ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
15,595 posts

It's not stupid to want more in-depth judging, but the people complaining aren't doing much good. If it's that important then set up a list and change every round/few rounds. People have lives, so you can't rely on Wolf to judge it forever, or anyone else. You also can't get some random person nobody has heard of to take it up.
Wolf, Nicho, Orion, Moon, and Tacky. You each have a lot of experience in the AMW, would it be so hard to rotate each round? If you have time to post here it shouldn't be that difficult to judge.

3,386 posts

Wolf, Nicho, Orion, Moon, and Tacky. You each have a lot of experience in the AMW, would it be so hard to rotate each round? If you have time to post here it shouldn't be that difficult to judge.

I'm up for that. It isn't my first time judging poetry contests, and the rest are amazing at what they do.

@ Daleks, you know I love you dearly, even though you are my enemy, but I would rather shoot high and get somewhere good, than settle for second best. Instead of balling up this thread and shooting it into the can, why not try to salvage it? I've already spoken with Skeleton via profiles about this. :P If you want the merit to return to this place, you're gonna to make it worth it.

Hmm. Maybe. Just maybe. If we all settled on a judging rotation, Skeleton could join in still. As a judge. Maybe from seeing the others judge, he can gain more experience without it having to be first-hand. Ya'know?
3,766 posts

even though you are my enemy

Were enemies? When did that happen?
Maybe from seeing the others judge, he can gain more experience without it having to be first-hand. Ya'know?

Ya, that is pretty much what I said for part of it. Still just let Skeleton finish this round.
3,437 posts

Ya, that is pretty much what I said for part of it. Still just let Skeleton finish this round.

This was never in question, so I am not sure where people got the idea that the world is trying to violently overthrow Skeleton immediately. It's more of a subtle sabbotage minus delicious bacon.

Wolf, Nicho, Orion, Moon, and Tacky. You each have a lot of experience in the AMW, would it be so hard to rotate each round? If you have time to post here it shouldn't be that difficult to judge.

This lends into my suggestion of cycling no, that is not difficult.
3,137 posts

Wow. I haven't been here in.. probably over a year. It seems to be in shambles. Well when you guys sort this out. Have a judge, theme, due date, and are accepting work, I'll have a look at it.

10 posts

i have an idea, why not have three judges. they each rate poems either 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and (1 being worth 3 points, 2 two etc) then add those and see who one overall. or you could do the same with scoring 1/10 or 1/5. in any case a single judge= a single oppinion and that doesnt work out very well.

10 posts

a tangled mess of tangled people
they all know that they are right
a tangled mess of tangled people
involved in a futile fight.

why do poets fight this way
are they maddened and insane?
Why do poets fight this way
dont they know they cause much pain?

The judge, they say, canât do his job
they say that skeleton isnt good.
the judge, they say, cant do his job
they raze his name more than they should

i dont see why the do this
they seem discontented to me
i dont see why they do this
so settle down is my only plea

for heaven's sake give it a rest
you're all becoming quite the pest
i dont in the slightest jest

3,386 posts

Daleks, you are a Dalek and I am a Time Lord. Get with the picture BRO.

This was never in question, so I am not sure where people got the idea that the world is trying to violently overthrow Skeleton immediately. It's more of a subtle sabbotage minus delicious bacon.


@ David, that would take way too much time and depend on too many people. No one in the AMW is that reliable.... And a single opinion does work well when you value the one who gave it.

In response to your poem....

I was once a lot like you,
I would rhyme that
With the word Blue.
Just because it fit right there,
I never really had a care.

But just because you can rhyme,
Doesn't mean your poems are sublime.
I know that this was made in jest,
But it's people like you that can be a pest.

The fresh kids who wander in,
And butt in their own opinion.
Where it really isn't needed,
Because it's already been repeated.

We never said he couldn't do his job.
He did it well while he had it.
There is a completely different story,
To why that fuse was lit.

He did what any good person would do,
And stepped up in a time of need.
But the others, with credentials, are back now.
So he doesn't need to be in the lead.
Nicho and Mav, those devilish kids
Are simply being lazy. (> &gt

Now the contest judge for the round
Has already been decided.
It will be Skeleton Pilot,
I'm pretty sure he'll abide by it.

Now I hope you'll stick around
Because that little piece was entertaining.
I hope that you will make some more,
But maybe with less complaining
4,220 posts

i have an idea, why not have three judges. they each rate poems either 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and (1 being worth 3 points, 2 two etc) then add those and see who one overall. or you could do the same with scoring 1/10 or 1/5. in any case a single judge= a single oppinion and that doesnt work out very well.

Too complicated never works not enough people to bother with it.

Wolf, Nicho, Orion, Moon, and Tacky. You each have a lot of experience in the AMW, would it be so hard to rotate each round? If you have time to post here it shouldn't be that difficult to judge.

I like this idea, and it falls well into what I had been thinking before. It also allows us to gaze upon the delicious marvel of Wolf, Nicho, Tacky, and Moon's poetry, plus we all have good judging experience. If anyone suddenly become inactive or gets hit by a bus, we will easily have a replacement, as well.
1,627 posts

Can we at least find a judge for this round?

3,386 posts

Omg zakyman read. Skeleton is the judge for this round.

116 posts

Ike went riding on his bike
He stopped to fish
He caught a pike
He took it home
He fried it up
He took he coke
And filled his cup
He then sat down to watch the game
His favorite team played really lame
A player had just missed a shot
But his football team was looking hot
last year they won the Superbowl
And now they have a strong schedule
Ike then fell on his bed in a heap
And soon he was fast asleep

1,361 posts

Alright Skel, this is your last judging, so make it count...

A few notes before I begin the judging... since this round was filled with confusion and chaos, I'm disappointed to report that only three entries actually qualified for placement this round. So before I get into those, I'll mention the entries that weren't eligible for the contest...

I sincerely apologize for not seeing this much earlier, but Independence was last round's theme! However, you still ought to know that meter is important if you want the poem to rhyme and flow well! Take these two lines for example...

independence is a lie
they just want us all to die

Both lines rhyme, and both have an equal number of syllables, so the rhyme flows nicely. In these two lines, however...

i can see through their crap
i can even turn it into a rap

It jumps from 6 syllables on one line to 10 on the next! Sure it rhymes, but reading it is just... awkward!

From what you noted after posting the poem, this was not intentionally submitted for this contest... which makes sense, because it's not really relevant to the theme anyway! One thing I will say, though, is that line 6 seems a bit awkward in the sense that it, judging by the way the poem is laid out and how the rhyme scheme and general meter are set up, it should end in a word ending in "-ender" instead of breaking away from the rest of the poem.

It sounds like something out of a children's poetry book... I like it! But remember, deadlines are there for a reason! The deadline was Friday, so it's a day too late. Sorry! Great entry though, I love the festive juvenile rhymes! Keep writing poetry!

Whew... got a bit carried away there with those disqualified entries. All that aside, I give you the three entries that actually qualified for placement!

3rd Place: CheapCheep!
It's short, but it's not bad! Sounds like old song lyrics. The vocabulary is simplistic, and there are only three lines so there is a lot of room for improvement in both those fields... but hey, there were only three this round so by default you placed! =)

2nd Place: goumas13!
Interesting... it had a post-19th century feel to it! The ending seemed a bit abrupt, though, and it felt like quite a bit more could be added to it... 13 short lines and not much relevance to the theme, this poem would have had a shot at first had it been reasonably longer and more elaborated!

The unquestionable 1st-place winner: wolf1991!
You captured the theme very well! Much more solidly than either of the other entries! I thought it was interesting how you jumped from one rhyme/meter scheme to another and then back again! It did feel a bit awkward, though, in the middle when you switched from one rhyme scheme to blank verse to a different rhyme scheme... that did kill a fair amount of the preexisting flow. But you still won nonetheless, so congratulations!

Even though I'm not going to be judging this next round, I'm going to at least start things off by choosing The Solar System as the next theme and setting the deadline to Wednesday, August 8 unless there are any objections...

Au revoir!

240 posts


3,437 posts

A nice bit of improvement there Skeleton, good job. Now if we're going to begin cycling through judges I suggest we have a particular order to it. If no one has any objections, I would like to judge this round, this way we have a confirmed judge and we can use this time to decide the order of judges.

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