Just slap whoever posts above you with anything you feel like.ex: ???????????? just got slapped with a _____________.
I slap you with lag.XD
I recover and slap you with lag directly.
Islap you with a lag-heavy game.It is basically 1 FPS
I slap you with the fact we aren't talking about real life.#RisingFromTheFlames
I slap you with extreme cold. While your'e complaining,i slap you with the words "Go stand in the corner,it's 90 degrees!"
I slap you by clarifying "extreme cold",which is apparently 200 degrees Fahrenheit below antarctic temperature.
I slap yuo with a closing microwave door,then cook you for 10 minutes.
I slap you with the fact that you cant be testing,it's 8:28 pm.
I slap you with Before you go,Check your profile XD
I slap you with imagination.
I slap you with your lack of imagination.
I slap you with deceit.
I slap you with a shadow
I slap yuo with lifght
I slap you with the phrase 'That was a typo!"
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