This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!
Competition Rules 1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified. 2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged. 3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off. 4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week. 5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.
Kyu. ... I can't post any pictures along with this for the ones who didn't post a link to their submission, because my browser is still being strange with that... "Copy image location", I miss thee... All missing entries can be found between page 678 and this page.
But anyway.
Zega You really do show some nice progress with your shading skills here. You've come a long way with your techniques since you started entering the ASC.
Kirby998 New leaves~ It's nice with the spring regrowth, no? Nifty owl.
kacboy Who seemingly didn't leave a link! Nice continuation, the fella's still cute, though the theme of the pic is more recycling than renewing~
goumas13 Again the url issue... I'm not sure which side is the renewed one, as strips are usually read from left to right (when not in Asia), but the right side looking more wobbly then the left. Good concept, though.
Klaushouse It drops, and it grows and it grows and it grows and ... it BURNS. I'm slightly wtf'd out by this, but, okay.
SilentQ Link to hugetastic scan. *grins* I could totally see something like that being advertised... Heh~ You should take Bronze's suggestion for the shine, though, leaving some of the white from the paper to shine thorugh would probably help you get the shiny effect.
whimsyboy And again. ... That's what I call incoming destruction, not renewal...
Cenere Again, but it's liek right up above this post or at the bottom of last page... PHOENIX! Fwoosh. Amazingly creepy looking chicken on fire. O_o...
By now you may have noticed a distinct lack of a top three. That's because I haven't figured it out yet... This is just a list of the entries in order, with their comments... I'll return shortly with the winners. Shortly hopefully not being the usual month. x_x
Armed with the almighty ban hammer, anti-spam sign, and 5 o' clock shadow, the AG mod climbs to the top of Armor Castle, vigilantly watching for any trolls hoping to invade the city.
I couldn't get the beard to work in Flash, so I did it in GIMP then realised I hadn't done the did them in GIMP, which is why they look bad...