiency while one that ceases work as result of lack of supply, storage of it's output, interrupted by sieges, just starting out from newly being built, workers homes being too far away (some production buildings like the farmhouse and tavern are also the dwelling of the workers), and other elements are cause of the issue of under maximal production output other than lack of education, ironware and other tools not consumed as production supply, lack of maximal workers, health and happiness. Age and experience has a mixed effect; later middle age is the prime efficiency while older is better for educating the younger who are able to work for longer and move faster but in certain works are slower at production and can waste materials more often such as in blacksmithing or other crafts, while farming and warriorship are better enhanced by the young in numbers.
How a new game starts after you choose your faction (cannot be Atlantic, they are a common enemy of immense power): Your god-hand (the mouse pointer) arrives from a long journey through the universe from outside beyond the multiverse onto the capital island that only contains your people in their nomadic form and has no visible difference other than their physical appearance and faction name on info cards from the other nationalities. All start in the same nomadic tech level as no being on Islanded-Earth became intelligent until their god(s) came to the Islanded-Earth which only happened once the Atlantics began to to delve into the power of their god which threatened not only the life of all Islanded-Earth life but also the lives of beings beyond the universe and in a measure of balancing power without totally destroying the Atlantics other gods were sent to enhance other people of the Earth and discover who this rouge god of the Atlantics was. To control the people of this spotty island-Earth they were made to think their god(s) created them so that they did not feel they were being captured by an alien hunter and simply resist everything. Each faction is to their own main capital island where the portal of their god(s) takes physical form as explained in the capital buildings chapter at start of this listing. As using god powers requires soul energy, after forming this portal your power is very weak and you can only make simple commands through the tribal chief. As you venture about the large island with your people you can only start to collect seeds and animals to put into crop fields and fenced pasters while setting up hovels made from sticks and mud. Your portal structure acts as a palace, alter, and university in weaker form of those things until certain levels of primitive researches unlock the first levels of those structures which then a collection of materials and eventually paper with dyes for writing bring about the classic medieval and renaissance buildings and techs. Certain climates have certain things so even though generalized trade goods such as "fruit" can be covered by having only bananas or apples, all varieties of things bring about certain bonuses such as the main effect of faster research and better education success, but also specific things like oranges naturally improving disease negation. Also some climates simply produce things better such as deserts have iron-sand as well as pure iron deposits while lacking in food growth pushing them to explore and conquer earlier than those of verdant lands. Due to god magics through gemstones such as water, earth, and plant deserts need not suffer so harshly to their lack of farming power, with just a few chest full of these power stones their alter can be upgraded to have those power orbs and industrialize food production, however none-the-less starting as a desert local faction such as Adobe, Persian, or Arabic is a more challenging game start than a European or Asian faction. Anyways through careful diplomacy and trade as a good god or tactful conquering as an evil god you can gain all bonuses of all lands and factions while supporting or enslaving other factions for the betterment and might of your own people as their god. The main goal everytime however is dealing with the Atlantics that reside under the ocean who for the most part will not bother the surface dwelling factions while you and other gods either NPC controlled in solo mode or multiplayer mode which is a combination of human player and NPC according to settings, are on the mission to discover who the Atlantic god is and why they have pierced into this universe becoming a potential threat to the greater gods that are the ones who deployed the 15 gods of the 15 factions other than Atlantic, and whether they are an evil god beyond controlling and must be destroyed, can become a new friend, or is an old enemy assumed destroyed but somehow reformed like an ambitious chip of a seed that simply refuses to be destroyed by the other gods of the multiverse beyond, who all are not totally good or evil or neutral but a variety of evenly powered god-beings that have maintained a balance of power with eachother for an eternity, and only one who had been in an ancient historic time had nearly absorbed the others and could easily do so again scheming with evil gods such as the Aztec and Mayan who freely practice sacrifice of young life for fast gain of soul power and are the offspring of the ancient gods from the beyond multiverse and reflections of those gods. You as the player takes control of one of these 15 gods for even multi-god religions always have a prime god of all the others, and thus for the sake of playing around and defusing the power of playful imagination religion has over people this game allows kids and adults to simply be a god in a videogame and be defused from such mental trickery as it is decreed to happen by modern day American Equality Culture and science, for it is found sad how much emotional stress and mental space people waste on make-believe called religion, but it is also noteworthy the shear power of what seems child's play has over people, it could very well be that your trading one thing for the other but not really curing people of the madness of religion, only once someone has played as a god through a videogame like this can they begin to become near in control of themself beyond the nonsense of religion. That isn't to say that the reality of taxation and arrest from government powers is also possibly de-programmable but in certain ways of this gaming style (city builder) can make positive affiliations of the human survival system while also achieving a sense of Equality by letting the player be the leader while also showing that rulership is greatly more difficult and stressing than simply sitting at the top collecting all wealth and power while pointing a finger of deathly command for armies to follow, even with generalized trade goods, godly powers, and simplified command power through computer window menus it is a daunting task that unlike in a videogame, leaves little to no room for error. Not to say to make the game miserably complicated and nagging, but most would see that even in the simplification of a videogame that even the long years work and high intellect of the game's Devs is not all that it takes to become a ruler and builder of an expanding empire, and that no one person could possibly manage all of that. Hopefully it would either wear out the driving madness to willing become a leader simply for wealth and power and show the joy of bettering other people's lives to those capable of becoming leaders, or show the logic of education and productivity without using taxation and arrest threats or worse to more submissive persons, or in the truly lost of us all some showing of what military and police are for in protecting people from the violent and what they would look like being under the rule of evil who thrill in the game of warring. In the end this game is a preachers sermon in these times of science and turning away from religion, and hopefully can be programmed to be on gaming consoles like Xbox, PS, Nintendo and others as well as PC using mouse and menus mostly as well as keyboard hotkeys. When done correctly with motivation beyond being just a videogame it could become very popular, despite most gamers simply wanting to kill eachother with a gun in Halo and C.O.D. for whatever reason.
I failed to mention that when it comes to storehouses there are 5 different types other than granaries and armories. 1 stockpile: these empty clear spaces can only store stone, raw crystal, and fine stone, but require no build materials. 2 Covered stockpiles: has pitched wooden onings or roofs on stilts with no walls that keep wood safe from rain, and has wood troughs full of clay and pitch. 3: storehouses; these are tall, small foundation 3 story buildings with a rope and pully system for lifting a platform to forward doors facing the road, these cost the most to build for using ironware and carefully crafted wood while also holding the least amount of goods in containers only. Are beset for inner city to supply markets which then supply housing and venues. 4:Warehouses; these are large 2 story buildings that hold the most of any goods with easy access to their content, beset for near outer city industrial areas and small towns dedicated to certain industries only like mining and crafting, their build cost is slightly lower than storehouses considering their size and capacity while only being made of wood, stone and clay. 5:caves &/or exhausted mines; these locations usually are distant but can hold a great deal of goods and thus are best for reserve supply storage incase of emergencies like reduced production output or failure to repel sieges. If your lucky to have such a location inner city it greatly boosts the advantage of local storage as it is an access point to the underground of the city and has a massive capacity lacking the need of build materials past tunnel supports made of minimal amounts of wood and ironware. I admit that it was an oversight to leave these details out in the original listing as I was also focused on defining warfare and god-power elements of the game, but here it is now the narrow miss of such oversight my apologies.
Firewood, as I live in a desert region of America known as Southern California I failed to realize that heated homes and workplaces using fireplaces was needed in colder places despite never needing anything but blankets and jackets in the winter of a desert location. Certainly however when producing wood that lesser pieces of wood not fit for building and tool making makes firewood as well as when breaking down trade goods and deconstruction of buildings when using the workyard building. To some degree wood good enough for making tools and buildings might but split for firewood but for the most part it was never done that way as foolishly portrayed in a game called "Banished".
5: caves &/or exhausted mines; these potential storage locations are of high capacity with minimal land surface usage while holding very many items, despite this there is some time loss in regaining goods from these storages however when in center of a town/city can use the underground of the location to store items in vast amounts, overall is better for reserve storage incase of emergencies such as low productive output or sieges which rob or prevent access to outer-city-production. Certain settings designate underground storage for either current usage or reserve hoarding, but requires that entrance to either be an exhausted mine or natural cave for when digging you will always come across ores however an "exhausted mine" is considered structurally unstable as result of too much tunnelling despite the potential of more ores to be found, using your god-powers you might squeeze a bit more ores from mines defined as "exhausted" however in doing so you might also degrade total storage capacity of these storage type buildings. In the end only warehouses and storehouses are truly the best choice, however the other types have such powerful pros and cons that they are useable in the moment of need despite their terrible flaws.
This "no container and undefined magical teleportative economy system of games while food and other items do not rot is lazy weak-mindedness, if these city builder games truly simulate and prove they player as a potential leader then it should atleast calculate the reality of food rot and item rust. Too many gamers are simply knuckle draggers of gun aiming-play and never even delve into the finer points of mass human survival in playing city builder games, yet not only is food rot not simulated but there isn't even the logistic management of containers, stop being weak and lazy, make the games truly correct and not impossible by number tricks in sarcastic upheaval, for current society exists as it does under the pressure of not only food rot and storage container item logistics, but also has the complexity of all the different tools and parts generally defined as "ironware" in this game version. For in the end yes this would only be a game of no consequence but also disk space limits prevent defining all those various items as well as the groups of commoners it would require to simply manage the trade and transit flow of those various items. In short this game would be a "next level" of management that would be a pressing challenge to experienced city builder gamers comparable to "Ninja Gidan" in hardness yet not totally a combat oriented game yet not being void of combat either. Yes and easier generalized definition of "ironware" being tools and build-parts, and yes some fantasy magic combat things like atranaughcts and god-powers for both war and industry, but for the most part is more complex than games seen so far of this type yet genuinely still playable.
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