Just slap whoever posts above you with anything you feel like.ex: ???????????? just got slapped with a _____________.
I slap you with things and stuff and vagaries
I slap you with how it looks like I'm posting with myself.
I slap you with the fact that that amuses me
I slap you with the fact that it amuses me too!
I slap you with nearly a full page of the same armatar XD
I slap you with me with a hat.
I slap you with you on holiday, in sunshades
I slap you with clancy.
I slap you with a cheese triangle
I slap you with my future biology test.
I slap you with my past physics test.
I slap you with your 2222th post.
I slap you with scooby doo. Still predictable.
I slap you with Mel Brooks.
I slap you with confusion, and insomnia
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