You corrupt the previous posters wish than make your own wish. Begin!I wish for a pony! (lul)
granted, you fail epicly, wich is epic, but not so much a faili wish this wish was corrupted
*skips*I wish I had a good book.
granted, you get a book that has many awards and is considered good, but it isnt the genre you likei wish my wishs wouldnt be skiped
*ignores*I wish I had a blue carpet.
granted, but you stain itI wished mods wouldnt ruin "count to 100"
granted. but the genie spills his raspberry shake by accident and stains it red.i wish i own a glider with no holes in the wings.
Granted, but you fall to your death while foolishly attempting to glide across the Grand Canyon.I wish I had a Coke.
granted, but you got a bad one that accidentally had dr pepperi wish i had rule over the underworld.
Granted, you become as miserable as Hades was and bear the curse of being stuck eternally in the underworld.I wish I had a piece of paper.
granted, but the paper is wet.i wish i had some gold bricks.
Granted, you get bricks dipped in gold paint.I wish for a katana.
granted. now if only you had the skill to use it. *Watches him swing wildly and cut himself alot.*i wish for the ability to use Rasengan!
Granted. You are now some background character that nobody cares about or even knows exists.I wish The Onion was still in print for where I live.
Granted. You get a smelly piece of paper that makes your eyes water. It reads 'The Onion'.I wish for laser vision.
Granted, but in a totally unforseeable and tragic accident you over heat the earths' core and in essence blow it up... (You horrible monster.)I wish for a new earth!
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