You corrupt the previous posters wish than make your own wish. Begin!I wish for a pony! (lul)
Wish is too hard to grant.I wish for a tamed dragon that does as I command
Wish granted, but he's destroyed by the navy!I wish your dragon rpg did exist!
granted. YOUR dragon rpg doesn't exist anymore.i wish for nothing.
Wish granted. Then a midget riding on a pink pony stabs you in the chest and you nearly die.I wish I had a bullet-proof suit.
wish granted,but then you get shot since your suit proved that bullet exist.I wish i had wings....chicken wings.....
wish granted, the wings are still atached to a giant chicken and it eats you.I wish for knowledge
wish granted,so a guy saws off your head and puts books in it.I wish I had crap!
wish granted, then a guy saws of your head and puts me inside >I want glory
Granted, you are an idiot, you say "What do I do with knowledge? WHAT DO I DO!"*suffocates yourself under the pressure*I wish for a grand piano
wish granted, you have to assemble it yourslef though, and you only have on screw >I wish for glory
Wish granted, but then the zombie apocalypse occurs and all that fame goes to waste.I wish for a hot dog.
wish granted so someone gives you a hot dog.I wish to commit suicide can't beat that!
You do it, you go to hellI wish for warmth
wish granted but then a cold wave strikes.I wish i owned armor
Granted, Google then buys it from you, 'cause you can't run a websiteI wish for double dishes
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