Individually, humans hunting deer, rabbits, ducks, and other animals.. that's just a natural law of survival.
We have a right to kill and torture animals, because, unfortunately, might makes right. However to me, saying that we have RIGHT to kill them because they are inferior really just bothers me. If you kill them because you like killling, I disagree with your motivations, but as long as the meat is used, I can accept it. If you are hunting for food, then I absolutely have no quarrels with the practice, as it is by nature necessary to feed ourselves.
Compound that with the fact that many of the animals we hunt haven't got any natural predators any more (we wiped most them out as they were a threat to us), and I would say that, in fact, killing an animal in a habitat that is over carrying capacity is in fact a humane practice, as you are saving it from a slow death from starvation.
Although that's just answering the is it right 'to kill' aspect of the question, and now for the more relevant one, should animals have rights?
I say absolutely. To me, saying that an animal is inferior gives us complete power over them is ridiculous. Every animal is a biological marvel, a perfect expression of form that best suits the environment in which it lives. That being said, I do not disagree with the practice of domestication, as it is a necessity in order to more effectively utilise land to supply a growing population. However, during its life, it should be observed that animals can feel pain and have emotions. Though the ultimate goal is to kill them for food, practice like those being shown below, should not, and connat be allowed.

As I have said before, animals do have feelings, though not, perhaps as developed as those of a human's. They should not obviously be accorded to the same status as a person, but I think that the rule of thumb should be ''Could I do this to another person without getting into legal trouble?'' Right up tot he point where we kill them, that is.