Well, it seems that this contest is finally about to get judged....after only...hmm lets see...
New theme: Stick figure pwnage
Deadline: December 27th
So almost 2 months later! Its ok Zoph...we don't blame you for anything...*hands vookie?*
OK...I suppose I should get on with the judging...
ANIMATION CONTEST JUDGEMENT - STICK FIGURE PWNAGEThe theme was a relatively easy one when you think about it. There are probably tonnes of people out on the net who are Pivot animators...because it is so easy to do! Just move a limb and press enter...thats the basics off it! Stick Figures are almost the easiest thing to animate...apart from squares maybe...or invisible dots...or a polar bear in a snow storm....but anyway...I am surprised that there weren't more entries...
I have a small background in Animation...I find animations are easier to make look effective than a still image. For example it is easier to make an animation of a stickman jumping than trying to draw a still of a stickman jumping. I do my animation in a combination of GIMP and Pivot. My most recent animations have been based around Charlie (my MWT character) but with a bit of a different slant. I have been aiming for humour...by using exploding Capsicums! These animations can be found on Youtube - Just search for Charlie and the Capsicum.
Sadly...I have to disqualify two entries...
Talo's and
Natmoon's entries were not made for the competition...they were actually made years ago and so cannot be regarded as entries. Although it does not say so in the rules on the first page - this is a rule that is constant over all of the Art Comps. Sorry Talo and Natmoon...your animations were great, but sadly cannot be counted.
Time for Judgment.
Champions ExhibitUmm...Well...it seems that I win this...because I won last week.
here is the link to my animation...called Mouse Attack. Made in Pivot.
The idea for this animation came from watching one of those Animator Vs. Animation movies. Thats all I really have to say.
Third Place - Esuna2400

I quite liked your entry Esuna...It is very effective, however there are a few problems with it. Firstly...the stickman shrinks...that must hurt! The second and main reason that I had a problem with your entry was that I had no idea what the text said. It was maybe up on screen for half a second...so I am still puzzled on what it says. If the text had been readable...you would have probably came first or second.
Second Place - Jaq267

I have to say well done for this entry. It was cleverly animated and it uses Pivot's 'Insert Sprite' function to its full advantage. The guns are really well drawn, and even the stick figures helmets looked good. I don't really have a problem with this animation, except for the fact that it made it so hard to pick who came first. I hope to see more from you in later competitions Jaq...even if it means I have to convince you to come on AG just to post it.
First Place - Strop

Well...It seems that once again Strop the Bogan and his amazing Tablet skills have beaten everyone else! This is very, very good and if it had been drawn properly, instead of badly-drawn like it says, it would have gotten first place easily and I wouldn't have had to decided between first and second. The whole zooming and angle changing...it shows that you have a good understanding of that stuff...Again well done! Oh...and you just have to give your stickpeople hair and then they will be Fancy Pants Dudes!
Post on Zoph's Profile for a merit (which you don't need)...~~~~~~~~~~~~~
OTHER ENTRIESThese are in the order of which Cenere posted them on the previous page.
The 'I like Elephants' and 'I Will Make and Animation when KingRyan Tells Me To' Award - 3rin_xoxo
This entry was done by one of my friends at school. I managed to force her into doing it in one of our lessons, then uploaded it too my photobucket and got her to post it. It is her first animation, so I think that she did a very good job with it. I hope that I can force her into making more animations in the near future.
The 'I like Attacking Walls' Award - Jaza_m
Nice to see some fresh talent. This is a very good idea for an animation and I can see that you have lots of potential. It was slightly jumpy at times, but overally very good. I hope to see more from you in coming comps!
The Monobrow Award - Thoadthetoad
Lol...love the Monobrow Thoad, love the monobrow! I can understand why the little people wanted to attack the big person...they wanted to steal his monobrow so that they could make clothes and material! An awesome idea, and a very good twist on the theme. I think you should add Monobrow man to you LolWhut franchise!
The 'I Can Survive a Bullet to the Head' Award - Aaron is CoolThe CheatThis is an interesting animation...made in an intersting program which I believe would make animation a whole lot easier. I loved the way the guy got shot in the head...then got up and asked what happened. And its nice to see big kids with guns
sticking up for little kids. (No Pun Intended :P)
The 'I almost forgot it' Award - Cenere 
I seriously almost forgot this entry. I was about to click post when I checked the page and saw your entry! Sorry Cenere! Well done on the entry though....except his mouth is a little crazy...
Well that is it for judging. It only took me about an hour...
Well done to everyone for their awesome entries...and I hope too see everyone participating in future rounds. Someone has to beat Strop!
Next Round
[b]Theme = Superheroes!
Closing Date = 21st of March or thereabouts...
Happy Animating!