This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!
Competition Rules 1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified. 2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged. 3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off. 4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week. 5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.
Why is it necessary? Why don't you use a computer that you own instead?
well in the way of moderation he said
"Oh wait.. I am in Germany and am doing all my work through Strop.. that means the internet isnt suppose to work here...NO!....fffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"
If the internet is down I just go to the library t'is cheaper
The Library is a part of my school, which is a mile away, and we're not allowed to use the one and only computer there.
Then you better hope your internet doesn't break then.
related story:
I read a book about a man who went across america on a road trip breaking as many "dumb" laws as possible (you can get arrested for that) (not that I'm advertising but it is a great book). He sent emails home just about every time he stopped in a state so joined dozens of libraries all over America.... so many library cards >.>
Hmm, you know what. I think I will judge tomorrow morning. That way it will be more round-like and all. Normal rhytmn of judgings will hopefully begin again.
"Poltergeist [...] denotes an invisible spirit or ghost that manifests itself by moving and influencing objects" -Wikipedia
Anyway: Champion exhibition: Zega. Looks nice, you are getting a lot better.
First place Pixie I am going to be slightly unfair about thi, and say Pixie won because he is the only one portraying a poltergeist. I know a few did mention throwing things, and saying it is a poltergeist, but whatever Wikipedia says, a poltergeist is not an actual ghost, but rather energy from frustrated teenage kids that makes a mess. Even with the Wikipedia definition, I will still say Pixie deserves to win, as he is showing the poltergeist and all. And bad weather too.
And I promised Zophia I would behave.
Second place: KingRyan Zophia said it was funny and she liked it very much, so I will let this in on the second place. It actually looks rather good, KR, and the colours are quite well picked too.
Third place in two parts. One is Alt with the demotivational: And I would say throwing an umbrella would help, at least if you throw it at yourself. On the other hand, spirits probably do not care about rain.
The other is Crimson: You are really getting some nice expressions on your characters these days. Sad those are not in the WoM.
For the rest: Tuna: This looks really good, but sadly is more geist than polter, I will have to say. Amusing none the less.
Estel: What the... That is one creepy ghost, and a mean one too. Sadly, even though the guy is supposed to be the victim, I will hope for the ghost, the umbrella will not catch a lightning.
Snake: Scared ghost is scared. What is the coloured dots, btw?
10tonsss: It looks... It looks rather well, though the moon is a little too smudgy. Not so much ghost or bad weather, though.
Goumas: What is Estel tree doing there? And the scream, and Death... I think I need to make the theme more simple, it seems. Most of the entries are more "Ghost (stories)" than anything else. But what else would I have expected from Ghost and thunderstorm.
Dudeguy: continues the theme of death into this one. Maybe not the view you want to see, it might be the last you ever see.
Guitarhero: Retardom, it is here. And it is not that bad for a paintjob.
Superpickle: Pure ghost, really. Oh well, we understand why them ghosts are trying to eat pacman now, at least.
That was all. Not the best round, I have to admit, not the best judging either, but that is how it is.
So, to ease it up a little, the next theme will be: Theme: Des(s)ert Deadline: 17th