Anyways if ever you see a photo with a cool effect or you see a fun effect on somewhere like the GFX battle just come here, post a picture of the effect and I(or anyone else who wants to) can help you out to show you how to do the effect! Now I do work with photoshop so yeah my answers are for photoshop! If I don't personally know how to do the effect I'll try and supply you with a link to somewhere that does. And please everyone stay polite, if someone asks a really simple question it doesn't mean you get to tease at their "newbiness", you were all like that once! So, let the party begin! If any.. ;D
You need the right type of photoshop.It all depends on the program,but photoshop uses vector art in it,and I think Zophia said she draws in Photoshop essentials or something like that.It costs a ton of cash though,so unless you plan on making a full hobby/job out of art then I would suggest that you just stick to GIMP.
Anywho, I have a question...I was wondering how the 3D tool in PS CS3 are would you import a 3D mesh into PS to work with it?
I've asked this here before on page 5 but no one it was either because they missed it or don't know if u missed it the first time, you won't miss it now :P
You need the right type of photoshop.It all depends on the program,but photoshop uses vector art in it,and I think Zophia said she draws in Photoshop essentials or something like that.It costs a ton of cash though,so unless you plan on making a full hobby/job out of art then I would suggest that you just stick to GIMP.
Photoshop Elements. 6.0, to be exact, and actually Elements aren't too expensive, compared to the quality of the program. But it is an expense. There's always the free trial, though, so give it a try if you're considering it. GIMP is a decently good program, but I personally hate to use it for anything other than animation. It just doesn't have the same brush quality... Another free program that can be worth trying out is Krita. It's approximately as good as GIMP.
but photoshop uses vector art in it
I still haven't figured out how to do vectors in Photoshop. The standard settings does raster art.
nywho, I have a question...I was wondering how the 3D tool in PS CS3 are would you import a 3D mesh into PS to work with it?
I have absolutely no experience with any of the CSs, so I am very sorry, but I can't help you out. Google for tutorials?
@zophia: oh well..i'll google it And if u want to make vector art, you need to use the pen tool to create paths. I don't know if Elements has the pen tool, but if it does, follow along After you make a path, you can use the fill path function. You can access fill path by right clicking while a path tool is selected. And now u have created vector art
I just noticed that you can post tutorials and tips here even if no one asks for, here is a not-that widely known secret of MS Paint. You will never think of this program as 'Inferior' after you read this:
Custom Brushes on MS Paint
Hope you like it I'm also making an all out tutorial on isometric pixel art. But, its gonna be a while before I post it...
That's a good question. The hard part is that as I see it you kinda have to be able to use a big and a little brush at the same time and that's obviously not happening, heh. I would suggest doing a layer of flat colour, then adding various layers on top. The burn tool may also help.
And rocks... I'll crack up a tutorial. Using touchpad, so I only have the same manual brush size variation as mouse users do. But if you insist on drawing it and not painting it, I don't know.
Drawing a rock gives it more texture. I've looked at painting tutorials and I've tried painting rocks but all the painted rocks (in the tutorials and the ones that I did) end up looking like molded blobs of clay or lackluster jewels/chipped flint rocks. Drawing tutorials only come up as pencil and paper.
Maybe I was looking for a way of replicating pencil work in "color" or rather different tones of gray with a mouse. But with this tutorial (which is a lot simpler step-by-step), a little practice with the dodge/burn tool which I've neglected, maybe I'll be able to paint/draw what I need. I know I'll definitely get the outline right. I don't know why I didn't realize that I was only using one size of brush.
Must be nice having a tablet or whatever its called with its tilt/size/pressure variation all in one.
Having a tablet is definitely very nice, but it is possible to obtain similar results with a mouse. It just takes multiple times longer, and is more difficult. It's all a matter of getting the shading/highlighting placed right. So if you just keep practicing, eventually you should be able to find a technique. Good luck with it.
I feel pretty of topic here but maybe this'll help other with my problem since it's tutorial thread My question is:how do I post Images I've done on (ex:Ms paint) if I can't open them with my internet navigator I'm pretty bad with technology so I'm clueless as to how it is done,in fact I even have problems posting when I have a link Help please? It would be great so I could post my pencil drawings when I get an usb key or a scanner to Thx in advance
I have posted in your profile, not sure if you have seen it, but there have been talk about doing such a thing, and I probably will sooner or later, as many do not know how to host and post the image.
hey I just got flash and I want to import drawings to flash from GIMP,but before I can do that I need to create Bitmaps that have transparent backgrounds on GIMP,so does anyone know how to make transparent backgrounds on GIMP,or just control transparency on GIMP at all.I know you can create templates on photoshop and all,but I need to do it on GIMP because of the brushes on their I want to use.Otherwise it would be nice to know if there was a way to import brushes to photo shop CS4.Anyone have any ideas?