Just slap whoever posts above you with anything you feel like.ex: ???????????? just got slapped with a _____________.
I slap you with a lighter
I am scared to slap you.
I slap you with @UnleashedUponMankind
paralysisTerror just got slapped with a giant sour patch kid.
I slap you with spam. A can of spam to be exact,
I slap you with $!
I slap you with %.
I slap you with blubber.
I slap you with ~!@#$%^&*()_+|
I slap you with a spam hammer.
I slap you with a Flame Hammer.
I slap you with a white squid.
I slap you with a cooked white squid.
I Slap you with #&%.
I slap you with salt.
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