I sorta feel insulted o_o I mean that's like being told you don't talk enough, or don't play enough games =( That's pretty sad since this is a game site. Can see it now.......
<foggy vision> <dissolve> [flashfoward]"You kids need to play more video games you're only Level 2 out of 5697 available Levels HURRY UP![/flashfoward]
juan999999- I was talking to Zeno, you're a 9/10 cause I see you a lot.
I sorta feel insulted o_o I mean that's like being told you don't talk enough, or don't play enough games =( That's pretty sad since this is a game site. Can see it now.......
Jaja an i love this thread. you are gold he's silver! Like OMFG right! Michel i give you a 7/10 low rank but i see you here and there. Never mind 8/10
I give you a 10/10 for three things. 1. You have an awesome rank. 2. You have a lot of posts. 3. You joined my Naruto Clan which can be located here/community/thread/2171941/join-the-naruto-clan