Well guys, i made two threads today asking for uber help in making this. None was given! You all PHAIL me!
I take no credit for the armor games logo, or the game characters. I just wasted all day finding, cutting, and fiddling with photoshop. I'm not done quite yet. Needs some more characters.
Well if that took you more than 30 minutes then epic waste of time. It didn't take a whole day I can guarantee it. You always seem to exaggerate your amount of work times like 20. It's cool but stop trying to take more credit then it's worth.
Well if that took you more than 30 minutes then epic waste of time. It didn't take a whole day I can guarantee it. You always seem to exaggerate your amount of work times like 20. It's cool but stop trying to take more credit then it's worth.
Dude, wtf you try cutting little midgit sized characters out. Not to mention finding the right characters. If you don't like it, then don't flipping post you nimrod!
Arax that takes 30 minutes top. It's easy. You zoom and pen tool. Just because I am unravelling your little scam doesn't mean you need to stoop down to calling names. And finding the right character? You can find all those guys within 10 seconds of each of their respective games. Honestly Arax stop taking advantage of peoples trust by saying this took an entire day.
Arax that takes 30 minutes top. It's easy. You zoom and pen tool. Just because I am unravelling your little scam doesn't mean you need to stoop down to calling names. And finding the right character? You can find all those guys within 10 seconds of each of their respective games. Honestly Arax stop taking advantage of peoples trust by saying this took an entire day.
I didn't have it planned out. I tried a lot of different things with it and phailed multiple times. I had no idea which characters to use when i started.
So go ahead and make your own then . . . . . .
WTF is up with everyone attacking me? I don't need this god damn shit right now.
Klaushouse, I'm not an expert with photoshop, but what I do know, is that there is a much nicer way to get your points across. You can be funny, but you are a little past the line sometimes.
WTF is up with everyone attacking me? I don't need this god **** **** right now.
Don't act like a baby please. I get shit from everyone when I post but I don't cry about it do I. If you want to talk about bad times why don't you talk to me in private then we can talk.
Anyways I have no need to prove myself in copy pasting AG characters. I think you did a good job. I like it a lot, I really do but saying you took a day to do this is not true. I think we would get along more if you would stop trying to get attention by making it seem like what you did was the work of a master that took hours. Just be honest and maybe we will get along.
Jwals do you know how many times I have just sat by and watch Arax say it took him ours and 100 layers and 50 effects? He does this all the time, this isn't a first time thing. He's taking advantage of people.
Look, I don;t feel like getting in the middle of this, I've got nothing I can do to stop it. Truthfully though, Arax does use a lot of layers, they aren't all usually needed, but he likes to pay attention to details. I don't know a ton past the basics of photoshop, so I can't even choose a side, but what does need to happen, is you two with the arguing. You guys argue more than brothers, spend a little time helping each other instead of yelling, and it would help more.