I myself decided to make my own showcase similar to Arax's. I am not really experienced with making signatures, but that is why I made this thread. I figure I can take requests for practice, if you have a request for me, you can post it here. I am not going to guarantee anything good though, I am rather new to photoshop and am still practicing, but if you want I can attempt to make you a signature.
(That is about the only real signature I have made so far.)
Text: The Black Knight Theme: A knight in front of a blazing fire Colors:Red and blue for the fire blue on bottom and black for the knight do good job you are pretty good
If I get time I will try to do as many signatures as I get a chance too, but I am rather busy today, tomorrow I may get a chance to do some more, I'll be lucky to get 1 done with my schedule today!
Ok, in my opinion this one isn't as good, I tried but I couldn't really think of much for this one, I'm gonna try to go back and add affects or something to make it better, I hope it's not too bad.
I would like a blue-greenish dragon in the middle breathing fire and in the fire, write 'Shadow Flame' please...and I'd like a lightning background. Thanks! I don't care how long it takes, just giv it your best shot! I would really appreciate it!
If you can find an actual dragon render/stock for me to work with, then I will be able to, but I'm probably not going to take anymore requests without a render. Without a render I don't have anything to add affects on too.