Alrighty, this has been brewing in the artistic minds of a few AGers lately - an animation contest!
Similar to the Art Skills Competition we need a few rules in place (largely copy/pasted, so credits to Carlie for parts of this): 1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program (GIMP is a nice free one with a build in animation filter - google it). Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified. 2. Submissions must follow the current theme. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged. 3. If your animation is larger than 630 pixels wide, please provide a link to the animation instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the animation will be cut off. 4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week. Unless only one person submits......let's hope that doesn't happen!
Alright, let's see if this kicks off. First theme will be ~ Jumping. It's a basic thing to learn in animation, and it can be anything from a pixelated blob performing up/down motions, to - anything jumping. Like: I don't know who will do the judging yet (will be me, if no one else (like Strop?) decides they'll do it). Deadline for first round will be October 20th, since animation is a somewhat time consuming process. Go make those pixels jump!
although I would have to say Sasquatch looks better in still images than in animations
Thats because Flash doesn't support raster art very well so when I published it,it got really weird and poor quality.The rest was laziness admittedly.I seriously need an idea for this theme.
Thats because Flash doesn't support raster art very well so when I published it,it got really weird and poor quality.The rest was laziness admittedly.I seriously need an idea for this theme.
*anger twitching* YOU HAVE FLASH NOW TOO?!!?!?!?!?!!??!?!!?one?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!eleven?!!?!?!?!?!?!? HAAAAAAAAAATE SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM
I got the whole Web Premium.Didn't you ever see the image?
I made this just for this special occasion: GWAAAAAAH YOU LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY GWAAAAH I WISH I WAS YOU *seizurezeizureseizureseizuresiezureseizurezeizureseizureseizuresiezure*
well keep in mind it is a student version,so I can't make a profit out of it,but I am surprised you never noticed for all of this time,even after I have been talking about it all of this time.I mean how does that happen?Anyways on another note I just found out Arax_Nisanu was actually SwitchFoot apparently.
.I mean how does that happen?Anyways on another note I just found out Arax_Nisanu was actually SwitchFoot apparently.
I thought you had photoshop, not the whole package.
Have you gone through all the programs? By now I'd have tried out each one of 'em.
You see, the reason with all the envy is because it's both a dream and a goal of mine to become a game designer. With the adobe package I'm sure I could learn all sorts of skills. Especially flash, photoshop, and dreamweaver. Of course I'd see what anything else could do. Either way, that's the reason why I have such envious eyes at that screenshot *twitch* I'm cool now, I'm cool now.
Anyways, in order to make this not total spam and this is for animations, how'd you like my hatespam anim?
Yes,the only ones I haven't really created anything in yet are live cycle and Fireworks.Now admittedly I have used Fireworks to resizing an image for web site use,but as a note I have yet to learn all too much about Action Script yet,since most sources don't start from the basics on how to use Action Script.Its quite a difficult language for me to rap my head around.I actually find it more irritating then C++ to tell you the truth. I am hoping to learn it soon though. I think Photo Shop is by far much easier to use, and is probably the most user friendly of the programs(as long as it doesn't glitch up on me all the time) If you want proof I just made this earlier today...
how'd you like my hatespam anim?
It was fairly interesting,and angry looking I suppose.
But then....but...hmm...where did you get this information...?
From the person himself
If he hasn't been banned yet by the time you look at the link, he claims to be both Switchfoot Fallingup and Arax_Nisanu, it would explain why he got banned wouldn't it?
*prepares missile strike on Crimson's Computer so that Thoad will stop being envious*
Should I get the M90 machine gun?
But ah, I see. good to know that you're making full use then.
I'm actually trying to see if I can understand python and C. I should look at some binary scripts, too. hmm....Or should I just wait till I get the equipment? The world may never know.
If he hasn't been banned yet by the time you look at the link, he claims to be both Switchfoot Fallingup and Arax_Nisanu,
W...wasn't SwitchFoot a huge troller or something? I never really knew much about the guy, but since Arax_Nirasu was a major in the GFX art battle...what does that make him look like? I would accuse of art theft by now :P
Yeah....that is weird though...because someone would have had to have been active at that time to know about them....its not like it could be a member just making a joke...