This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!
Competition Rules 1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified. 2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged. 3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off. 4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week. 5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.
one being the GM for a bunch of hyper active ten-year-olds... *low sigh*
That does not sound fun o_O
My fiances old roommate was a DM, so I got drawn into it a few years back. I always get the weirdest looks from people when I tell them I am off to play D&D... lol.
Hey Cenere... That Ent thing doesn't have anything to do with Dragons or Dungeons
There are Ents in the Manual, Kai is dressed in the brightly coloured version of the explorer-clothing from the player's handbook, and so on... So how is that not DnD?
That does not sound fun o_O
It was... crap.
My fiances old roommate was a DM, so I got drawn into it a few years back. I always get the weirdest looks from people when I tell them I am off to play D&D... lol.
I have a hyperactive imagination and a rather good ability for playing someone else, I guess I might be a wonderful live-player, but never got a chance to try it out.
There are Ents in the Manual, Kai is dressed in the brightly coloured version of the explorer-clothing from the player's handbook, and so on... So how is that not DnD?
As I said... Every time you post something I don't understand it. XD WTF????? Whats Dnd? What manual? Did this thread have a manual? Who is Kai anyways? Players? WTF!!!!!!
Zega... *sigh* DnD = Dungeons and Dragons. The Manual = The Monster Manual, the book where all the monsters' stats are written down along with a decription. No, but this thread have rules. Kai is my OC (Original Character), the guy in the blue coat and with the red hair. He is featured in a good amount of my works, both written and drawn, so if you have been to my art thread, you would know him. Players = the people who play the game (I JUST LOST THE GAME), the term for any roleplayer. Players have characters. WTF = What the Fluff.
*crawls under a rock instead* My rock...of emo *head's smashed opeN* it's okay, I intended this...only with a gun... oh well.
one being the GM for a bunch of hyper active ten-year-olds... *low sigh*
Now if only I was 18 and knew where you lived, maybe then I could finally start DnD :P
FUCK NOW I DID TOO!!! Way to go pacjesus, rofl. I sometimes go to Zophia's profile and just say: "Hey Zoph, guess what? You just lost the game" BUT ROFL DARNZ U!!! Srsly, that just BARELY sparked the memory of the game, GUAAAHHH. .... WTF = What the Fluff. NO credit goes to me, some guy (or girl, most likely girl) on DA posted it, I just cropped this segment, lol.
The Manual = The Monster Manual, the book where all the monsters' stats are written down along with a decription. No, but this thread have rules.
O_O You have made a manual for just this time? O_O Now that's what I call A waste of time. OFC THIS THREAD HAS RULES! XD
Kai is my OC (Original Character), the guy in the blue coat and with the red hair. He is featured in a good amount of my works, both written and drawn, so if you have been to my art thread, you would know him.
Ah, so that's his name. I have seen him before, but I have never known what his name is... Until now that is.
Players = the people who play the game (I JUST LOST THE GAME), the term for any roleplayer.
*hand-slaps face* I know what players are... But what game? D:
O_O You have made a manual for just this time? O_O Now that's what I call A waste of time. OFC THIS THREAD HAS RULES! XD
Zega, the monster manual is a book. Go to your local library or rp-store, ask for dnd-monster manual. There should be the main one with 2 or 3 extension...
*hand-slaps face* I know what players are... But what game? D:
What game? What are you refering to now... Player's handbook is another of the core books for DnD, just as the monster manual is. And if you do not know the Game, then, you are not that much of a geek as most of us are... Try googling some of these terms, huh?
@KR: AWESOME! *looks up at d100 with a smirk* I have a d100!:P
"The Game" Majorly making people losing the Game. It is on the internet, as well as reallife, and probably just as annoying if not worse than a rickroll. I lack idea for competition! Feed my brain!!