ForumsGame WalkthroughsBubble Tanks 2 *Tank Guide*

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Similar to BT1, you must travel through giant bubbles, destroying enemy tanks and taking their bubbles to fuel your growth. As you grow, you constantly evolve and get ever better weapons. Ultimately, you'll have to face the ultimate adversary and defeat it to win the game.


If you have not played Bubble Tanks 2 then please do! It is a very fun game that I am sure you would enjoy.


This Tank Guide is the work of NoNameC68 and if this guide is found anywhere other than then this guide is stolen! If you see this guide anywhere other than then please contact me at http:/user/NoNameC68 or through my email


Welcome to my Bubble Tanks 2 *Tank Guide*. Here you will see the description of every single tank in the game and more. Each descritpion shall be typed word for word from the description in the game. The guide is here to help you get an idea of each tank and its description before having to play through the game to find out yourself (I am simply gathering all the information and laying it all out). I shall also help give strategies on how to defeat the final boss with each 5th generation tank from my own experiance.
Starting from the tank you are on, you can upgrade to any tank directly below or diagnal from your tank's square.

There are 26 different tanks you can use during the game. I shall list each tank's basic information and its weapons/abilities.

-0 Generation (starter tank)-

Basic Tank-This is your starting tank.
Primary Weapon: Basic Cannon-Fires Single bubble rounds.
Secondary Weapon: None

-1st Generation-

Fighter #1-A small, fast, and agile tank with fast fire rate.
Primary Weapon: Machine Gun-Fires single bubble rounds in rapid succession
Secondary Weapon: None

Balanced #1-A balance between speed and strength
Primary Weapon: 2 Shot Parallel-Fires 2 rounds in side by side fashion.
Secondary Weapon: None

Heavy #1-Slightly slower and less agile, but packs a bigger punch.
Primary Weapon: Heavy Cannon-Fires a single, heavy bubble round that does substantual damage.
Secondary Weapon: None

-2nd Generation-

Fighter #2-An even better version of the fighter, speed and agility are its trademarks.
Primary Weapon: 3 Bullet Spread-Fires 3 bullets spread out.
Secondary Weapon: Shield-The shield can be summoned in rapid bursts to protect you from all incoming damage.

Balanced Fighter #1- A balanced tank slightly in favor of speed and agility.
Primary Weapon: 3 Shot Parallel- Fires 3 bullets in side by side fashion.
Secondary Weapon: Shield-The shield can be summoned in rapid bursts to protect you from all incoming damage.

Balanced Heavy #1- A balanced tank in favor of heavy weaponry, but lighter than the heavy tank.
Primary Weapon: 3 Shot Parallel- Fires 3 bullets in side by side fashion.
Secondary Weapon: Mines-Mines can be laid and will dish out heavy damage when an enemy wonders over them.

Heavy #2- A large and slow tank, but heavily armed.
Primary Weapon: 5 Shot Parallel- Fires 5 bullets in side by side fashion.
Secondary Weapon: Mines-Mines can be laid and will dish out heavy damage when an enemy wonders over them.

-3rd Generation-

Sniper #1- A nimble fighter that fires single, powerful rounds.
Primary Weapon: Pierce Shot- The pierce shot has a long recharge rate, but deals a lot of damage and can pass through multiple enemies.
Secondary Weapon: Teliport- Pressing the secondary fire button will instantly transport you to wherever your mouse cursor is located.

Fighter #3- 3rd Generation fighter. Focus is on speed and agility.
Primary Weapon: Upgraded Machine Gun- The upgraded machine gun has a very fast rate with increased damage over the standard machine gun.
Secondary Weapon: Seekers- Launch 2 bubble missiles that will seek out and follow your enemies.

Bal. Fighter #2- A tank slightly in favor of speed and agility.
Primary Weapon: 5 Bullet Spread- Fires 5 bullets spread out.
Secondary Weapon: Short Stun Burst- A pulse is issued out from the tank that stuns surrounding enemies for a short period of time.

Bal. Heavy #2- A balanced tank in favor of heavy weaponry, but lighter than the heavy tank.
Primary Weapon: 5 Bullet Spread- Fires 5 bullets spread out.
Secondary Weapon: Area Burst- A burst is imitted from the tank that damages all nearby enemies.

Heavy #3- Large and slow tank that boasts heavy weaponry and brute force.
Primary Weapon: 2 Large Cannons- Fires 2 large bullets simultaniously.
Secondary Weapon: Sticky Cannon- Secondary fire button launches sticky bullets that render the target immobile.

BFT #1- Very large and slow tank that seeks enemies to destroy.
Primary Weapon: 1 B. Shot, 2 Sm. Auto -You have control of a large cannon while 2 smaller cannons will seek out enemy targets and fire automatically.
Secondary Weapon: Seekers- Pressing the secondary fire button will launch 4 seeking bubble missiles at the nearest enemy.

-4th Generation-

Sniper #2- A nimble fighter that fires single, powerful rounds.
Primary Weapon: Strong Peirce- The pierce shot has a long recharge rate, but deals a lot of damage and can pass through multiple enemies.
Secondary Weapon: Upgraded Teleport- Pressing the secondary fire button will instantly transport you to wherever your mouse cursor is located.

Fighting #4 -A small and agile tank that can dish out rapid fire.
Primary Weapon: 2 Shot MG- 2 bullets are fired side by side in rapid succession.
Secondary Weapon:Star Burst Cannon- The Star Burst Cannon fires a bullet that explodes after a short timer, emitting 360 degrees of peirce shots.

Ba. Fighter #3- A medium sized tank that is fast yet powerful.
Primary Weapon: 2 Sm., 1 B. Gun- Fires 2 small guns and 1 large cannon simultaniusly.
Secondary Weapon: Seekers- Launch 3 bubble missiles that will seek out and follow your enemies.

Bal. Heavy #3- A balanced tank slightly in favor of heavy weaponry, but faster than the Heavy Tank.
Primary Weapon: 2 Large Shell MG- Fires 2 large cannons in side by side fashion at a rapid speed.
Secondary Weapon: Area Burst Cannon- A large shell is fired that explodes upon contact with the enemy, damaging others nearby.

Heavy #4- Large and slow tank that boasts heavy weaponry and brute force.
Primary Weapon: 2 B. Shot, 2 Sm. Auto- You have control of 2 large cannons while 2 smaller cannons will seek out enemy targets and fire automatically.
Secondary Weapon: Sticky Burst- Many sticky bullets are launched from the tank in many directions making enemies immobile.

BFT #2- Very large ans slow tank that stuns and kills.
Primary Weapon: 2 B. Shot, 3 Sm. Auto- You have control 2 cannons while 3 smaller cannons will seek out enemy targets and fire automatically.
Secondary Weapon: Large Stun Burst- A large pulse is issued out from the tank that stuns surrounding enemies for a short period of time.

-5th Generation-

Ghost Sniper- Very fast and agile tank that can come apart and reform at will.
Primary Weapon: Explosive Pierce Shot- Large recharge rate, but deals a lot of damage, explodes on impact, and can pass through multiple enemies.
Secondary Weapon: Disassemble- Hold secondary to cause tank to break apart, making it invincible nit incapable of firing. Release to reform.

Super Fighter- A small and agile tank that can dish out rapid fire and seekers.
Primary Weapon: 3 Shot MG- Firs 3 shots side by side in rapid succesion.
Secondary Weapon: Orbital Seekers- Drones will automatically spawn and surround you. They will leave you and damage enemies that get to close.

Leecher Tank- This tank sucks life from enemies and can infect them with virus bubbles.
Primary weapon: Leeching Bullets- Whenever these bullets hit, they send the life taken from the enemy back to you.
Secondary Weapon: Doomsday Infect- Pressing the secondary fire button will launch a virus drone. It will attack, infect, then explode the enemy to spawn.

Drone Tank- This tank is the master of seeker drones.
Primary Weapon: Mitosis Seekers- Mitosis seekers split to form many more seeker drones.
Secondary Weapon: Drone Conversion- A pulse is emmited from your tank that converts all enemy drones into seekers that turn on your enemies.

Super Heavy- A massive behemoth of a bubble tank.
Primary Weapon: 2 B. S, 6 Sm A, 1 BB- 6 small cannons fire automatically while you control the 2 large cannons and 'bullet buster' which blocks bullets.
Secondary Weapon: Massive Cannon- Pressing the secondary fire button will fire the biggest bubble cannon in the game!

BFT Carrier- Giant tank that sends out swarms of fighters.
Primary Weapon: 1 B. S, 4 Sm. A, 1 BB- 4 small cannons fire automatically while you control the one large cannon and 'bullet buster' which blocks bullets.
Secondary Weapon: Ally Swarm- Launch ally fighter tanks that will swarm around your mouse pointer and destroy nearby enemies.

Here are all the final tanks and the Basic Tank at their original size. You can now see the full bulk of the heavy ships compared to the lighter ones and the Basic Tank.

<-*-><-*-><-*->The Boss<-*-><-*-><-*->

If you know what your doing, the boss is an easy kill. The boss can be split up into 4 sections, the head, the tail, and the 2 claws. The tail produces spawns that will home in on you, the 2 claws will fire 3 parallel shots at you, and the head will fire bursts of large cannon bubbles at you or a sticky bubble. To defeat the boss, you must destroy the head, claws, and tail. You will always reach the boss soon after reaching a 5th generation tank.

Each tank is unique and how well you do with the tank depends on the style of playing you are most comfortable with. For example, the Ghost Sniper may be the best tank for some players while the Super Heavy is the best for others. I shall explain how to kill the boss with each tank.

*Ghost Sniper*
The ghost sniper is a very fast ship and can turn on a dime. Its Explosive Pierce Shot may be slow but it is very powerful. Its disassemble ability is a very neat ability.

When facing the boss, keep in mind that your bullets take a while to recharge. Lucky for you, the boss does not move around (meaning you should not miss very often). Because it takes a while to reassemble, the Disassemble ability is not strongly encouraged. If you do use it, use it only when you find yourself cornered by incoming fire. Otherwise, it is always better to simply dodge.

Because the spawn will home in on you even when you are disassembled, it is recommended you take out the tail first. The beginning of the battle is always the hardest.

After you take out the tail, stay back and fire at one of the claws, then when one is destroyed, destroy the other. The head fires sticky bullets once in a while so always keep a sharp eye out for those.

If you are hit by a sticky bullet, you can Disasseble and wait untill the sticky bullet's effect dies. This may prolong the battle, but disassembling and waiting is much better than taking a bunch of fire.

The head is not too much of a challenge by itself. Continue firing at it while you dodge incoming fire and you should be able to take it out.

*Super Fighter*
The Super Fighter requires more risk to use when facing the boss. It is not quite as fast and it does not have the disassemble ability to save it from incoming fire. What it does have, are drones. Those drones will attack the boss but it requires you to get fairly close to it before they will attack.

I suggest going for the tail, then the claws, saving the head for last again. In most cases this will be the pattern to defeating the boss. If you find yourself getting hit by a lot of bullets, back off and fire from a distance. Killing the boss takes a while and rushing to kill it will only get you killed. Even if your drones are not attacking it, you still have good fire power on your side.

*Leecher Tank*
The Leecher Tank is a fun tank to use. What it lacks in fire power is made up with impending doom. The doomsday infect will slowly drain the boss's health untill he dies. All you need to worry about is surviving.

Keep senging out your virus drone untill it infects part of the boss, after you see that he is infected, keep shooting at him from far away and avoiding the bullets. Eventually he will die. Shoot out the tail first so you have more room to dodge. Remember that you have to infect several different parts of him to kill him. For example, infecting the right claw will not destroy the head.

*Drone Tank*
The drone tank is a very weird tank. It's recharge rate is unimaginably slow (slowest out of all the tanks you can become) and its secondary weapon will only work while there are enemie seekers in the air.

Although it's primary weapon recharge rate is slow, you will find that it does not shoot bullets, but a drone. When fighting the boss, attack from far away. This not only keeps you further away from incoming fire, but will also give your drones more time to multiply.

Now this is a hard choice. Take out the tail first, or not? The tail will send out spawn to attack you, which you can turn them against the boss when you use your secondary weapon. So it sounds like you should destroy the tail last. Sadly, it can become hard to keep up with the spawns.

Ok, now that you have turned the boss's spawn against him, you can smile as it attacks the boss. Sadly your seekers will most likely turn against the tail and destroy the tail first anyways. You might as well go ahead and finish it off quickly so you have room to manuever later. Your primary drones will do just fine killng the boss by themselves.

Remember, stay far back and let the drones work for you.

*Super Heavy*
This tank is massive, slow, and you hardly be able to dodge even a single bullet. It may have the biggest cannon in the game but it is also hard to aim. Time is not on your side so attack quickly and prepare to go back down a generation of tank.

Do not worry about which part of the boss you should kill first, if you are facing the tail with your Massive Cannon kill the tail first, if you are facing the head, kill the head first. If you are not facing either of the two, kill whichever one is closest.

Stay near the middle/back when firing. You will be hit by less bullets the further away you are. Do not worry about being hit, just worry about pulling off major damage fast.

*BFT Carrier*
The BFT Carrier plays by the exact same rules as the Super Heavy. The only difference is that you need to keep the boss in view so you can hit him with your Ally Swarm. Throw everything you have at the boss. Eventualy you will win. Don't be surprised if you go down a tank generation. The heavy tanks are hard tanks to use.


I hope this guide was inturesting to read and helpful. If you find any errors made or if you feel like it has something lacking, please tell me on my profile. Enjoy.
  • 128 Replies
13 posts

You really put a lot of efert into this. very good job

20,591 posts

Wow, thanks. Beating the boss was hard without your guide.

1 posts

I found this guide next to useless for the Leecher, I ALWAYS Generation down. For that matter, a lot of the top tier ships are worse than their lower tier counterparts in a lot of ways. Drone Tank blows.

29 posts

Amazing guide. even though i hsve beaten this many times, this still proved to be very helpful in many areas

112 posts

Wow really great guide. there is one thing that i would like to add but it's just a way that i found to level up your tanks well. I found that when i first started playing i wouldn't care the direction i went, and just go in a direction and stick with it. After a while, i discovered a much much easier way. As most people probably know, the enemies get harder the farther you get from the center. So a very easy way to level is to form a square around the center, and just add a layer at a time. I don't know if this is confusing so i think i'll add a diagram.

you start like this:


next step should be this:


then here:


and here:


you continue in a manner relating to this:


and just continue sticking as close to the center as the map allows. eventually you'll be getting to something looking like this:


This appears to be the easiest way i have discovered, and as an avid player of bubble tanks 2 (i've filled my bubble-o-pedia) i have put it to good use.

Hope this helps you all!

5 posts

i know 3 tanks i say are kind of a big boss: the thing that has 4 orange things that if u shoot it makes a army of follow missiles. a thing that has these guns that look like hands and another thing.

5 posts

what is the ec tank what does it look like

1,523 posts

I love this game! the more I play, the more addicting it gets!

20,591 posts

I like invincible mode, if your a BFT, you don't have to do anything.

20,591 posts

Dang! I always refer to this guide when I'm playing this game. Thanks for making it!

1,523 posts

It's impossible to get the BFT!!!! The tanks that you need to use to get it are wayy to slow, and you can almost never dodge bullets with them, so it's impossible to lv. up

20,591 posts

It requires patience. It takes time because you need a lot of bubbles. But it's easy, just keep moving and let your automatic cannons and seekers do the work.

18 posts

Awesome guide it really helped me a lot!

119 posts

helped a lot, now i want to unlock every thing in the game!

3,012 posts

Man you did this by yourself i mean its great.Thanks man you helped alot

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