ForumsArt, Music, and Writing[Necro] Favorite Bands

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Just a place to write your favorite bands. If you want just list them. But if you feel like it, write a little bit about why you like them. Here are my favorite bands.

A great band. I love how they've evolved and changed there sound on each new album. Personally I like Crisis the best. The singing is much better and the screaming is understandable.

Billy Talent
If you don't know these guys, check them out. I really like them. I think the first album is better than their second. But I like them both. They have a new album coming out soon!

Bloc Party
They're British, what do you need to know? But I'll right some stuff anyway. Catchy riffs. And it's super cool how they go from romantic songs like (I Still Remember) to politically minded songs about the state of our world (The Price of Gasoline, Hunting for Witches) Look them up. Also putting about a new album soon.

Los Camposinos!
They're Welsh. I love there music. Go listen to the starting guitar riff of You! Me! Dancing! Just genious. They have there second album out now. I haven't heard it yet, but I'm going to get it soon. It's a limited sale.

Marianas Trench
A super cool band. Great songs and the singer is really talented. Favorite song by them is Vertigo. I've learned to play some of there stuff (On guitar) and it's really creative.

My Chemical Romance
I think Welcome to the Black Parade, is there best album to date. The poetry in a lot of there songs is really good, and the instrumental parts can be really good on a lot of there songs. Some songs by them are kind of mediocre though. I'm not going to name them to avoid a flame war.

Protest the Hero
Much darker and more hardcore than the other bands I listen to. I was turned onto them by a friend and found out a really liked them. I'm not going to lie, they guitar work is amazing (Please don't flame the fact that most of his stuff is just shredding arpeggios unless you can play them better than he can.) Check out Bloodmeat, The Dissentience, The Divine Suicide of K. and Sequoia Throne.

Three Days Grace
Another great band I think. The music is in some ways a lot like MCRs (My Chemical Romance) But I think it's brighter. I like a lot more songs off there second album than their first.

Those are my favorite bands. So lets see yours. Please don't turn this thread into a flame war about the best and. That's what its not titled 'Best Band Ever" it's about YOUR favorite bands. Also if you ever want to talk about music just give me a shout on my profile and well start a thread. Cya!

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207 posts

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41 posts

My favorite has to be Disturbed, since they usually make different sounding songs all the time, and almost all of them are good, while half or more are amazing, but that's just my taste.

I also like a few songs from three days grace.

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