This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!
Competition Rules 1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified. 2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged. 3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off. 4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week. 5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.
yeah I'm not going to be too strict on the punchline,but try to get it done definitely before 7 pm AG time.I can't judge after that time,as I still have homework to do as well.(yes I work on a schedule if you haven't noticed)but try not to stress yourself too much out about it.
yeah i just looked back at what I said before and don't know what I was thinking at the time.I can't believe that I got that screwed up mainly because at the beginning of each theme it says Deadline and when I started judging this theme I had to type that in myself,but its a bit ironic that you laughed(or giggled as you put it) about it(being that the word was punchline after all) so I guess it really doesn't matter too much,besides the fact that I made myself look a bit foolish once again.Still you get the idea right?My point with that was that if someone needs maybe an hour or two and its on the day of the Deadline then I can always wait a little while for that day,as long as it gets done within a reasonable amount of time.(as in within the day at least) so I am guessing that is how it will probably play out tomorrow if a situation like that presents itself(as in if someone say Zophia needs a bit more time for whatever reason)
Still I actually am glad I have the internet resources to look up definitions of words I'm not familiar Malaprop.
A malaprop is a word used or arranged incorrectly but resembles the proper word/usage. The reason it was funny was as you pointed out- and everybody makes these mistakes.
Alright today is the day,so I shall just wait for Zophia up till 7 pm AG time(my time zone) and after that I shall judge this theme.Thats all I really have to say for right now.
hmm OK so let me just take a bit of time real quick to look this all over.I also have plans for the winner since I did make a promise at the beginning of all of this...
This took longer then I expected it seems, well anyways here I go,with tradition I shall have the champions exhibit.
Champions Exhibit:Ubertuna Enough said
1st Place:Zophia-Each in their own bubble~ I actually liked this one quite a bit for the fact that it in a way showed a special type of culture.I noticed that everyone in the picture was literally in their own little bubble minding their own business,not caring about what was going on around them.The name of the .png file helped even more(wouldyouignorethesoundoftears.png)to come to this conclusion about this submission,and on top of that it just was overall an impressively drawn submission,and I think the sort of gray scale it had(or really just being colorless almost) kind of worked for the tone of it to me.So all-in-all I liked it,and thought it deserved this...
2nd Place:Strop While I can't say I know how to speak Chinese(or sadly any language besides English fluently)but it was interesting to know that Australia apparently has Chinese culture in it,which I did not know about before.Sadly back when I was yonug I guess the media kind of brainwashed me into thinking all Australians say Crikey and wear hats that look like the one Indiana Jones wears(its pretty bad I know,but at the time I never had met anyone from Australia before) but this kind of reminds me that stereotypes and assumptions are never a very smart thing to do.On top of that it was, to put it simply, well drawn and just as expected from Strop.
3rd Place:thoadthetoad I don't quite know why,but there is something about this submission that I liked.I think it may be the fact that it was hand drawn,or something,but all I can say is that I thought this should go as 3rd place.
4th Place(Cause thats how I judge):Gantic-Son of Sasquatch First off I just want to point out that I like 4 places instead of 3.Don't ask me why,but thats just me.So I decided to pull out a 4th place,and Gantic got it mainly because he managed to pull off Sasquatch's Appearance not just almost perfectly,but truly an uncanny resemblance,besides the fact that he didn't look angry,which wasn't really necessary,since his face is covered,which could be one of the reasons why you managed to not screw up a single thing about him that I could see(I'm a strong critic about fan art) but seeing as how you covered up his face it doesn't really quite matter,and he is supposedly Sasquatch's son so he doesn't necessarily have to be angry,but other then that it was also a well implemented art reference.So I gave it 4th place.
Other Entries with Categorization
Patriotic with Awesome Text
Cholokid The category says it all,but to go into detail the Army Strong I still think has some awesome effects to it,but I looked at overall more well drawn art first,before certain parts of them that I looked good,but still this one came close to getting one of the top 4.
Simplistic Yet Satisfying
To say it simply(no pun intended....possibly)this was a well drawn,but quite simple submission,that made it hard for me to give it a place in the top 4,and seeing as the art is simple so shall be my explanation,so...yeah.
While it probably may not be too simplistic artistically it is overall simplistically for the fact that it is just a floating book in front of a sun background with some writing.It just seemed simple to me,but still I like the background.
I still don't quite understand why some of you guys found it funny,and shouldn't assume that just because Carlie found it funny that the current judge would have the same opinion about it.Now its still good,but I just don't get whats so funny about it thats all.Maybe I should have paid more attention in biology,or maybe look at it a bit differently.Still I think it seems like you are improving(artistically) though oddly enough.Thats about all I can say about this one.
OK so that is all of them at least from what I can tell.It took me way longer then I thought it would,so yeah I didn't exactly expect it to take me 3 hours to judge,but maybe that because I spent some extra time making the trophy and making sure I don't screw anything up(although as history of this competition shows I probably still screwed something up anyways as tradition) but anyways thats my judging.If you haven't noticed,its hard for me to actually act serious in this forum section even as a judge(contender) so I added a few things in there for fun.
YAAAY I GOT 3RD! Holy fragginchrist I think it's a miracle.....or a freebie. I hope it's not the freebie. If so, I'll have to OD....again....this time without drinking water......fuck.
LOL I love the framed poster you did for zophia, Crimson. That's a really nice personal touch.
'grats to Zophia, at first I thought well, to be blunt, "another emo entry", but to be more honest it's an incisive commentary on the state of modern urban life. Thus I agree that its first placing was well deserved.
Australians say Crikey and wear hats that look like the one Indiana Jones wears
Baahahahaha. Only Bogans would do something like that. Then again there are a ton of them around...Except these days nobody wears Akubra hats anymore >:
sorry I don't typically do freebies when it comes to contests.So let me make it clear,that you didn't get third as a freebie.I just like your submission.To tell you the truth it was actually one of the best ones(in my opinion) that I have seen from you,but I just couldn't find a way to be specific about what exactly I liked about it.Thats all not a freebie though.