ForumsGamesIs it just me or do most Html5 games that come out on Armor Games nowadays Underperform?

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It seems like most hmtl5 games that have came out recently underperform. Now, not every html5 game underperforms, take Brothidle for example.

It seems like html5 games that are coming out are way less popular in terms of people playing or maybe rating wise or both. It feels as if Html5 games are just becoming less and less popular.

Flash games certainly did way better in popularity than Html5 games by large numbers. Take The last stand - dead zone, Warfare 1944, Kingdom Rush Frontiers, Kingdom Rush, Warfare 1917 and Swords and Souls for example. There was also a fair share of popular Html5 games, but the ones that are coming out are getting much less popular.

Im not saying every game is gonna be a smash hit, but I feel like there's too many html5 games that are underperforming. It seems like Html5 games and even browser games are getting less popular overall.

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