Just slap whoever posts above you with anything you feel like.ex: ???????????? just got slapped with a _____________.
I slap you with the Hulk-Buster armor. I hope this movie will impress me. I've been disappointed lately with Marvel movies.
I slap you with a cow
I slap you with a pig.
I slap you with this thread
I slap you with "You must wait 30 seconds before commenting again."
I slap you with a morning star.
I slap myself with a mirror.
I slap you with your reflection.
I slap you with a ticket for flying without a permit.
I slap you with a rain of arrows.
I slap you with a ghost
I slap you with a zombie.
I slap you with a ghoul.
I slap you with an imp.
I slap you with a limb
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