ForumsGame WalkthroughsThe Rise of a King

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60 posts

Sorry no Walkthrough here.
But could someone please give me a walkthrough for this or any cheats,glitches,hints,ext.

If there is already a walkthrough for this game please direct me to it.

  • 79 Replies
91 posts

I have a cheat...
Watch the paesant's daughter die and ended the scene, come back to the paesant.Take the money and hold "space" for 3-4 seconds...
Et voilà,anhoter time the mission...
Do it everytime you need

2 posts

well i got through the most of the game but here it is
well at the beginning of the game ull recive 180 gp where u get to upgrade nd stuff tthen u go to the king where he orders u to kill a hairy troll in a cave which is at the farthest end of the the 1st village while travelling ull encounter a band of theives (kill them) nd a peasent who ask u to find his daughter who has been kiddnapped by some monsters nd hell reward u 95gp ull find her in the graveyard where shell burn to death(u cnt save her) tell this to the pesent nd ull have the option to take the mony.
The next mission is where u have to kill a ban of bandits in a cave somewhre off of storm peaks there with a help a villager ull find the cave.
The last mission (spoiler) that the king gives u was to help lord felkon who then tells u to kill a witch at the far end of skybreak forest (opposite direction of the graveyard) when u meet the witch, dnt try to kill her insted try to gain info about lord felkon, ull lear tht the lorl is a necromancer who can cast powerfull illusion spells nd in order to break it ull have to rip off a necklace of the princess nd, ull also know that u nd the witch are spcial who r resistan to the spell, then the witch will give u a magic key nd dissapper.
U go bake to the castel where u go to the pirncesses cell (fartest end opposite direction of lord felkon) when u rip the necklce off the the princess will recover from her maddness nd u both make an attempt to escape, unfortunatly the lord arrives nd trys to kill both of u, the knight being spcial has only littel effect on him but the princess dies, then the lord summons some skeltons where ull have to fight ur way outside.
upon reaching stormgaurd, ull dicover the king dead nd that the lord has rampaged across the lands destroying them completly........
that all for i no....
can some one tell me where to find the lord

2 posts

to find lord felkon ull need to find him at the rooftop at stormguard castel, there ull battel with him, to kill him ull need to use quick attacks nd lots of hp potions.
in the end the surving people will make u as their king

1 posts

awesome game, I didn't die once

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