ForumsGame Walkthroughswarlords:call to arms guide

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Heres a guide of the troops and weaknesess in Warlords:Call to Arms

Swordsman-a tough unit but does not have that much range.hard to kill due to its fast attack kill just use some halberders or horse men on it.

Spearman-a medium unit.has a long range but kinda weak armor.easy to kill with swords man.

Archer-a medium unit.easy to kill from close range but tough in long range.fires arrows at your troops.any unit can kill it.

Scout-a weak unit.soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy to kill.good for attacking empty spots of the enemy.any unit will kill it.

Mage-a medium unit.easy to kill at close range but hard in long range.fires a ball of magic at you.any unit can kill it.

Horsemen-strong units on horses.good for driving the enemy back.weak with archers, spearmen, or swordsmen.

Mountain Troll-a suuuuuuuper tough hit of its weapon is kill, i suggest that you should use a lot of swordsmen, spearmen, long swordsmen, or horsemen.

Whirler-a tough unit.hard to kill due to its weapon, the whirl kill, just use swordsmen, lots of swordsmen on it.

Spearmaster-an upgraded spearman.very hard to kill due to its flipping and fast kill use lots of swords man.

Flailer-a very tough unit.uses a weapon called the flail.this unit can deal devastating damages to your kill just simply use horsmen or spearmen.

Spear Thrower-an easy unit.easy to kill due to its slow speed of kill use long ranged units or horse men.

Royal Guard-a very tough unit.armed with a long lance, this unit is hard to kill.its hard to go neer this unit too because of its long range kill use archers or spear throwers.

Axe Thrower-a medium unit.very easy to kill because it only focuses in long kill, just use any unit with a medium or high armor.

Thats my guide.
Hope this guide helps you in the game people.

  • 2 Replies
230 posts

Thnx, that is usefull. now i can improvise onto the weaknesses wich im good in that kind of games.

2 posts

Pro:Fastest production, fast movement, High Attack Speed and easy to massiving and rush a single line and deal with archer at far away.
Con:weak to many kinds of units, no amount no use.
How to Kill:A swordsman is enough. If it is quite near your own spawn line,Halberdier could be a faster choice.

Pro:High attack rate with medium attack(higher DPS),tough but still produce faster than any other strong unit. Good for massiving and good to deal with very strong unit, when grouped in single line.
Con:Too normal that usually forget their existence. Attack Range are short.
How to Kill:Halberdier could hit them for longer range and take it down without being touched. Or simply Long swordsman.

Pro:Hit enemy from far,nearly unbeatable if greatly massived.
Con:Slow movement, Low attack rate, Weak when close. hard to deal with fast, tough units, especially mounted.
How to Kill: Mounted units is the best, but usually replace it by spearman, swordsman or axeman.

Pro: High firepower, long attack range,fast production(only slower than spearman and scout) hence ideal on spawn line defense.
Con: Slow movement, weak to ranged units at far away.
How to Kill:Ranged unit.

Pro:High attack and fast movement. Strike when moving thus drive enemy back away.
Con:slower production(Slowest among the basic units.)weaker than swordsman, easily being outranged.(My axeman always killed by enemy halberdier.)
How to Kill: Swordsman,Halberdier(My own choice.).

Pro:VERY fast movement and fast product. Good for rush through the no man lane.
Con:VERY weak.
How to Kill: anything will do.

Pro:Higher firepower (compare to archer),a little bit faster than archer.
Con:Very weak, easily being intercepted by halberdier.
how to kill: some spearman, axeman or halberdier when near.

Long Swordsman
Pro:High firepower, longer attack range.
Con:low attack rate, easily be taken down by unit group.Not very strong but with pretty slow production. Hard to be massive.
How to kill:Halberdier, two or three will be better.

Mounted Spearman
Pro:Very fast and tough, higher attack rate and stable and useful when drive enemies back.
Con:very slow production,not so strong on attacking, usually grouping the enemy units and make nasty situation.
How to Kill:a group of spearman(about 5-6) or swordsman or few halberdier.

Mounted Halberdier
Pro:Fastest, strongest firepower among common units.
Con:very slow production, not so tough, lower attack rate, easily ignored enemy units, also grouping the enemy units and make nasty situation.
How to Kill:a group of spearman or few swordsman or halberdier.

Unique Unit
I haven't use all of them so needs more comment or opinion of using or facing.
V=Very strong unit:Slow production with very tough ability.
S=Special unit:Not as strong as above but stronger than basic unit. normal production time.

Human Alliance:King's Guard(Swordsman)Type:V
Pro:Strongest swordsman with long attack range and tough armor. Stable to rush an no-one lane.
Con:Not so good at dealing with long reach or the ranged,some attack motion is a bit long.
How to Kill: Mage, or bunch of spearman or swordsman.

Night Elves:Whirler(Independent)Type:V
Pro:Very high attack rate, move when attack, long reaching.
Con:Weak to ranged units, not so tough to deal with tough unique units.
How to Kill: swordsman, more is better.
North Orc:Battle Axeman(Halberdier)Type:S
Pro:Fast production(Same as halberdier) and movement, high firepower(among common unit), higher attack rate.
Con:useless when facing very strong unit(mades North Orc are rather weak when chargeing),
How to kill: few swordsman, or archer.

Pro:Very strong and tough, move while attack,also good at dealing with long reach unit.faster movement.
Con: slower production,weak when facing group enemies.
How to Kill: Bunch of Swordsman, or simply other very strong unit?

Wood Elves:?(Never seen)

West Men:Javelin Thrower(Ranged)Type:S
Pro:Fast attack rate(so stronger when enemy is near), medium power, good at dealing very strong units, easy to massive.
Con: shorter attack range, useless when single.

Mountain Troll:Giant Troll(Independent)Type:V
Pro:Strongest power but not so slow, longest reaching melee, fast attack rate.usually one-shot killing so not so easy to group enemies. Ideal at dealing very strong units.
Con:Slowest Production, easily being ignored.
How to Kill: No effective killing method is found by me. Maybe grouped spearmen, swordsman or axeman with well-upgraded?
South Orc:Axe Thrower(Archer)Type:S
Pro:fast production, Stronger Archer?(seems not so strong to be a threat though) Maybe nasty when massived.
Con:Same as any other ranged units.
How to Kill:Spearman or swordsman.
Pro:Fast attack rate, tough, double attack motion, fast movement and a bit faster production.
Con:very long attack motion, long reach but could be take down by long reachers.
How to Kill:Bunch of Halberdier.
Welcome to discuss or criticize!

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