ForumsGamesSwords and sandals 2 guide needed

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31 posts

I need help. What to buy first? Enchantment or new armour? I dont want those cheats. I want some good tips on what I should get first. If I just buy the 6 agi wep then I lose on drawn blood. What armour? I know its partly luck but I want to know the best stuff to buy.

  • 40 Replies
52 posts

hey my man was 27 or higher level and my strength was 60 (so i had last weapon) and my attack was 40 so he could usually hit power attack but i had 1 problem which is the last tournaments boss had very very good bow and agility (mine 1 lol) so R.I.P. NameLess

i can help you but you should choose your way first:
1) a lot strength and attack increase a little defence and very little stamina (easy to start hard to finish)
you should use third section weapon (i forgot the name i mean not sword and bow)
your armor selection isn't that important but when you buy your first weapon you have to wear some armor maybe gives 10 but don't forget you start with duels.. -you should try to buy them for diffrents areas of body first (except helmet, shield and brestplate) but when your choose some part you should buy approximately best one.. don't forget some of them have very good benefits like dodging from arrows, decreasing power hit percent of enemy and increasing your charging speed (means go further when you do charge)
after tournament you should buy new weapon ("FIRSTLY" you should buy weapon so you should give points to strength if you level up while in tournament or if you not and maybe your strength very near to new weapon's required strength you should wait until you level up in duels)
and new armour but you should buy shield (very important! buy one of the best shield) then helmet (important! then buy good helmet too if you can't you can try to earn money in duels or wait until other tournament prize, depends on your money) then brestplate (if you have helmet and shield you should buy this because gives good armor) then others..

2) Agility and attack

I haven't played like this so i don't know about this a lot but I can say: Hard to start - easy to finish (later you'll have 15 arrows and with best bows no one can stay alive while you are in battlefield lol)


never sleep at street %90 you will lose ALL of your money so tavern is much cheaper

DON'T BE HELPFUL! (sometimes your man see something in street just turn your back and run without looking back! I don't know why the makers of game do it but when you help you always lose very valuable thing like -3 strength!)

if your agility is something like 1 check always enemy's weapon in duels if he have even worst bow you should fight with him just go out from arena and come back and check other one's bow (sometimes they directly hit to your health so don't try even if you are about 25 level)

I must say that I didn't do any enchantment but i was planning for after tournament for 27 levels.but I can say that when you have first one you hardly use it when you are going to buy any try to buy second but don't forget you will change your weapon after new tournament so I think it waste of money until you reach the last weapon

Hope you bought the game because in many websites it's limited to 12 and in others you can't save so if you like game buy it or you will be very sorry after your character

31 posts

Wow. Thanks dude. That will help a lot.

31 posts

Does anyone else have any guides. Im looking for something that tells me what armour and weps to get exactly.

52 posts

you shouldn't afraid from enemies that much it depends on your money try to buy best of that part always..there's no thing like you should never buy shield! or buy 2nd shield and 1st helmet!

1 note too

if you are not going to buy new weapon when you start, you can enchant it for free even for 3rd enchant level!(but it won't so powerful again)

56 posts

first i take armor...and enhanched start weapon for free at level 3....and i kill first champion with the start weapon enhanched with fire or ice...

31 posts

Ok thanks both of you. It helps but I still want a guide on what to buy.

679 posts

PATHETIC I had strength of 500 and speed of 125 and I won with a scimitar

56 posts

hmm.....with hack?

56 posts

i lose at 5th champion without cheat or hack...

777 posts

Pretty good guide there.

161 posts

its a cool game

1 posts

First, start the game with whatever you want. When you start, you will need to duel people, so having no armor makes you highly vulnerable to failure. Buy the Brigand Greaves, Shinguards, and Boots. This will make your beginning easier to start. Then, you enchant your weapon. I don't suggest any sort of leveling up strategy other than you may want Charisma every now and then so don't neglect it. Charisma makes everything you buy cheaper, and if you have an easy fight, you can make the croud go wild before the finishing blow, giving you a lot more cash. I've beaten this game about 2 times now after a lot of losses. That's the best start that I always go with.

13,817 posts

What are you crazy? Those people would of been listening, two years ago!


1,373 posts

I use allways cheat engine :3

5 posts

An other good tactic is killing people with sonic shocks and since none of you play on fizzy this you will need highly protection on tournements and this is the best way to avoid damage and burst your foes at the same time. When you start get 10 charisma. Then kill the prisoner and get 2 agi and 2 more charisma. Now since your in town you will need some arms. Fighting with charisma requires no wep but your mouth. However, while you are wearing an enchanted wep all your spells,taunts and even win the crowd move will have a chance to pop it.So to get a high %30 proc chance on our main ability taunt we will need an enchanted wep. Get your rusty dagger level 3 enchanted. Yes,this will cause only 3 damage but your foe will be stunned. You will need no more wep but that dagger through the game now and you can spend all your money on armors. Although since charisma makes crowd happier and makes you get huge discounts you will not need much money so be happy about the duels. Your stats must be like: Max 30 Min 10 Agi (you might need to run away to shout but never buy a swords buy a bow if you really like tough) Max 25(22 recommended 3 more for fat kid) Min 1 Macika (For weaken armor,regenerate) And get charisma and vitality in a balance as much as you can. Your taunt will get i think 3 more damage per charisma but my level 40 charismatic char could hit 500-600 per taunt. Taunt will be your main ability it will make crowd bit angry but I could will the crowd bar with 2 win the crowd and in end game, it will start with %100 so dont worry about it. Taunts will usually have %99 chance to SHOW ITS EFFECT and might be get lower due to your oppoment but it will not fall under 50 and no attack will not increase it, yes charisma will. Anyways, taunts have 3 effects to proc, 1-Damage(this will be increased by 3 points per charisma) 2-Enrage(will become really rare after like 30 charisma) 3-Fear(This is pretty useful while fighting melee combatants with like no agility) Note that taunt says %99 chance to hit it doesnt say %99 chance to use the 1st effect its %99 chance to use one of the effects. You might need some money and t odouble your gainings from duels you can try this. Fill the crowd bar before the taunts hit but i wouldnt recommend this if you have low low agility since you will be burned filling the bar. My own strategy is to one shot people with no armor and make ones with armor come to their last armor piece,fill the bar burst him. Get all the armors as you will reach its level and remember you inventory is a good spot to be filled up. MY inventory was like, 1-Weaken Armor 2-Weaken Armor 3-Swift Sandals(Please note that its not needed at all if you got more than 30 agi since itseffect is to double your agi and might be replaced with more useful spells like Little Fat Kid) 4-Regenerate(i have like 1.1k hp)5-Maximun Armor Elixir 6-Maximum Armor Elixir. Also you might need some stamina since my game is bugged and it counts me sleeping while I am taunting. And for the last my game has got an other bug which is, when my taunt caused,fear or enrage or has been blocked when ever i charge i pop the taunts base damage like 300 instead of 3.

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